Going on vacation to the beach soon, how can i watch my diet

When we go to the beach, we don't eat right.. Being around all that water & swimming makes me so hungry and at the beach we eat out every day because its easier and takes less time. How can i control my appetite at the beach, i just want to ea tall the time down there, and its my husband's idea to go to the beach this year, i would rather just go to the mountains, and say home and work on loosing weight this summer.


  • rikkijanet
    rikkijanet Posts: 12
    Am I a horrible person for saying don't go? I think I may be. It's your husband and he wants to go so I guess you can't just say no. But I have taken myself out of situations where I know I'm not going to do well until my will power gets stronger. I'm very new to this weight loss journey and so my will power still isn't where it needs to be. So when friends ask me to go out to eat, I just say how about a movie instead? Because I know I can't trust myself in a restaurant in front of all those choices. At least not yet anyway. Maybe you could persuade your husband not to go this time.......maybe compromise something else. That way you don't have to be unhappy your whole vacation because you can't eat all the crap the beach tries to sell you. I don't know if this helped or not but either way good luck!
  • lbewley3
    lbewley3 Posts: 96 Member
    We went on a beach vacation in February and I was worried about staying on track with both food and exercise, but we rented bikes (very reasonable cost) and rode them on the beach. Between pedaling through the sand and dealing with the sea breeze, it was a great workout several times a day, so I was able to eat some 'junk' and not do too badly.
  • patty9013
    patty9013 Posts: 230 Member
    It's your vacation.....go enjoy it!!! Take some healthy snacks and bottled water with you on days they you are on the beach. And try to make the healthiest choices. You will prob suprise yourself and do it without even realizing it. Just remember it's a vacation and if you don't always make the best choices when you get back home. And get back on track when you bet back home. There are lots of thing you can do for exercise at the beach.....riding bikes, walk/run in the sand, sightseeing. etc. etc. Go have fun and be positive. You can do it and will be fine!! :smile:
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    I hear ya- and I can't say I have the most supportive spouse either. I don't think he's DELIBERATELY sabotaging my efforts, but his out of the blue enticements to "hey, let's go out to eat" DON'T help right now. Still just new to this journey too- and learning how to make choices since I can't isolate myself from the summer socializations.

    Vacations are good- maybe this one scenario isn't the BEST place- but if you CAN'T find a compromise ( at least for this summer)- then PLAN ahead and pack LOTS of healthy snacks and DRINK LOTS OF WATER- those will be MUCH BETTER choices. And you have a built in gym there, ya know. LOTS of places to walk and water aerobics- you have a choice- don't have to just sit, lay and eat.

    Be sure to communicate how important his support is to you at this point- I've gotten to where I reply to my hubby- if he's being a hindrance to my goal- "HEY, WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU WORKING FOR ANYHOW?" haha
  • jlanab
    jlanab Posts: 89 Member
    IMO beach food (if you choose wisely) can be healthier. Most seafood is low in calories (different types of fish, shellfish...) you can pair it with sides of brown rice and veggies. Snack on fruits(usually readily available in beach locations). When I travel internationally I take a box of either high fiber or high protein weight smart oatmeal w/ me. I use the coffee machine to boil the water and most hotels already have prepackaged sugar if you need it. Its your vacation and you should enjoy it and use it as an excuse to eat some different types of food. If you want to go all out just order what you want but DELIBERATELY eat half, right away seperate your plate and portions. Limit yourself to one drink per day (Pina Colada for me please:drinker: ) , and on buffet days... well hell... it is a vacation right:wink: