More OTF or cardio trainer sessions

Hi there. I'm tired of spending my time and money on trainers one after another, I've been doing OTF since match. I do have more muscle but my weight had not lowered which is my over all goal, should I decrease my OTF and go back to cardio session with a trainer 3 times a week? So it would be OTF 2 x and a personal trainer 3 I'm 169-172 bf 32


  • vanessasaurousrex
    vanessasaurousrex Posts: 21 Member
    I wish I could give you more advice. I am on my 7th OTF class and I love it! I am no expert so take this all with a grain of salt from me..... If your focus is weight loss you will need a calorie deficit. I personally feel that cardio is better for weight loss in terms of calories burned and strength training is good for not loosing muscle. Remember muscle weight more than fat, so watch your measurements - maybe your getting smaller but maintaining weight?