Code words/phrases??



  • Imvidal
    Imvidal Posts: 22
    I dont have kids so i've never had code words for anything. Lol i call it for what it is...but this topic got me thinking and just in case i need to use it...I'd call it "we need to make a deposit" then depending on the urgency....tomorrow, later, or immediately or we might overdraft! Jaja yeah I like that.
  • CreativeRedhead
    CreativeRedhead Posts: 2,166
    Well our kids have a bad habit of coming in our room in the mornings which sometimes interrupts things. So we now lock the door and my husband tells them we're "getting dressed". :laugh: The funniest is when he says I gotta show Mommy something, don't bother us. :laugh: lol
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    Kissy Face

    and my 6 & 10 year old boys know it's how babies are made, why boys and girls look different naked, that sex is totally natural for committed adults, that none of their schoolmates would be here without it, what pieces of the puzzle go together, the proper names for things, how baby gets in mommy and how baby comes out, and that if they hear some BS "stork" stuff from their friends to just say, "that's a nice story" and not a word more.

    Can you tell we had an incident where my kids grabbed the unrated uncut version on "Team America" thinking it was a kids movie one morning before hubs and I woke up?
  • littlemissanguissette
    littlemissanguissette Posts: 248 Member
    I don't have kids, but when I was married I'd say "let's go play" or "entertain me", he knew what it meant :wink:

    I remember the main one! "Sexy time" :laugh:
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Kissy Face

    and my 6 & 10 year old boys know it's how babies are made, why boys and girls look different naked, that sex is totally natural for committed adults, that none of their schoolmates would be here without it, what pieces of the puzzle go together, the proper names for things, how baby gets in mommy and how baby comes out, and that if they hear some BS "stork" stuff from their friends to just say, "that's a nice story" and not a word more.

    Can you tell we had an incident where my kids grabbed the unrated uncut version on "Team America" thinking it was a kids movie one morning before hubs and I woke up?

    OMG I LOVE Team America!! Yeah, "that" scene, would require some serious quick thinking!! smiley-laughing005.gif
  • SAR1L
    SAR1L Posts: 51 Member
    I don't call it anything, I just give the "look" of.. I want it... really really bad.