Disabled Mom Needing Support & Friends to Talk to.

My name is Johnna. I am 27 years old. I am a mom and a wife. I have multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis & Fibromyalgia. As you can imagine, these things effect my health drastically and makes it hard to loose the weight I need to. I have gained 50 pound in 10 months. I am short (5 foot tall) I look in the mirror and I do NOT recognize the person I see. I hate getting dressed every morning...nothing ever fits. Currently I have been monitoring my calorie intake and riding my exercise bike for 50 min every day. I wish I could do more, but with my Multiple Sclerosis, when I get over heated my legs go completely numb and with 2 kids here at home, I need to be careful with myself so that I can still take care of them.
I am looking for support. Most days, I want to give up on this diet....then I remember that I want to be ME again. I am always here to talk and listen.

Much Love to Everyone, Johnna


  • sarahdayski
    sarahdayski Posts: 125 Member
    Feel free to add me x
  • Joyce7088
    Joyce7088 Posts: 7 Member
    Johnna....you don't know how excited that I ran across your post... I too suffer from MS and am a week into my journey of weight loss...please feel free to add me... would love to chat and discuss the difficulties with everyday life....I'm a mom of 3 and have been on disability for 2 years which has lead to my weight gain!!!!
    Hope to chat soon
  • autodominio
    autodominio Posts: 55 Member
    it won't be easy but you can do it. Add me if you want I'm here every single day and I will support you.
  • hockeyliz
    hockeyliz Posts: 2 Member
    I know the feeling of having limitations and the frustration of trying to loose weight. I've got arthritis at only 35 and trying to deal with that and losing weight is very frustrating!
  • mortz239
    mortz239 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm brand new to this whole thing.
    I too have an illness and disability. It can be incredibly hard to do even the most basic of tasks. Let alone trying to do exercise. I've packed on so much weight and I hate it.
    I'm on low calorie meals. 6 small meals/snacks a day. I don't burn enough energy during the day.
    I'm more than happy to chat with you. Maybe we can keep each other motivated.
    Wishing you well.