I need some honest input - exercise related.

RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
I weigh 395 lb, have up until this point lead a fully sedentary lifestyle. My job does require me to spend part of it on my feet, but how much fluctuates on a daily basis.

I suffer from depression and anxiety which can make me feel very overwhelmed by change. So I don't want to put myself in a position to be so overwhelmed I want to quit.

I have been on MFP for three weeks now, lost 15 lbs and have just started to include strength training into my week. I know I need to include cardio . I'd love to have access to an elliptical because I've used them before and was truly motivated to do more and more on them, but I can't afford to purchase one, or join a gym at the moment.

This leaves walking. The problem, in my head at least, is this. When I get home from work at night my feet and legs already hurt from the day's effort, and summer has started to kick in in a big way with heat and humidity. I have tried one of Leslie Sansome's at home walking dvds but, again, the pain to my feet, ankles, knees and calves makes it difficult.

My question is this, and I really would like honest answers, does it sound as if I'm making excuses not to do cardio, or is it realistic to put it off until I've lost a few more pounds to make it easier on my legs?


  • MJLavaty
    MJLavaty Posts: 72 Member
    My mother is in a very similar situation as you except she also has fibromyalgia (sp?). Whenever she tries any weight loss attempt, I always encourage her to only exercise as much as her body will allow. As long as the weight is coming off you can put the cardio/strength training off a little while longer. With a little weight off, you will find it much much easier to exercise anyways. Good Luck with your weight loss! : )
  • Shed4Wed
    Shed4Wed Posts: 25
    Honestly, I'm going to tell you what my trainer tells me. Exercise isn't supposed to be comfortable. Its supposed to make you hot, tired, sore, and uncomfortable.

    Don't hurt yourself, but don't allow yourself to use excuses not to at least get out and try.

    If you don't start somewhere, you won't ever get that feeling to go away. I don't like it either. My legs hurt. My knees hurt. My feet hurt; but I know if I can just get through the exercise then I will feel better and start to see results.
  • Twinsytoo
    Twinsytoo Posts: 77 Member
    Why don't you try zumba without doing the feet movement? You can get going with the stretching, shaking, twisting and squatting movements until you're ready to do step movements. Good luck!
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    You sure you can't join a gym? I only pay 20 a month...
    You should be able to walk, you should have a free day, I work 6 days a week.
  • Alison_84
    Alison_84 Posts: 86
    I'm not an expert by any means but I would think that your safety and prevention of injury would be the most important thing. So I would say yes, wait until you've lost enough that walking does not cause you pain or put you at risk of hurting your joints. You should definitely try to get some cardio in, however. Swimming is a great no-impact workout if you have a pool nearby and are comfortable enough to try that out. I think you're on the right track with starting to do strength training too. Congratulations on your determination to succeed :)

    I also have anxiety issues and that is one of the reasons why I started exercising this time around. It really helps! :)
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    I have suffered from pains in my feet. I understand what you're saying. I think you're not making up excuses. Your feet need to get accustom to doing it. I'd recommend sticking to the weight training for now. It's very beneficial for fat loss. When you can, walk for a little bit, even if it's just 5mins, get your feet used to walking, over time you can increase the time. We're not trying to win a race here. Just take your time and gradually build.
  • lijparsons
    lijparsons Posts: 258
    Do you have a bicycle, or have access to one? That would be zero impact, and a lot less expensive than an elliptical. Even if you could find one at a yard sale, or borrow one from someone. Just make sure it is sturdy in order to hold your weight. It is a great workout! It is easy to make excuses ( I know, because I did it for 8 years), but I guarantee, once you get over the initial hump, you will feel great, and actually look forward to doing it. Seeing pounds come off is a great motivator!
  • MJLavaty
    MJLavaty Posts: 72 Member
    I forgot to mention that my mother loves to swim when she is trying to lose weight...she finds it doesn't hurt nearly as much as the previous poster suggested and it burns a TON of calories!
  • burgee
    burgee Posts: 4 Member
    It's always hard in the beginning but at least you have started. Don't put off cardio but build it up, no one says you have to hit the gym for an hour or walk a mile at night, that can come later. Do what you can and it may hurt but it will get easier.

    Make sure you have some good training shoes that support your heal that will take some of the pressure out but just stick to it and you will see results soon. Have you tried getting a Wii fit board, that could suit you well.

    Good luck.
  • cornerofgreystreet
    cornerofgreystreet Posts: 180 Member
    Have you tried walking in the morning before work? I find that I have a very difficult time finding the energy to exercise in the evening. I must do it in the morning, it is also cooler in the morning so the heat may not be as much of a factor. Congratulations on taking control of your health and making changes. It is so rewarding when you start to see results and your body will thank you for it. I hope you can find something that works for you that you can stick too. Good luck.
  • j_pink
    j_pink Posts: 1
    Hi there,

    I think partly it might sound like you are trying to put off doing the cardio, but these are actually also valid reasons. I definitely find that once I get in from work I'm tired and any little reason for me not to get myself moving is enough for me to not do any exercise for that day. I too have found that heat is a major issue for me. The solution I have come up with is to get up a bit earlier in the morning and go then (no excuses) - solves the problem of feeling tired from a full day at work and also it's cooler in the morning too. I find that some of the excuses that I had before for not going jogging were actually related to worrying about what other people thought of me, but once I'd done it once or twice, I got into a routine and now I love my early morning run when hardly anyone is around - it's great me time and I just zone out into my headphones.

    My advice is to do it - but maybe take it slow...are there other ways you can incorporate walking into your day - get off public transport one stop early, walk up the stairs, etc...

    Last but not least, congratulations on the 15lbs - great work.
  • vmcbain
    vmcbain Posts: 8 Member
    Sounds to me like a bunch of excuses.

    However, as a friend of mine said "I'm making one small change and walking for 5 minutes a day." She notices that once she made that promise to herself, then many days she walks for more, but some days can only do the 5 minutes.

    Make your own goal and stick to it! Tell everyone you know about your goals, they will help you stay accountable.
  • talzybob
    talzybob Posts: 80
    I would say your best bet first would be to talk to a doctor. there may be an underlying ssue as to why there is some pain If they get back to you and tell you there is nothing wrong, then i would go for a walk but not a slow one, a mre moderately one as if you were walking to catch a bus but cant be bothered to run (if that makes sense)

    There is the possiblity it is just an excuse, i mean we all suffer with a lack of motivation at times. you need to star off slow and build yourself. either that or you are just finding the walking aspect so boring. here are so many things you can do at home to get fit, yes there is walking but you could bung some music on and have a bt of boogie while you are doing some housework or my fave ironing and dancing.

    if you keep complaining and believe i went there you wont get any where. you need tto just get on with it. as you have lost some weight all ready you should be feeling good about that and feeling the need to carry on

    yes in a way i see it as an excuse (i suffer with brittle bones that break easily and i still carry on but just do something light) but then like i said there may be an issue.

    talk to your doctor first. they might have some answers for you and suffereing with depression (i do aswell) excercise is brilliant for it. if you complete a goal for a day you feel good about yourself and then you can carry on plus when you complete excercise it releases all these feel good chemicals (endorphines and suck like).

    the other thing is a wii. the wii fit plus wold be cheaper for you and there are loads of things on there that can help. plus its gentle and doesnt throw you in the deep end the weight i have lost is through the wii.

    if you want add me on here and we can do this together. i hope my answer is helpful to you. if you have any other questions send me a message and ill be happy to help.

    see your doctor first. there could be something you are doing or not doing that might be an issue.

    keep smiling you will get there :)
  • talzybob
    talzybob Posts: 80
    I would say your best bet first would be to talk to a doctor. there may be an underlying ssue as to why there is some pain If they get back to you and tell you there is nothing wrong, then i would go for a walk but not a slow one, a mre moderately one as if you were walking to catch a bus but cant be bothered to run (if that makes sense)

    There is the possiblity it is just an excuse, i mean we all suffer with a lack of motivation at times. you need to star off slow and build yourself. either that or you are just finding the walking aspect so boring. here are so many things you can do at home to get fit, yes there is walking but you could bung some music on and have a bt of boogie while you are doing some housework or my fave ironing and dancing.

    if you keep complaining and believe i went there you wont get any where. you need tto just get on with it. as you have lost some weight all ready you should be feeling good about that and feeling the need to carry on

    yes in a way i see it as an excuse (i suffer with brittle bones that break easily and i still carry on but just do something light) but then like i said there may be an issue.

    talk to your doctor first. they might have some answers for you and suffereing with depression (i do aswell) excercise is brilliant for it. if you complete a goal for a day you feel good about yourself and then you can carry on plus when you complete excercise it releases all these feel good chemicals (endorphines and suck like).

    the other thing is a wii. the wii fit plus wold be cheaper for you and there are loads of things on there that can help. plus its gentle and doesnt throw you in the deep end the weight i have lost is through the wii.

    if you want add me on here and we can do this together. i hope my answer is helpful to you. if you have any other questions send me a message and ill be happy to help.

    see your doctor first. there could be something you are doing or not doing that might be an issue.

    keep smiling you will get there :)
  • susancelli928
    You have to do what is best for you physically and mentally... However, just taking a few steps at a time will lead to you going longer and stronger. Good Luck
  • kctbo
    kctbo Posts: 29
    The main thing is.......don't quit! Exercise is the best thing for your body, physically and mentally. What you are doing now, is working-hey!You lost 15 pounds in 3 weeks-what an accomplishment. Keep it going.....why stop now because of a little soreness-that is your body telling you that you are doing something right. Don't hurt yourself-not what I am telling you, but soreness, being hot and tired is part of the losing the weight process. Again, don't STOP! YOU CAN DO IT!
  • kim_mc
    kim_mc Posts: 321 Member
    Would doing your walk before you go to work be an option for you? If you do it first thing then maybe it wouldn't be so painful for you......

    I kinda think you have to just do it. If you can't do the entire workout, do what you can. Working out is never fun for me but I find myself making excuses all the time and now when I catch myself I tell myself to stop complaining and just go do it.

    That being said, if you are truly injured or hurting REALLY bad, you don't want to get hurt further or get to the point that you can't do anything at all!!

    Good luck to you!!! And congrats on the lbs lost!!
  • hilliardtl
    hilliardtl Posts: 11 Member
    You could also try the Walk it Out game for the Wii, if you have one. It is low impact and you can move at your own pace. Once I get started playing on it the time just flies. Only do what you fell your legs can handle.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    How about geting up an hour (or 30 minutes at least) earlier and getting your walk in first thing in the morning? It should be cooler out so the heat and humidity won't be as much of a factor and you can wash the sweat off in the shower when you get back.

    Any exercise at this point is good so even if you can only do 10 or 15 minutes, it's better than nothing! Just start moving and with time you'll be able to do more. Put it this way - I started out last year barely being able to walk a mile comfortably but after a few months, I was going a little further and a little faster and by fall, I even started including some jogging sprints. The body will get stronger, you just have to put the work in and believe in yourself!

    Feel free to friend me if you like!

    Edited to add two more thoughts...

    Not sure how your work is with breaks but if you can, use that time to walk around the building (inside if it's hot/raining out, outside if it's pleasant). You may find moving around a few times during the day will help with your leg/foot pain - gets the blood flowing and all that.

    You may need to look into getting better shoes if you're having foot pain. Maybe spend your money on that before you think about investing in an exercise machine or more DVDs. You need good solid support to keep everything else working right.
  • ktieman
    ktieman Posts: 45 Member
    I was in the same position last year; the more weight you lose the more energy you will have. I have proven that point to myself this past year. It is a slow process, but it is worth it. Try small things at first; I know it sounds stupid but I started out cleaning my house top to bottom. I absolutely hat exercise and told my doctor so, but any movement is good. When you weight what we do cardio is hard to but if you incorporate it in with vacumning, cleaning out closets, under your sinks and so on you don't realize it. I know there will be people who disagree with me, but they probably don't weight over 250 pounds. This year I am up to mowing the lawn and three hours of gardening yesterday alone. It was hot and I was sweating my but off, literally. I just kept thinking I am burning calories, I am burning calories, I am burning calories. Just don't give up it is worth it. Even if you backslide and trust me I have this past year, just keep logging on and keep at it. It will pay off, you'll see.