
Hey Friends
Am doing more of yoga than much of physical exercise, anyone else with me here, how has it been working to loose weight and get fit and healthy.



  • Badassshaz
    Badassshaz Posts: 9 Member
    Would love to see responses to this, as am considering joining a class. I thought it might help with the mental focus of this journey? Have you found this to be the case?
  • LenGray
    LenGray Posts: 834 Member
    I've been doing yoga on my rest days and weight lifting the rest of the time :) There's a definite mental focus element to it, but the biggest motivation for me is how it feels afterwards when the muscles are stretched and loose. It's like you're a little bit taller, a little more graceful, you know?
  • ktface17
    ktface17 Posts: 24 Member
    I do yoga and PiYo. When I was just doing it a couple times a week, mixing in Combat workouts and while eating at a deficit, I was averaging about 1.4 lbs down a week. Now I'm doing it almost everyday. My weight is stuck but I'm leaning out. Notice a difference in my back and shoulders. I think it's still doing awesome things for me even while my weight is on hold. It's benefits are beneficial to my general state of happiness as well!
  • lcyama
    lcyama Posts: 209 Member
    I started out doing yoga once every two weeks, for the purpose of stress relief, and weight loss was slow (if at all). But I gained core and muscle strength, self confidence, and an appreciation of the body I was in. Later I started running, which burns more calories, but I never would have had the guts to run around the park in my tubby little body had it not been for yoga. Yoga changed me, mentally and physically.
  • kvansteen
    kvansteen Posts: 82 Member
    I do yoga once a week and LOVE IT! It's a total stress reliever and a workout too. I do "basic yoga" at my yoga studio and I feel it afterwards. My teacher is awesome and gives us lots of options for poses that we can do for strength/flexibility depending on what our personal goal is. I do a lot of strength because I'm already pretty flexible and I feel it for several days after. Can't wait to start getting more toned once I lose more of my extra weight.
  • karenh3585
    karenh3585 Posts: 27 Member
    I practice 6x a week (vinyasa & power yoga). I've stayed the same weight-wise but am 2 sizes smaller than I used to be (it's taken about a year to see these results). Way more lean muscle, less arthritis pain and it's kind of cool that I can do inversions now (crow, head stands, wheel, plow, etc) at 53 that I couldn't do at 43 or even 33! It also helps a lot with anxiety / panic attacks that I used to have frequently. I can't imagine my life without it!