Tips for eating less



  • skyedogz
    skyedogz Posts: 21 Member
    Add 'mindful eating' to the great advice already given.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I had to largely remove carbs from my diet before I ever felt satiated and not deprived. It took about a week of very low carbs before my cravings went away. Now I can easily skip desserts, sodas, and snacks that will not benefit my health.

    LCHF doesn't work for everyone, but it worked very well for me.
  • MakePeasNotWar
    MakePeasNotWar Posts: 1,329 Member
    I definitely eat a lot more beans, veggies and fruit when I am trying to keep my calories down. I do make sure to eat at least a bit of fat with every meal now, as when I first started eating a lot of salads, smoothies, etc. without fat I found even if I was so full right after eating, I'd be hungry again in 1/2 an hour. Now I try to make sure I get about 20g of protein and at least 10 g of fat at every meal, along with a ton of low cal veggies and fruit.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    "Less" as in fewer calories or "less" as in less food?

    For fewer calories, more fruits and veggies. You can eat tons of them for very few calories. Problem solved! :smiley:

    For less food, I don't know how people do it. The hunger decreases after a few day or a week, but I just couldn't eat tiny amount of calorie-laden food and haven't done that.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,951 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    divyatew wrote: »
    What are your tips for eating less but not feeling deprived?
    To be honest, stay busy. I get into trouble when I have nothing to do and get bored...

    This is great advice. For a lot of people -- I am one -- the issue is not so much real hunger as feeling hungry because it's a time when you used to eat or you don't have anything else to do or you are procrastinating something you don't want to do or you are tired or feel bad, etc. So figure out a strategy for dealing with that, if it's only to distract yourself by getting busy. (Exercise can work too.)
  • mp5928
    mp5928 Posts: 3 Member
    I record the calories in my food diary before I eat the item. It's amazing how a visual notification of the impact helps me decrease the volume of food I eat. (Except today when I ate a large banana before morning coffee and found it to be 110 calories. No wonder I wasn't losing weight at Weight Watchers any more. Not that bananas are a bad thing... )
    Also I try to drink a glass of water before eating. Water is filling.
    And eat more slowly. It takes 20 minutes for a brain to register a full tummy. Give your brain time to catch up.
  • divyatew
    divyatew Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks guys :)!