Here I go again

I am a 57 yr old woman who has struggled, lost and regained weight most of her life. I am nearing the BIG 60 and feel that i need to get in shape. I am having trouble with mobility since i am getting older and overweight. I need to lose about 100 lbs and am hoping I can accomplish this and keep it off. I had a vertical banded gastroplasty about 12 yrs ago and successfully lost weight and kept it off for about 5 yrs. but unfortunately am back to where i started.....AGAIN. Would appreciate any words of encouragement or hints on how to lose and keep it off for good this time.


  • pefowler
    pefowler Posts: 2 Member
    Dear One,
    No matter how bad someone else wants it for you...i.e. family, friends, doctors, myfitnesspal friends, etc., the bottom line is no one can do it for you. There has to be something that triggers in you to not just want to be healthy but causes you to take necessary actions to get healthy. Wanting it isn't enough. It's a start, but what are you willing to do to achieve it? I celebrated my 50th birthday this year...all these years I've wanted to lose weight, felt I had to lose weight, knew I needed to lose weight, and did lose weight and gained it back. But what makes it different for me this time is I realized if it is going to be, it must start with me accepting that I can't wish the weight away and it's not just about losing weight but being healthy. Change is a process, you have to commit to every day. Take baby intentional. Drink water (lots of it); exercise (30 minutes, 3 to 5 days a week) walking is good and inexpensive; keep a food diary (myfitnesspal is great); be accountable (to yourself and God, if you're a Christian). You can do day at a time.