Recently Diagnosed with IBS

I was recently diagnosed with IBS and thought journaling everything I eat will help me figure out what foods offend me and find out if there are others who could give me helpful advise. I have the usual symptoms but the pain that has not the sails out from under me, is the pain, exhaustion, depression, anxiety, lack of sleep that this fibromyalgia has on me. It's my understanding that if I control the IBS, I will get rid of the pain. Anyone care to comment?


  • Ajloves2run
    Ajloves2run Posts: 12 Member
    I was diagnosed with IBS in my 20's. I am now 40 and I have to say, you are on the right track!! With proper diet and excercsize you can get it under control.

    Hormones are tricky and can sometimes cause IBS to act up.
  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    edited August 2015
    I was diagnosed back in February, and I have been attempting to figure out triggers as well. My main one has been beef, and I've had a bit of success cutting it out. For me, I have also been diagnosed with depression and severe anxiety, so as you said, keeping those as under control as you can might help.

    As far as pain, I've learned that massaging my stomach sometimes works if I can get it early enough.

    Best of luck with it. IBS truly sucks.
  • 7kidslater
    7kidslater Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you Aj and Mutatedpie for your encouragement.
    I went off an anti-depressant medication 2 months ago. I was put on it 10 yrs ago due to the pain of fibromyalgia that was keeping up at night. Once I went off it, (weaned off over 3months) all the pain came back with a vengeance and with it IBS!
    I am trying to help myself with the holistic approach. So far, its been close to a nightmare. My husband is supportive.
    I think if you have never experienced either of these conditions, you don't really understand. People will say, "just get some sleep". Omg! I would love, love, love that! Or they say, "you just need to exercise". I love being outside; on my bike or walking, but my head is killing me, I'm exhausted and nausious. I'm struggling just to survive. Or they say, "your under alot of stress, you need to get rid of the stress and you'll be fine."

    I am determined to not let these conditions kick my butt. I am taking charge of my health and I will get through this.

    Thank you for letting me rant!

    Have a great day!