
tessaresse Posts: 6
edited September 28 in Food and Nutrition
This diet crap is killing me. I feel like i cant eat anything that taste good. Everything taste like cardboard and even after i eat this stuff i feel like im starving. I wanna lose my fifteen pounds so badly but 1200 calories a day is not alot of food especially when it dosent even taste good.


  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    so eat something that tastes better.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Check out my food diary. I am at 1200 calories a day and nothing has tasted like cardboard for me. I dont really eat diet stuff though i just make my own food and dont add the butter and oils that i used to add. I dont even feeling i am on a diet. i just changed my eating habits.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Are you eating premade diet food or are you using fresh whole ingredients?
  • eating stuff like plain cheerios, egg white sanwich, jellos for snacks, salad no dressing but it sure dosent taste good
  • How do i check out your food diary? Im new at this LOL. i have to find better things to eat are ill never be able to do it
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Also you have to stick with it, your stomach has to shrink a bit back to normal then you will become fuller off of less food. Eat fresh healthy things you like and exercise more so you can have more calories to work with. You have to makes some sacrifices thats just the way it is.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Eat your salad with low fat dressing, you need fat in your salad to help you digest the nutrients in it. You don't have to eat things you don't like, I think exercising for more calories could really help you here, it would give you more options
  • bluellies
    bluellies Posts: 82 Member
    Agree with PP's--stay away from a lot of the diet stuff. Also, drink a TON of water. I've found that the days I drink water I have a hard time eating my 1200! BUT, I will tell you that the first week I was starving. Seriously. The serving size for cereal was crazy, I couldn't snack at night, and nothing seemed to fill me up. But, after that first week it got a lot better. I'm sure part of it is in my head, I KNOW that if I eat too much I'll ruin my chances for losing weight. You just have to tell your stomach that it's NOT hungry, and eventually your brain will catch up.

    I try and eat something with at least 25 percent of my fiber in one setting--cracklin' oat bran for breakfast, or a fiber bar for snack. I also don't eat meat unless I can't afford the substitutes, and they are often 1/3-1/2 less cals than the actual meat, with all or even more of the protein.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Really? So far today I've eaten eggs, cheese, chciken and vegetable soup, crab sticks, and am currently munching on some wasabi beans. None of that tastes like cardboard!
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    So you went from delicious foods to dull stuff. I do not like those 5 cal jello cups not even worth my time. lol click on my name and then view diary.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Eat the regular stuff just cut portions. Diet stuff lets you feel like your eating a lot. I tend to like eating a lot so I eat the diet crap.
  • wvjanie
    wvjanie Posts: 37 Member
    If you look to eat food as close to its natural state as possible (e.g. an apple rather than applesauce or apple juice or apple pie) you will find that you will have a lot more food, fiber, and taste for a lot fewer calories. As others have mentioned, this is best looked at as a lifestyle change, learning to eat in the healthiest manner so you can quit "dieting" and just feel great. Exercise will help immensely in not only giving you extra calories to eat, but also in improving everything about how you feel and function. Good luck!
  • Eggs do not have a lot of calories in them, and they also are really satisfying. They are one of those foods that even if only a small quantity, tend to help you to feel more full.

    Regarding salads, try using vinaigrettes ----a teaspoon of olive oil (abt 40cal) mixed with some herbs, vinaigre, salt, pepper, a little dijon mustard, and crushed garlic
    it's low calorie and very tasty.

    Eat simple foods with protien to help you feel more full: grilled fish, grilled chicken breasts, fresh spinach as opposed to ordinary lettuce, etc. They're relatively low calorie but filling.

    Eat as many vegetables and fruits as you can, keeping in mind that some have more calories than others, such as bananas.

    Eat low fat cottage cheese. Dairy tends to make you feel more full.

    Spread your meals out and make them smaller. Eat 5 or 6 meals instead of just 3.

    Don't wait until you are starving to eat. Eat a small snack every couple of hours.

    Slow down while you are eating. You will feel more full faster. However, if, after you are finished you still feel hungry, wait 15-minutes before you put more on your plate. You will often feel more full and feel better able to hold off on the second helpings.

    Avoid processed carbohydrates such as white breads, rice, and pastas. They are almost like sugar and are high in calories. Opt instead for whole grains. Some studies suggest they these even raise your metabolic rate.

    Avoid too many alcoholic beverages as they are very high in calories and offer no nutritional benefit.

    And, like one person above said, learn to sacrifice a little. It DOES get easier over time. Allow your stomach time to shrink. Think of it as a lifestyle change and not a diet, so give yourself plenty of time to lose the wait so that you can train yourself to live a more healthy life, and make more healthy choices.

    Don't starve yourself or deprive yourself. Give yourself a break and a treat once in a while.
  • Thank yall for all the options that i guess i have never thought about. I guess to my stomach does have to shrink back some and it will get better. It is also all in my head too im so use to eating how ever much i want and, i guess i cant do that any more.
  • moneil21
    moneil21 Posts: 20
    i have to say i hear ya on this one sista!!!! Im in the same boat!! LOL! Last night tho i went to subway and just stared at the menu board like, ok, wtf can i have to eat at this place...carbs central...but i had a flatbread chicken breast and avacado, and veggies and it was actually pretty dam good! I was surprised. Its higher in cal's but i knew i had enough to use up for it. But i made some healthy bars on sunday, threw the whole pan away, gross. They were def cardboard, no doubt about it. Its mostly in our mind, we just have to change our attitude is what ive been told. LOL!
  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    Check out my food diary. I am at 1200 calories a day and nothing has tasted like cardboard for me. I dont really eat diet stuff though i just make my own food and dont add the butter and oils that i used to add. I dont even feeling i am on a diet. i just changed my eating habits.
    Me, too. Feel free to peruse my diary anytime, too. Or message me. Or whatever. ;)
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Try to avoid the low-cal or low- carb processed stuff. They aren't going to help and will just leave you wanting more sugar.
    Really try to sit down and enjoy every bite of fruit, veggies or whatever you're eating for the first few weeks. Soon it will feel normal.
  • RCKT82
    RCKT82 Posts: 409 Member
    Some stuff will taste like cardboard... especially out of the box type of healthy foods. Fresh meat and veggies is the best way to go. Like someone else has said, just cut out most of the oil and salts during cooking and you should be good. It's rare that my food is bland. Just make better choices when buying food and there are so many seasonings and other things that you can add to your meal that make it just as tasty. With my egg whites I usually will add some spinach, salsa, turkey, and low fat cheese, then put it on a whole wheat sandwich thin... it's awesome and tastes way better than a mcdonalds breakfast sandwich. Just hang in there, you'll eventually find healthy options that you can put in your diet that tastes good and will also fill you up. Granted, there are some things that you'll have to acquire a taste for. Just don't give up!!
  • RCKT82
    RCKT82 Posts: 409 Member
    oh... and don't forget to browse through peoples food diaries to see what they're eating. You'll see a trend of great tasting foods that are healthy!!
  • luvmybentley
    luvmybentley Posts: 74 Member
    I'm not eating any "diet" foods (sugar free, fat free, carb free), just more unprocessed stuff in smaller portions.

    Tip for salads: Use the regular better tasting dressing, but instead of pouring a smidge on your salad and choking back plain salad, measure a tablespoon into a condiment cup, and dip your fork into it before scooping up a forkful of salad. This way you get a taste of dressing with each bite, and you'll find you only eat a small portion of that tablespoon of dressing by the end.

    Eat your salad first. You can have a huge bowl for very few calories and you'll find it will fill you up so that a smaller portion of the entree will be enough.

    Use real bacon bits (35 calories/tbsp), shredded cheese, chopped nuts, shaved dark chocolate etc to accent your foods. Feels like cheating because you get to enjoy a taste of something fatty in each bite for not a lot of added calories.

    Sounds cliche, but drink a lot of water throughout the day. Sometimes you think you're hungry when it's really thirst. Also fills you up and flushes you out.

    Soups are very filling, tasty, and low calorie.

    Don't skip meals and snacks. Keep the tank topped up throughout the day and you'll won't get those hunger pains and cravings.

    Plan ahead. You're more likely to eat healthier and less likely to grab whatever packaged snack is handy when the hunger pangs strike. Also, avoid restarants like the plague. Menu pictures are too tempting, but when you learn the nutrition/calorie counts it is shocking to learn what you have been eating.

    Bake instead of fry, fill a pasta plate with veggies, grill your veggies, use strong flavors (sundried tomato, garlic, spices), choose whole grain over white, snack on veggies over all adds up to lower calories and tasty satisfying food.

    And bottom line, exercise to earn more calories to play with.

    My first couple of weeks were tough until I figured out that the crap in my pantry is what made me fat in the first place. I started really looking at the nutritional values on stuff before I bought it at the store, and you'll learn to make smarter choices (for example, with a bit of looking I was able to find bread on the shelf with 60 less calories per slice than my usual brand. swapped my usual ice cream with frozen yogurt, found a coffee creamer with way less sugar etc) Soon your kitchen will be stocked with lower cal items to choose from. Also, when you eat a satisfying recipe that is low cal, save it in your food diary and you'll soon have a variety of recipes to choose from.

    Keep at it, it will all fall into place eventually.
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