Ready for a change!

burch88 Posts: 2 Member
I am ready get this weight off of me!!! I am going to change little things so I can make them habits. Then that way I can always feel and look great!!! Let's get to it!!!


  • Stars2130
    Stars2130 Posts: 101 Member
    You can do this!!!
  • blackkappi
    blackkappi Posts: 26 Member
    You can do it!
  • jjholland66
    jjholland66 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello burch88, I am doing the same. Starting with small changes to make a bigger impact. God luck and keep me informed on your progress.
  • turtlesoup1957
    turtlesoup1957 Posts: 28 Member
    That way of thinking is how I lost 85 pounds years ago. Then had some major things happen and stopped caring. Last 5 years have gain 61 pounds back and makes me feel terrible. Yesterday decided need to give myself a kick in the behind and stop making excuses. One day down where watch what I ate for the day. Today start being more active 20 minutes just get it going and I know once I start to see and feel results I will be more motivated. Start working on things little by little that I have put off.