need help, new to this.

I am 27 almost 28(in 9 days) I am 5'5 and sadly morbidly obese weighing in at 295, I have cut my calories to 1500 and am measuring and logging everything and I have eliminated ALL sugary drinks, my question is am I wrong to believe that as long as it fits into my daily allowance that I can eat it( whatever it may be)? Example yesterday I ate extremely healthy fruit for breakfast, a turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread and a cup of popcorn for lunch but then for dinner I ate a couple of hotdogs(minus the bun) and some French fries and still didn't hit my target calorie goal. Is this realistic or do I need to only eat healthy food to achieve the results I need? Any tips and advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!


  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    You'll lose weight as long as you are under your maintenance calories, but you want to do it in a healthy way.

    A good rule of thumb is to aim for 80% of your calories from nutrient-dense food and 20% of your calories from treats. That way you get your nutrition but you also don't feel deprived of your favorite foods.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    It's your diet and your body and you get to make all the rules!! :)

    You can lose weight eating any type of food. Eating healthy food is good for you, but not necessary to lose weight. :)
  • jms5137
    jms5137 Posts: 26 Member
    The reason calorie counting works for me: I can eat what I want! I try to be sensible about it so that I'm not too hungry, but that's about it.

    Good luck to you :)
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    edited August 2015
    Yes, you can eat what you like as long as it fits into your calorie goal.
  • amypriddy2000
    amypriddy2000 Posts: 11 Member
    I have never been a big eater, sadly a huge and let me say again HUGE amount of my calories came from sugary crap drinks soft drinks and sweet tea I'm talking I use to drink over a gallon of sweet tea a day and that tea having over a cup of sugar. Also I wouldn't eat all day and then at dinner I would pig out and then eat another hefty snack before bed. I find that I'm less hungry now eating 3 small meals and 2-3 snacks than I was when I was stuffing my face. Btw my doctor advised the 1500 calories.
  • amypriddy2000
    amypriddy2000 Posts: 11 Member
    I kinda contradicted myself there, sorry I just get embarrassed about how I use to go about things
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    My advice is not quite to eat what you want, because I found that is what got me to where I was, but to find a way of eating that works for you within your calorie deficit.

    Some around here just restrict calories so they still eat cake and soft drinks, just less of it. That seems to mostly work very well for people who don't have issues with large cravings or binges.

    Some people choose vegetarianism or eat vegan. Other's follow an Ornish style of diet with very low fat (mostly plants).

    Many around here follow a moderate diet where they cut back on some sugary foods and carbs, so it is below the SAD diet, but not that low carb. The Zone is one of those diets at 40% carbs, 30% protein, and 30% fat.

    I personally follow a (very) low carb, high fat diet. I was prediabetic, and had a few health issues, so I tried it. I also had issues with sugar (pops and sweets) so I was pleased when my sugar and carb cravings disappeared after going vLCHF. This way of eating fits well with me so I find it easy to lose while eating in a deficit.

    I think if you find a WOE that fits with you, it will make counting calories easier.

    My other advice would be to make sure you get enough protein and fat. Those are essential macros and people are healthier when they eat enough. Most people seem to keep protein at 20% or higher (up to 35% or so if very active), and fat should probably be kept above 20%, but one can go up to 75 or 80% fat if one decides LCHF is for them.

    It sounds like you should also save your calories for later in the day. Nothing wrong with saving calories for later in the day.

    Good luck! :)
  • amypriddy2000
    amypriddy2000 Posts: 11 Member
    Caitwn wrote: »
    I kinda contradicted myself there, sorry I just get embarrassed about how I use to go about things

    Stop worrying. You're surrounded by people here who "used to go about things" in ways that got us to being overweight and in poor health. None of us got to MFP on a tour bus.

    You are 100% correct in your thought that you can eat whatever you want as long as you stay within your caloric allowance. Eventually you'll learn to trust the system and can relax when you enjoy a treat, knowing that it isn't going to torpedo your weight loss goals.

    Most of us find that we end up eating in a healthier manner just naturally as we learn to stay within the calorie goals. For example, I stopped using sugary flavored creamers in my coffee because I didn't want to just drink my calories. For snacks I switched from the Rosemary and Olive Oil Triscuits I was way too fond of, to things like sliced apples with a tablespoon of peanut butter. The Triscuits just left me wanting more, while the apple + peanut butter made me feel full. And I started having smaller servings of things like rice or couscous (which I love) in favor of extra servings of veggies, which help me feel full longer.

    But I also fit in a couple of servings a week of really good full-sugar ice cream. Because I can :)

    So in the end I still eat the things I like...just in slightly different ways. And I've learned to incorporate some new snacks and foods that I enjoy. There's no point to eating stuff you dislike when trying to lose weight. That won't work long-term for anyone. So just log what you eat very carefully (weighing it helps), and trust the system. It really does work.

    I have also noticed that sometimes when I look at the calories per serving of something I just decide it isn't worth it to me and go with a healthier option of some kind with fewer calories or something with maybe the same caloric amount but I get more of it.
  • niduran1961
    niduran1961 Posts: 26 Member
    I agree that its good to have some flexibility, including some foods you just really love that aren't so healthy. The thing about eating the healthy stuff is that it generally makes you full with fewer calories. If I'm hungry and there's a pan of brownies or a pizza in front of me, I could easily eat my whole day's calorie limit and then some--in about 15 minutes. Whereas if it's a salad or soup in front of me, or a regular meal that includes veggies, it's easier to stay within a decent calorie range and still feel full. I also have a lot of trouble stopping when I'm eating something like brownies or cookies. Even when I am full.

    I'm sure you're going to make a lot of progress quickly, just getting rid of the sugary drinks! Water is your new best friend!
  • ScreeField
    ScreeField Posts: 180 Member
    edited August 2015
    I have pizza and beer 2x per week (sometimes more) and maintain around 118-125 lbs for like, ever. :) No worries, you'll do just fine even if you do eat a few villains of the food world.
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    Flexibility will keep you from feeling deprived, and then crashing and burning.

    My daughter and I are meeting a friend and her daughter at Chili's for lunch today. For dessert, we always share the Molten Lava Cake and today will be no exception. It's a calorie bomb, of course, but divided by 4, I can totally fit it!


  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    You are starting where I was. I still eat hot dogs, LOL.

    For water, I find many ways to take it including fancy teas, lemons, limes, and low calorie sweeteners. My latest fave I've nicknamed pineapple pixx. It is Crystal Light Aloha Pineapple Coconut.
  • amypriddy2000
    amypriddy2000 Posts: 11 Member
    I actually don't mind water as long as its not ice cold... Lol I'm weird I know... But I'm drinking between 6 and 7 16.9 oz bottles a day.... I had to cut out sugary drinks completely because 1 leads to 2 then 3 and well I'm right back where I started lol
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    I actually don't mind water as long as its not ice cold... Lol I'm weird I know... But I'm drinking between 6 and 7 16.9 oz bottles a day.... I had to cut out sugary drinks completely because 1 leads to 2 then 3 and well I'm right back where I started lol

    You might find that you can still have them later on if you cut them out for a while.

    I'll drink Mountain Dew like it's water so I try not to have it in the house. I go out for lunch and/or dinner something like 1-3 times per week, and 1-2 times a month I'll get a regular soda with my meal. Usually it's just water, and I'll get a diet soda if I need a caffeine boost.

  • sars388
    sars388 Posts: 29 Member
    Good luck.. I eat what I want just keep it under my goal.. Feel free to add.
  • pstegman888
    pstegman888 Posts: 286 Member
    Cutting out the frequent sweet teas and sodas should make a huge difference for you....good for you for identifying and eliminating a stumbling block! That alone should help a lot. As for hot dogs...just had one today, with a little side of baked beans & macaroni salad! Not a frequent thing, because they don't fill me up for long - I would rather spend my calories on more of something that is more filling, but that's what was available so I just logged it in & had a big salad for my next meal to even things out. Now I still have enough cals left for my evening snack.

    As long as you're logging accurately and staying within your calorie goal, you'll lose (or should I say, win!) Stick with it & enjoy your food. Come to the forums for advice & inspiration & friendship & yes, sometimes some tough love, lol!