1200 calorie diet since May 9/ 2pd weightloss-WASSSUP!!

Deneen2 Posts: 5 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been really conscious of my diet and exercise since May 9th. Staying at or around a net calorie of 1200, watching serving sizes, exercising 5 - 6 per week, using bands to tone muscle and nearly NO weight loss! I don't get it. I do have a thyroid condition but I am on meds for that..and my doc says my numbers are good. I am approaching the big 4-0 but 40 years old can lose weight??? Right?? I'm about ready to buy some fat burners or some other product from GNC! Anyone have any advice they can share! Thanks in advance:sad: :grumble:


  • BrayyNicole
    BrayyNicole Posts: 56 Member
    You said you are working 5-6 times a week, seems to me you would be burning alot of calories. Do you eat back all or atleast MOST of your exercise calories?
  • that's less than a month, it took me 2 weeks to even lose a pound because my body was adjusting to my new diet, I would guess in the next week you will really start to see the change
  • bhb301
    bhb301 Posts: 338 Member
    You may need more cals, if you do not have alot to lose.. I upped my cals and lost
  • Schuky01
    Schuky01 Posts: 33 Member
    Just give it time and stick with it. I have been doing great with my calories, working out 4-5 times a week and my scale has not budged in 4 weeks. I had this happen to me a few months ago and then after a month of not dropping any weight, the scale started to move again. I might not have lost any weight during that time but I dropped from a size 8 to a size 6. Just remember, I would rather have the scale stay still then start climbing upwards again!!!!!
  • helloburger
    helloburger Posts: 243 Member
    From looking at what you have put into your food diary so far, you have been over your calories... its good that your exercising and eating back your calories, but your really shouldnt be going over that amount...
  • That's my question too... are you eating back your exercise calories? If you don't have alot to lose you could actually be slowing down your metabolism by not eating enough.
  • emsibun
    emsibun Posts: 208
    :frown: aww. Weight loss is slow in your forties and beyond, I do know that.

    A lot of people are going to say you should be eating more. Some are going to say you need to eat a bit less carbohydrate and replace those calories with proteins. Some are going to say exercise at a higher intensity or try a different exercise that challenges you. Others may have different advice.

    To all of the above I would say: Make ONE change. Do it for two weeks. If that change didn't work, make ONE more change... etc.

    Good luck :wink:
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    You might need more calories. I know for me, 1200 is way too low. I manually changed my calories to 1500 a day and I'm still losing 1-2 lbs a week (and I eat most of my exercise calories).
  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    I looked @ your diary about a week back but you're missing a lot of days - maybe you're eating more cals than you think?

    Maybe try to squeeze in more veggies/home cooked meals and less processed stuff (not to say you eat a lot, just a good rule of thumb).

    I am in no way an expert though :-)

    ETA: as you only have 26 lbs to lose, maybe set your goal to a lb a week, rather than 2.
  • OrganicGal
    OrganicGal Posts: 15
    I know it can be very frustrating, but you are on the right track. Like I always say "The weight didn't get on me overnight, and it's not going to drop off overnight." It's a process...a lifestyle. You keep doing the things you are doing and you will notice a change in your body before you know it. You may not have seen the numbers dropping on your scale, but how do you feel? How do your clothes fit? That's where I saw the biggest change first...the way my clothes fit. If you aren't incorporating more fruits and veggies, do so. Fill up with fiber vs. carbs. You sound like you are doing great. I'm proud of you! Keep up the great work! :flowerforyou:
  • ckisme
    ckisme Posts: 15
    Not only tracking but choosing healthy calories is essential. How many calories are you burning when working out? If you don't use a heart rate monitor, I recommend getting one. This will help guage approx how many calories you are burning and how many workout calories you can add back into your meals. I will eat a quarter to a half of my work out calories. It all depends on how much your burn.
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I have been really conscious of my diet and exercise since May 9th. Staying at or around a net calorie of 1200, watching serving sizes, exercising 5 - 6 per week, using bands to tone muscle and nearly NO weight loss! I don't get it. I do have a thyroid condition but I am on meds for that..and my doc says my numbers are good. I am approaching the big 4-0 but 40 years old can lose weight??? Right?? I'm about ready to buy some fat burners or some other product from GNC! Anyone have any advice they can share! Thanks in advance:sad: :grumble:

    Based on your food diary, your calorie count at meals is backwards. Increase your breakfast to be the largest meal of the day with the highest calorie count. I would stick to approximately 30-40% of your daily 1,200 net calories. Lunch should be the second largest meal of the day and Dinner your smallest meal. I also see your snack calorie count each day is pretty high. It's okay to have a ton of snacks throughout the day, but when you are consuming over half your calories in snacks, that doesn't leave a lot left for good, hearty meals. Just my observation. BTW, I'm a 43 year old mother of 2 young kids, and I am just 5 lbs away from where I was in 1989! It can be done!!!
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Feel free to friend me if you would like to look at my food diary. I'm down to just my last few pounds, but they are still easily coming off and not a struggle like I thought it would be. The good days outweigh the bad days food-wise and I'm losing about 2 pounds each week.
  • Deneen2
    Deneen2 Posts: 5 Member
    I do eat the calories back...but I'm wondering if thats such a good idea!
  • lisafred24
    lisafred24 Posts: 306 Member
    I know every body has a differing opinion when it comes to eating back or not your exercise calories. My trainer says no so I don't and I have lost 15 lbs in about 5 weeks. However, I probably have more to lose than you do so that helps, but I am 44 so I already have the over 40 dynamic. I am also on thyroid medicine as well.
  • Starkle09
    Starkle09 Posts: 238 Member
    Try taking your measurements instead...sometimes with working out you're building muscle and that will make the scale stay the same. You will definetely see the difference in your measurements.
  • Deneen2
    Deneen2 Posts: 5 Member
    You guys are GREAT!!

    I do try and eat most of my calories back...and i will admit that this past weekend (Holiday) was not the "BEST" with all the grilling, but I did stick to chicken, did not do any sweets, or high fat foods like mac&cheese and stuff like that. So that could be why the scale is not moving at all this week.
    I dont do the best with "splitting" my meals up (breakfast, lunch,dinner) into categories. I just try and log it on the fly...so if I had strawberrys for lunch...but the nexxt day I have them for breakfast I may log into the lunch category because its already in the previous category and it is easier to select. I should probably do better with logging and tracking that stuff. I just do good to get it in there.
    But thanks so much for the help. I will keep ya all posted on my success!

    Thanks again

  • Deneen2
    Deneen2 Posts: 5 Member
    I did see a few inches lost around my waist and hips...so the running is helping. Hopefully the scale will eventually follow the inches.
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I did see a few inches lost around my waist and hips...so the running is helping. Hopefully the scale will eventually follow the inches.

    The best gauge of your weight loss success would be to find a pair of jeans or an article of clothing you feel is fitting to tightly right now. Once a month, try it on again. If it's looser... you're winning!!! :)

    Keep up the great work!
  • jacquejl
    jacquejl Posts: 193 Member
    Feel free to friend me if you would like to look at my food diary. I'm down to just my last few pounds, but they are still easily coming off and not a struggle like I thought it would be. The good days outweigh the bad days food-wise and I'm losing about 2 pounds each week.

    Great advice!! I'm just about 5foot and hard as I try, I just cannot lose more than .5 lb a week. I noticed from your profile that you are petite as well and don't have much to lose. A 2lb a week weightloss is phenominal!! I'd be open to any suggestions you have as to what works for you. I've decided to change my workout to weightlifting and HIIT (from long distance running/walking). I'm only on my second week, so I'm not seeing results yet. I will take your advice on switching up my meal portions (most cals in the am etc...). Any more advice would be appreciated, thanks!! :happy:
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