Hi Everyone!

Im new here! Just a little about my self

About 7 years i lost 130 pounds just by diet and exercise. I was able to keep it off and stay very fit. Then we found out I was pregnant with twins they were born march 8 2011. I ended up gaining 90 pounds back! I have lost 40 of those now I am wanting to shed that lats 55 pounds to be back at my weight of 150. I am doing p90x again and watchimg what I eat. Ive done it before 55 pounds should be easy I hope lol.


  • cwagner30
    cwagner30 Posts: 14
    Welcome! I am pretty new to this site myself!! I would love to have your support and give you some support as you take this journey! By the way, CONGRATS on you new little ones!!! I think that this site does a great job in keeping you responsible for your weight loss I had a friend a couple of weeks ago send me a message wondering where I was the day before! I was comforting my sick little ones however it felt great to know that she cared as much as I did! Add me as a friend if you would like!!

    Casey ;-)