Breakfast Ideas???

I usually eat 1 cup of Oats and 3 eggs. I eat this every morning. I need some other breakfast ideas.


  • tsclairepa
    tsclairepa Posts: 15 Member
    I eat yogurt with granola, make an egg white omelette with your favorite veggies
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Portion of dinner from the night before that you set aside to reheat for breakfast.
    Small beef or turkey burger topped with cheese. No bread.
    Nuts, dried fruit, and some cheese.
  • Train4Foodz
    Train4Foodz Posts: 4,298 Member
    edited August 2015
    For me, I generally have a nice portion of red-berries (I buy large prozen bags of the stuff and defrost in the fridge before bed!!) with vanilla yohgurt on top.
    It's filling, tasty and all in all for the large-ish portion I have.. only contains around 300 calories in total!
  • ScreeField
    ScreeField Posts: 180 Member
    Smoothie with fruit (banana and frozen bluberries are easy), oats, yogurt, coconut milk.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    edited August 2015
    I bake a "frittata" and split it in 1/4 for easy warm up breakfasts during the week. My favorites are cabbage/bacon and BLT. Each 1/4 is less than 150 calories.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
  • BekahC1980
    BekahC1980 Posts: 474 Member
    Homeade egg Mc muffin, peanut butter sandwich on waffles, yogurt with granola
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member

    Those look delicious! Recipe?

    I typically have 2 eggs scrambled, and a toasted english muffin with PB2. And coffee. Always coffee.
  • SimonT181
    SimonT181 Posts: 49 Member
    Would love to see what people have for breakfast as I am a cereal junkie and have found it hard to move to any thing else.

    If possible post up a pic like Queenmunchy did as that looks great ! post up a pic even if it is a "butter sandwich on waffles"
  • kirstym1108
    kirstym1108 Posts: 46 Member
    Porridge with fruit, seeds and Greek yogurt; wholemeal bagel with nut butter and banana; scrambled egg with avocado and chopped tomato on rye bread toast; lean bacon with sautéed mushrooms, grilled tomato, sugar free baked beans and a poached egg (healthy fry up at the weekend!)
  • flrancho
    flrancho Posts: 271 Member
    I eat all kinds of things, oatmeal, fruit, whole grain pancakes/waffles, egg white omelets, breakfast burritos in a whole grain tortilla, scrambled egg whites with wheat toast and tomato slices, ect/
  • megaiken92
    megaiken92 Posts: 42 Member
    edited August 2015
    Lately I've just been having a whole wheat english muffin with some PB. Other times I'll have a sweet potato sausage skillet with a runny egg on top or, this morning, I had some thin burger buns left over from the weekend so I made a sandwich with one containing 1/4 avocado, two slices of turkey breast and a fried egg.

    EDIT: I generally try to keep my breakfasts around 400 calories; I don't have mid-morning snacks.
  • egirlcat207
    egirlcat207 Posts: 51 Member
    Thumbs up on the homemade egg Mc muffin - 100 calorie whole wheat muffin , slice of nitrate free honey ham and over easy egg. Yum. But my all time favorite is my version of eggs florentine . Sautéed spinach on half toasted English muffin with over easy egg , ham slice and a dijon mustard drizzle with fresh fruit. The great thing about the breakfast sandwiches is I can prep a weeks worth on Sunday , wrap them and throw them in the freezer for a quick breakfast if pressed for time .
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Tomatoes! At least this time of year, they are in season and I can eat them every meal. Tomato and cream cheese on a slice of whole wheat bread, cottage cheese and tomato or a tomato, onions and egg scramble are great breakfasts.
    EXNING Posts: 20 Member
    Raw buckwheat groats! They are gluten free and high in protein (and cheap if bought in bulk). I like to cut up apple and frozen blueberries and add almond milk
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Here are breakfast recipes from the MFP blog, complete with a Log It button:
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    EXNING wrote: »
    Raw buckwheat groats! They are gluten free and high in protein (and cheap if bought in bulk). I like to cut up apple and frozen blueberries and add almond milk

    Raw? The buckwheat I use for Kasha Varnishkes is hard as a rock so I'm confused...
  • ldnewlady
    ldnewlady Posts: 25 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Here are breakfast recipes from the MFP blog, complete with a Log It button:

    I did not realize MFP had this!! Thanks for posting this!! :

  • suziecue20
    suziecue20 Posts: 567 Member
    porridge with skimmed milk
    poached egg on wholemeal toast
    grilled lean bacon, grilled toms and saute mushrooms
    shredded wheat, skimmed milk, blueberries and raspberries
    leftover veggie stirfry
    crumpets and marmite
    boiled egg and wholemeal bread with flora proactive

  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member

    Those look delicious! Recipe?

    4 slices center cut bacon
    8oz sliced cabbage (I use bagged coleslaw)
    4 eggs
    4 egg whites or ¾ cup liquid egg whites
    ¼ cup nonfat milk
    Salt/pepper to taste
    1-2 scallions, sliced

    Chop and crisp the bacon in a pan. Remove the bacon and cook the cabbage in the remaining bacon grease until soft – set aside. In a separate bowl, whisk eggs, egg whites, milk, salt and pepper. Line the bottom of a cake pan with parchment paper. Pour egg mixture into pan and add cabbage distributing evenly. Top with bacon and scallions. Bake at 400 for approx. 20 minutes until set. 144 calories per 1/4 serving.

    The BLT frittata is the exact same recipe, but I swap out the cabbage for 3 oz of baby spinach, 60 grams (if I remember correctly) of sliced grape tomatoes instead of scallions - 132 calories per 1/4 serving.

    You can really use the base recipe and add in any combo of meat, cheese and veggies. :)