Three kids, a full time job and no time! Tips?



  • melmelw03
    melmelw03 Posts: 5,332 Member
    I'm single working mom of 2. I do zumba dvd's or Jillian Michaels dvds or youtube while at home. Or I take the kids with me up to the local high school track and walk/run. The kids run and play while I do my thing. They now realize that when mom works out, they need to occupy themselves (ages 7 and 11). My 7 year old has learned to join in with me and zumba, and we do stretching together. I feel like I'm setting a good example for my girls, one I didn't have growing up. They will remember later on that mommy took the time to take care of herself.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Then just diet.
  • hyg99
    hyg99 Posts: 354 Member
    I work full time with 3 kids and I found when they were little it was fitting in around after school stuff. So they did swim lessons, I nipped in the gym. They did other stuff, I'd either run or gym round dropping off and fetching. Up early at the weekend for a run before the house wakes (hubby and kids still in bed when I got back). It's easier now they are in their teens, my middle daughter will.frequently come to the gym with me, and we do fun stuff as a family, so days out walking, biking even rock climbing, skiing at local dry slope centre etc.
  • hyg99
    hyg99 Posts: 354 Member
    Just to add, when I could do the school run (depending on my shifts) I always walked rather than car, then ran home.
    I even gymmed when they went to preschool, any opportunity.

    Another thing was when meeting friends, rather than coffee and chat, made it a walk and chat.

    Nowadays I run a lot with my husband and we chat then which has become a ritual we enjoy. Especially the Friday night run when we destress from work.
  • rilmarie999
    rilmarie999 Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you! What great support and ideas! I think the best part is seeing that others are doing it and making it work :) the thing I keep reading is YouTube or treadmill at home - 5 of us live in 900sqft so that's not an option but the 5 am workout sounds like the next best bet. I also liked the idea of taking the kids to a high school track with their bikes while I run. Thanks everyone what a great community. In the end I just have to do it! :)
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I have 3 kids and a full time professional job. On top of that I'm a single mom, 1 kid with special needs and all kids are 5 years old or younger. You will make the time for important things. I work out early in the morning before my kids wake up or right when they do and are watching a cartoon. I have a home treadmill and it was the best purchase I could have made. If I don't want to wake up, I'll jog after I put them to bed at 9pm. I workout at least 5 days a week and have lost weight.
  • nicediva007
    nicediva007 Posts: 35 Member
    edited August 2015
    I have two kids, work full time with a 30-45 minute twice a day commute, with a spouse who works approx. 12 hours a day, so I'm the primary one responsible for kiddos. At first, I couldn't find the time to workout that I preferred. It was either 5 am or after dinner. I didn't like either option since I was used to noon workouts (which is not an option any longer due to work changes). I basically had to decide what was important to me and how I could best sustain. What worked and still works for me is that I now work out from 9-11pm once the kids are settled into bed. Since both of my kids are school age, I can get them into bed, get the stuff ready for the next day, and then take care of myself. I don't love working out so late, but it's better than an early morning rising, IMO. It's also producing results because I'm consistent. It helps that I have a pretty decent home gym that we've piecemealed from craigslist. I have a treadmill, an elliptical, a bench press, and lots of free weights.

    We all get fed and my house is relatively clean; laundry does pile up a little in our guest room, but at least it's clean just not folded and put away. Is rather have a mountain of laundry and a fit (or getting there) body than a spotless house and feeling bad about myself.

    Hope this helps!
  • melmelw03
    melmelw03 Posts: 5,332 Member
    I have two kids, work full time with a 30-45 minute twice a day commute, with a spouse who works approx. 12 hours a day, so I'm the primary one responsible for kiddos. At first, I couldn't find the time to workout that I preferred. It was either 5 am or after dinner. I didn't like either option since I was used to noon workouts (which is not an option any longer due to work changes). I basically had to decide what was important to me and how I could best sustain. What worked and still works for me is that I now work out from 9-11pm once the kids are settled into bed. Since both of my kids are school age, I can get them into bed, get the stuff ready for the next day, and then take care of myself. I don't love working out so late, but it's better than an early morning rising, IMO. It's also producing results because I'm consistent. It helps that I have a pretty decent home gym that we've piecemealed from craigslist. I have a treadmill, an elliptical, a bench press, and lots of free weights.

    We all get fed and my house is relatively clean; laundry does pile up a little in our guest room, but at least it's clean just not folded and put away. Is rather have a mountain of laundry and a fit (or getting there) body than a spotless house and feeling bad about myself.

    Hope this helps!

    I'm the same with the laundry thing! Priorities! I figure the laundry is going to always be a constant, so I may as well spend the time I need on me!
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    Thank you! What great support and ideas! I think the best part is seeing that others are doing it and making it work :) the thing I keep reading is YouTube or treadmill at home - 5 of us live in 900sqft so that's not an option but the 5 am workout sounds like the next best bet. I also liked the idea of taking the kids to a high school track with their bikes while I run. Thanks everyone what a great community. In the end I just have to do it! :)
    A lot of treadmills fold up for space when not in use.
    When it comes to finding time, I'd say one of the easiest things you can give up first is TV if you take a serious look at how much you watch. Or having a treadmill or bike in front of the TV means you might not even have to give it up at all.

  • niduran1961
    niduran1961 Posts: 26 Member
    One more thing is that doing ten minute stretches two or three times a day is just as good as doing it all at once. So if one of those is walking while the kids ride bikes, and one is maybe a short walk or run after they go to bed, whatever you can squeeze in. It's not as easy to stick with a routine, that's the thing, because the kids' schedules are always changing or they refuse, for no reason, to go to the park with you (I remember those days), so you just have to kind of keep looking for possibilities. Good luck!
  • Nyxstar
    Nyxstar Posts: 2 Member
    I have 3 kids and work full time as well. The activities I fit in are:
    Gym at night after the kids go to bed
    Walk or bike ride with the kids in the evening
    Gym over my lunch break when my work schedule fits
    Treadmill for the days I can't get a walk or run in outside
    Bench and Plates in the garage for when I can't get to the gym

    Basically I make time to fit a workout in 5-6 times a week. It might mean me being up past midnight to get it in, but if I want to squeeze it in, I do what I have to do

    Exactly what I do! I have 3 kids. They are part of my weight loss adventure. They hike, bike, and climb with me. After bedtime I can sneak out to the gym a couple nights per week. Then, during my lunch break I get in as much walking/jogging as possible. I try to get to work about 20 minutes early to walk around the complex before my workday begins. Its not easy to get it in, but once I made it my priority, it became very possible. right now I'm down 29 pounds and still have a lot to lose, but I have no doubts I will get there since it is a priority for me.
  • RosieWest8
    RosieWest8 Posts: 185 Member
    There are many HIIT workouts on Youtube that could be useful to you and they can be really short, so just do some searching for one that would fit into your schedule. I do not have any children but at one time I had an office job where I worked later hours (10am-7:30pm) and I enjoyed sleeping in so I didn't want to get up early and workout and I also didn't want to have to try working out at 8pm when I got home. I had two 15 minute breaks at my job and I worked in a building that had 4 floors and stairs so I would just jog up the stairs for my 15 minute breaks. I actually didn't find that I got too sweaty but it wouldn't really have mattered anyway because I had a phone job and didn't see anyone other than my co-workers.

    It would also be helpful if you could find a gym that was close to your home or job. There was a gym for employees at my work so I would also bring workout clothes and just go straight from work downstairs to workout so I didn't spend extra time driving to/from the gym.

    Good luck!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,663 Member
    7 minute workout. It's free.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • njfitnessmom
    njfitnessmom Posts: 345 Member
    I am a full time working mom of two kids with a hubby that works full time, part time student and his own photography business. What's worked for me best is getting up before everybody else and getting my weight lifting in around 4:30am. It's quiet and I have a good 45 min to workout and then shower before anybody gets up. Then in the evenings I'll go for either a bike ride or a jog. If hubby isn't home that night, I have a treadmill to get a run in. I'll even take the kids out on their bikes around the neighborhood to get my walk in and some quality time with them. I do what it takes to get it done and sometimes that means juggling things around.
  • allaboutthefood
    allaboutthefood Posts: 781 Member
    Beach Body Mom on youtube has a workout video for small spaces, and tons others. The track is a great idea and just going for family walks/playing outside anything that keeps you moving, if you have a desk job, go for walks on your breaks? if you can walk to work or walk home?
  • Seeyoubabyweight
    Seeyoubabyweight Posts: 49 Member
    edited August 2015
    I'm the same as you. I work full time, three kids at home and my hubby worksd straight nights. My day is up at 6am get everyone out the door, work till 3:30pm, get home, clean, cook feed (hubby leaves at 6pm) get everyone to bed and finally have xx time to myself before crashing at 9:30pm...repeat.

    Sound familiar???? You CAN add a workout. I did. I started with a YouTube program that was four weeks of 10min work outs. I would get as much supper prep done the night before and insisted my family leave me alone for that short time while I worked out in our office. I also started taking 20 min walks on my lunch break.

    When that started to be to simple and I wanted more I discovered FitnessBlender. I purchased the 8 week busy people calendar and started getting up at 5:30am for workouts. Does it suck absolutley, but by this point I was committed.

    I've been doing this about five months now, and its become routine for all of us. Now my kids are even at the point where they will sneak in to watch or join me in a workout, but nobody actually bothers me. Start with the small\shorter workouts and go from there. It is possible!
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    i know I'm not the first person to say I have no time to exercise - but I really don't. I'm wondering what interesting, creative ways others have come up with to exercise in the in-between times? I keep reading about two hour walks and trips to the gym - I'm lucky to get a ten minute jog around my neighborhood :) anyone have any secrets to share?

    Four kids, full time job, scout leader (Cub and Boy), Sunday School teacher, and do other volunteer work. You have to make time.

    Practically, that looks like this in my life:

    My 9yo goes to the "youth fitness" area of my gym or to the pool with one of my teens when I workout. I walk at lunch and eat at my desk. I walk around the soccer field instead of watching practice. I take a turn mowing the lawn. Every little bit helps.

  • cpower4604
    cpower4604 Posts: 33 Member
    I have found it hard to fit exercise into my schedule as well. I have started wearing a pedometer daily and I make sure I get up and walk around at least once an hour and I try to park farther away. It is amazing how much of a difference it makes just parking further away. Baby steps.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Thank you! What great support and ideas! I think the best part is seeing that others are doing it and making it work :) the thing I keep reading is YouTube or treadmill at home - 5 of us live in 900sqft so that's not an option but the 5 am workout sounds like the next best bet. I also liked the idea of taking the kids to a high school track with their bikes while I run. Thanks everyone what a great community. In the end I just have to do it! :)

    For home workouts that take little of no floor space google: Convict Conditioning, Cramped Quarters (Gin Miller), or Leslie Sansone. Also, look for anything that requires a mat....pilates, yoga, etc.
  • marcelo_templario
    marcelo_templario Posts: 653 Member
    Gonna sound stupid again: go hike, jog or something at least 1 hour a day, 45 minutes would be good too, now, if you want to lose weight that's a feeding matter, now, as I see you have no time at all I'd recommend 2 things: yoga and stretching, not the usual pre workout stretching, but a tough one that push you, all you need is a mat (a thick one) and youtube videos, I discourage of doing Pilates...