ugh omg accomplishment hitting rock bottom EASy

So i made it thrught the week eating right and excersicing and like my last topic said "a week in seems like for ever to see results" well coming saturday morning i weigh mysdelf and see i have lost 1.5lbs yey then me and my husband /bf lol go out u know and i totally forgot about temtation the big rock so i cheated once then i failed again nnnnoooooo. I felt realy bad and nasty at the end of the day but worst of all is that coming monday i hardly did anything to get back on track like wtf and i had said to myself that i wasnt going to throw all my weeks work away but thats just what. I did so now i gained that weight back and have started being that same sluggish person i decided to shed a week ago. Sorry this post is not written correctly its just frustrating posting from a black berry tiny key pad with ur nails done.:(


  • TheMrsBee
    TheMrsBee Posts: 226 Member
    I am exactly the same!! i can't get myself motivated again!! SO hard!!

    Good Luck!
  • Lindz2323
    Lindz2323 Posts: 261 Member
    Fall backs happen to most everyone I'm sure, even me.. I havent been eating the healthiest the past few days but I'm still trying to stay within reasonable calories. =/ I know you can get back on track and once you do and see the weight coming off more and more, you'll be more excited to keep going! Don't give up =)
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    Treat every day as a new start. Anything you do that is better than before is a step in the right direction, you dont need to do it all at once. Baby steps! Dont beat yourself up about it and try and do some better each day/week towards your goals. Good luck!
  • kirstyfromscotland
    kirstyfromscotland Posts: 555 Member
    if u stick 2 it most days u will still c a change, i allow myself a bad day but i still count my totals n try not 2 go over, when u see results that will motivate u 2 stick to it, good luck.x
  • SarahLovesCheesecake
    me and my husband /bf lol

    Is that your husband and your botfriend or are you unsure wether you got married or not? :wink: :laugh: :happy: :brokenheart: :sad: :yawn:
  • j06j10
    j06j10 Posts: 17
    The thing is that we have 2 kids already 5and1 we are 21 and so we've been together for the longest now. Our family see us as married couple but i mean we arent married so that does make him my bf and when i tak to people i rarely say hes my boyfriend and hes the same way he sometimes says my girl or my wife so yeah but hopefully someday that slash can go away when i stop getting cold feet i'll let you know lol he needs to wait i mean we already have been sharing everything but i dont know why i'm so scared maybe family issues and maybe because my parents never got married well they still have time they're 37 yrs old.