Looking for motivated people aiming to lose 100 lbs or more.... I need inspiration! !!!!!!

Hi everyone,

My name is Qannayah, I've been back and forth with this weight loss journey for 7 years now!!!!.... I have a buddy group... but we can't get it together to meet up for exercising or kickboxing staying with our eating plans...etc..

At this point in my life I have been able to achieve anything I put my mind to except weight loss and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I have not eaten red meat in a little over of 15 years and Am now starting to cut out chicken and turkey. I can go on and on but ultimately I need encouragement, inspiration and most importantly improve in my consistency regarding weight loss and healthy living... I always start but have never made it to the end or even a month!!!!

Well, if you were anything like me and have succeeded in your healthy living journey please reach out to me and help me become the healthy woman and mom I aspire to become!!!!



  • Redmonkeydf
    Redmonkeydf Posts: 15 Member
    I have about that to go. Feel free to add me.
  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hi Qannayah! I would love to be friends. Feel free to add me. :)
  • Love2GoRun
    Love2GoRun Posts: 7 Member
    My injuries are behind me for the most part and i am recovering well from the lung infection that had me worn out. I had to reset my weight and goals since I opted to not change my intake while i was laid up and lets just say i gained a few..... I have a lot of travel ahead of me but I will just need to pack my kicks and make time to focus on me.

    Looking for motivation to get back at it. Good luck and feel free to add.
  • preciousliam
    preciousliam Posts: 26 Member
    Hello.. you can add me... I could lose about 50lbs!
  • AccidentlyOnPurpose
    I started off needing to lose about 80 lbs, and am at about 40 to go. So you can add me if you like. :)
  • Charley2Charleen
    Charley2Charleen Posts: 1 Member
    Please Add me i am trying to lose 150lbs please add me j need help and aim to give it 100%