Keto Friends (Any in Calgary?)

My name is Steph and I'm looking for a Keto buddy to help myself stay accountable and someone to get in deeper contact with a couple times a week/ month (via myfitnesspal messages/email/text/coffee; rather than just the standard occasional blogging) that have the same goals.
None of my friends here practice Keto and I think that it would be motivating having someone that shares the same drive as myself with regards to Keto & fitness.
I just feel better on Keto, way more energy, etc.

I am a 30 year old female living in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I'm also working & going to school full-time and am happily married with a husband and 2 very lazy dogs (Cerberus & Fugly).
I am 5'5, started Jan 2015@180lbs and I'm now (after some stops & starts) @ 155lbs.
My ultimate goal weight is 112lbs @ 12% body fat.
My July 3rd goal weight would be 139lbs. (I just want to be out of the 140's lol).
I am trying to keep my TOTAL carbs under 20grams; less if possible.

I'm really interested in weight-lifting and perfecting my form is very important to me while also getting strong. I have currently started the 5x5 workout (3 day/week@4am before work) in an effort to keep it simple for the next couple of months while I build my strength and get my eating on track.
I heard somewhere that it takes 3 months to develop a new habit pathway in your brain and the old bad habits are always waiting there but they steadily get fainter every time you ignore them. Now I don't know if that's right but I figure that it can't hurt to be super-consistent for 3 months and see where that gets me 

I am committed to doing a 90 day challenge starting June 2015.
* Go to the gym/ workout at least 3x per week
* Stay in Ketosis for the whole 90 days
* Eat 20g or less carbs per day
* I'm also open to other goals during this challenge

As a sidenote, here is a really neat link that lets you calculate whether or not you are in ketosis without using a blood monitor. (Although, I do test regularly the ketones in my blood as well).

Anyone, please feel free to add me as a friend but message me if you're interested in developing a closer keto buddy and we can chat more about our keto/fitness goals :)
My diary is viewable to all as I personally find it interesting to see others diary. It definitely helps with recipe ideas! lol



  • chelseaMPLS
    chelseaMPLS Posts: 1 Member
    Hey Steph!
    My name is Chelsea. I don't live near you but I am new to Keto and close in age!
    I am 27, 5'2, 182lbs (started at 190 a week ago)
    I would love to just have someone to be friends with on here and watch each other succeed! I always feel like doing this with someone helps so much!
    Let me know what you think! ;)
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    sj_arndt wrote: »
    My name is Steph and I'm looking for a Keto buddy to help myself stay accountable and someone to get in deeper contact with a couple times a week/ month (via myfitnesspal messages/email/text/coffee; rather than just the standard occasional blogging) that have the same goals.
    None of my friends here practice Keto and I think that it would be motivating having someone that shares the same drive as myself with regards to Keto & fitness.
    I just feel better on Keto, way more energy, etc.

    I am a 30 year old female living in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I'm also working & going to school full-time and am happily married with a husband and 2 very lazy dogs (Cerberus & Fugly).
    I am 5'5, started Jan 2015@180lbs and I'm now (after some stops & starts) @ 155lbs.
    My ultimate goal weight is 112lbs @ 12% body fat.
    My July 3rd goal weight would be 139lbs. (I just want to be out of the 140's lol).
    I am trying to keep my TOTAL carbs under 20grams; less if possible.

    I'm really interested in weight-lifting and perfecting my form is very important to me while also getting strong. I have currently started the 5x5 workout (3 day/week@4am before work) in an effort to keep it simple for the next couple of months while I build my strength and get my eating on track.
    I heard somewhere that it takes 3 months to develop a new habit pathway in your brain and the old bad habits are always waiting there but they steadily get fainter every time you ignore them. Now I don't know if that's right but I figure that it can't hurt to be super-consistent for 3 months and see where that gets me 

    I am committed to doing a 90 day challenge starting June 2015.
    * Go to the gym/ workout at least 3x per week
    * Stay in Ketosis for the whole 90 days
    * Eat 20g or less carbs per day
    * I'm also open to other goals during this challenge

    As a sidenote, here is a really neat link that lets you calculate whether or not you are in ketosis without using a blood monitor. (Although, I do test regularly the ketones in my blood as well).

    Anyone, please feel free to add me as a friend but message me if you're interested in developing a closer keto buddy and we can chat more about our keto/fitness goals :)
    My diary is viewable to all as I personally find it interesting to see others diary. It definitely helps with recipe ideas! lol


    Low Carb Discussion Group on MFP
    Ketogenic Diet Discussion Group on MFP

    Both groups are super friendly. LCD is more active than Keto, but there are many knowledgeable people there.

    I hope this helps,

    Dan the Man from Michigan
    It's Ketogenic or Bariatric! How I Found the Ketogenic Diet
    Blog #10 Keto: Abbreviations, Acronyms & Terminology Used on the LCD & Keto Discussion Groups
    Blog #13 DittoDan's Milestone's, First's And Good Changes Since Starting the Ketogenic Diet
    DittoDan's Keto Blogs
    How I got Off of Diabetic Prescriptions Drugs Since I Started Keto
    Blog #11 Really Good Keto Websites
  • sj_arndt
    sj_arndt Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks Dan! I'll totally check those groups out :)
  • sj_arndt
    sj_arndt Posts: 14 Member
    Totally Chelsea! I'll send you a message & friend request & we can chat about Keto & our personal goals :)
  • kikomansauce
    kikomansauce Posts: 59 Member
    edited June 2015
    I'm doing some type of moderation of Keto, but I like the workout plan :) I might take up the 5x5... I would like to join too, if that's alright :)

    I'm 21 years old, pretty small - 120 lbs, and 5'2" but trying to shape up and lose the last 5-10lbs.
  • sj_arndt
    sj_arndt Posts: 14 Member
    I'm doing some type of moderation of Keto, but I like the workout plan :) I might take up the 5x5... I would like to join too, if that's alright :)

    I'm 21 years old, pretty small - 120 lbs, and 5'2" but trying to shape up and lose the last 5-10lbs.

    Of course! I'll send you a message & friend request :) Sounds interesting, what type of Keto variation are you doing?
    I love Keto and I'm always interested in what others are doing!
    There are several different variations of the 5x5 workout, I attached the link below for the one that I'm doing :)
    For the last couple weeks I've been focusing on getting my form right on all of these main compound moves as I find that the majority of people do them incorrectly and I personally think that correct form is the most important part of any exercise. My squat form in particular sucked due to a combination of being taught incorrectly by various personal trainers (didn't have me break parallel, kept increasing the weight on me when I was only doing half squats, tight hip flexors/hamstrings/ankles/etc, not explaining that a person employes a different form when performing high bar vrs low bar squats, that there are different types of squats and each may require a different form (high bar, low bar, front, sumo squats, etc), just to name a few).

    So when I educated myself and discovered these things I decided to go back to the beginning. That led me to the 5x5 workout. I liked how it's super simple, I will see noticeable strength gains, and it is easy to remember what weigh you are lifting without having to write everything down lol This is my first week that I have started it so tomorrow I'm on Week 1 (Friday).
    So if you do decide to take up the same program then we'll be able to compare notes & see how each other is doing which would be fun. :) So far the only deviation from the schedule (see website link) is that apparently my shoulders are too weak to do the 5x5 overhead press with the Olympic bar (45lbs) so I started with a 30lb bar instead which I found to be the highest I could go and not miss any 5x5 sets/reps.
    For my tightness issues, I am doing yoga/stretching for half an hour before bed every night. I'm also supplementing the 5x5 with HIIT cardio on the weekends.

    Talk to you soon,
  • kwendy04
    kwendy04 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey! I'm 34 and also in Calgary. Ijust started Keto about 3 weeks ago. So far I'm loving the ease of it (I'm a planner by nature so a week of meal prep makes it so easy!) and the fact that it's actually working for me! I spent the last year counting macros, with the help of a reputable online trainer, and working out (lifting heavy + cardio) 90 mins a day - 5 days a week with little results. It took 9 months to lose 17 lbs. Granted a had significant fat loss and gained a lot of muscle but it wasn't nearly as much as I should have lost for the amount of work i put in to it. Then I started working again and realized I didn't have that 90 minutes anymore. still go to the gym, maybe 3 x a week, and walking on off days. So far I've lost 10 lbs in the past 3 weeks and that feels pretty good considering it was with minimal effort. Love the 5x5 workout idea...will definitely have to try that!
  • Schmeggly80
    Schmeggly80 Posts: 81 Member
    Hi Steph. Just saw this post and I know it is a few months old but thought I would try to connect with you anyways. Our stats and goals are identical (except I am 5'4"). I also live in Calgary and would love to find a keto buddy to help keep me on track. Add me if you are still looking for a k-pal :smile:
  • tanyaL0L
    tanyaL0L Posts: 23 Member
    Hi Steph, and all you Calgary gals. I'm not starting Keto until September however if you need a Keto buddy or a training buddy I'm here.
    I lift 3-4 days/week doing and advanced 5's progression from 5/3/1 and beyond from Jim Wendler. As well as I run 3 days per week 5k Max distance.
    I'm curious to see once I start Keto how it will impact my strength on my main lifts in the beginning, I know the power will come back once I'm Keto adjusted regardless I'm stoked to start. I want to drop 15-20 lbs right now I'm 160.

    I work in Calgary & live south of the city with my common law Hubble, two fur kids (dogs) and a few acreage cats. If any of you want a cheerleader please don't hesitate to add me. =) I'd luv the support system for the Keto too!