

  • JRC707
    JRC707 Posts: 19 Member
    edited August 2015
    I do up to 5 keto days per week and 2-3 carb days per week. 70% fat 25% protein 5% carbs on my keto days is what I normally do.
  • faberallison
    faberallison Posts: 45 Member
    I'm a fellow keto eater. I eat under 20 grams net carbs daily. Sometimes I eat HF, but focus on protein as well. Would love fellow keto friends :) happy eating!
  • MrsRyMo
    MrsRyMo Posts: 2 Member
    Keto here! Down 6lbs in 3 weeks. I definitely feel like the others, I can eat carbs for days but get full quickly off high fat. I'm definitely still learning though!
  • tcoun
    tcoun Posts: 16 Member
    How many calories/Fat/Protein?

    1200 calories, but lately I've been doing. 1500, and my macros are 60-70% fat, 10-20% protein, 10% carbs :smile:
  • tcoun
    tcoun Posts: 16 Member
    I am at 300 days more or less eating under under 50 grams of carbs due to cutting out most all sugar and all grains. Pain levels are now well managed just from diet. IBS cleared up and has been totally gone for 4+ months, etc.

    In the last couple years before I started Very Low Carb Very High Fat (coconut oil was the first fat that I added) I did lose from 250 to 230 on my normal diet but just eating less by going hungry but not much net results.

    On LCHF I stay stuffed most of the time and over the last 300 days have lost a little over 30 more pounds putting me just under 200 for the first time in 22 years. I am eating about 2600 calories most days but it takes 3000 for me to maintain which I stop and do after every 10-15 drop in weight.

    Most people are not going to cut back or cut out carbs so LCHF is not a way of eating for the masses. I do it for other health reasons but weighing less is a plus for my other health issues.

    After 40 years of abusing carbs they had done a number on my health so a healthy person may have very different response than I did.

    There is NOTHING magical about eating < 50 grams of carbs daily to stay in a state of nutritional ketosis. In my case I can not abuse fat the way I can abuse carbs because I feel up and would gag if I tried to eat more high fat foods so I wind up reducing my calorie intake due to eating VLCHF. On carbs I could eat until I burst for some reason.

    After trying it for 90 days in a serious way you will know if it is for you for life or not. I plan to be a lifer.

    I love Keto too! I'm on it for life as well :smile:
  • tcoun
    tcoun Posts: 16 Member
    eraser51 wrote: »
    keto with on and off for about 1 1/2 year.. :)

    Lost 35kg till now... stall since 4 months :/

    guess need to upp the protein!?

    Maybe try increasing your fat first :smile: Ibe been on a 2 month plateau before haha. It took me two months to lose 2 pounds, and it was because of too high protein, too low fat, and my deficit was steadily growing smaller day by day (I was not logging honestly!)
  • tanyaL0L
    tanyaL0L Posts: 23 Member
    I am going to start this for September and I'm stoked! Been collecting lots of recipes and if you're looking for an excellent website goto: ibreatheimhungry.com
    Melissa is a goddess and a Keto queen chef!
  • TinaMP73
    TinaMP73 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi! I'm just stating keto, I'm on day 2 now. I would like some friends who know about the plan. I definitely need support and I am supportive in return.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Search for the low carb group (LCD) in MFP. I don't know how to link it. It's a great group.
  • Swan37
    Swan37 Posts: 12 Member
    edited August 2015
    I've been doing Keto for 5 years and will never go back. Keep it up!!! It sounds like you are kicking butt...congrats. :)