Plantar fasciitis and Zumba

okay probably gong to be a very small audience here who may be able to as my title suggests I have plantar fasciitis on and off for years! I am fine during my runs and everyday life but I struggle during my Zumba class, I have a hard time finding a shoe to wear that provides support but is also flexible enough to adapt to the moves in class, anyone have any ideas or been through something similar? Thanks


  • Versacam
    Versacam Posts: 109 Member
    Have you considered custom made liners? I got some made at a running shop and wear them in my everyday trainers. It made a massive difference to me, especially when playing squash and jumping onto my feet. I'm 270lbs and found I have a lot of arch issues and general foot/ankle issues due to the weight.

    Might be worth considering? They were around £60 here (UK).
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    Actual dance sneakers seems to help my PF when I do Zumba.
  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    I don't have PF, but I used to get terrible cramps in my arches and pain in my heels whenever I took a class. I found that wearing dance shoes (I have Ryka Influence) with additional arch support insoles (I use AFS- they aren't custom but you can't get fitted for them) and getting a good stretch in my feet before class helped a lot!
  • Beccajayn
    Beccajayn Posts: 22 Member
    I know this sounds crazy, but check to see if the muscles in your calves are tight. If they are, work them like crazy two to three times a week for a month or two, and see if that helps your plantar faciitis.
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    I have plantyr fasciitis. My phyiscal therapist told me to only wear New Blanace sneakers with black soles. He said that they were firm enough to support you feet. So that is what I do. I've also been streching 3 times daily while waiting for the train for the past 25 days. I should also ice my feet when sitting for tv or dinner. My feet feel so much better than I now realize how much my ankles hurt and I do ankle exercises now.

    If its the ZUMBA that is hurting your feet, consider belling dancing. You do bumps, grinds and shimmys and only shuffle your feet across the floor. You can pick Zumba back up when you feet stop hurting.