Can anyone be a size 2?

Ok, so Ive been on mfp for a little over a month. I have lost 11 lbs, but I havent really noticed much of a change other than in my stomach. I have been eating around 1200 calories a day and exercising at least 6 days a week. I want to lose about 50 more lbs which would put me at 110lbs. I also want to be a size 2 or 4, but i feel like it's not possible. I definitely have a pear shaped body and Im wondering if my thighs will ever look nice again. PLEASE HELP!! If you have any success story like mine, please let me know!!


  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I do not beleive that everyone has the bone structure to be those sizes. With that being said, I never thought I'd be a size 4 either. I am 5'10 and 135 with a pear shape as well. I have reached my goal weight and am now focusing on getting my thighs and bum-bum in better shape and smaller. However, I do not think I personally will ever be smaller than a 4. I have a small frame but still just don't think it's possible.

    But I guess almost anything is possible...:indifferent:
  • mawhite717
    mawhite717 Posts: 202 Member
    it depends on your body shape whether or not you will be able to get into a size 2 AND it also depends on the brand of clothes. i lost about 50 lbs a long time ago and i got down to 130 -135. i was wearing anything between a size 6 and size12. so there may be some clothes that are size 2 that you will be able to fit into... some smaller, some bigger.
  • SKastanis
    SKastanis Posts: 11
    Don't stress on what the tag says. It's inaccurate anyway! Not only do all designers run differently (some smaller, some larger), but designers in general are putting different numbers on the same measurements. For example, the measurements that use to be a size 4 are now a size 6. If I were you, I'd worry more about losing inches and pounds. Inches especially if you are doing weight training. Going down dress sizes is really nice, but don't stress on what the final number is. Just wear what fits and know that you are being healthier and losing weight!!! Great job so far, and good luck on the remainder of your journey!
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    really depends on you...but i believe anything is possible if you keep at it

    i stated out at a size 14 last year and just purchased size 4 jeans 2 weeks can do it too! BUT...eating 1200 calories a day did not work as i got closer to my goal...i stalled so now i zig zag with an average of 1400 or so a day. Oh, i'm 153 lbs and 5' 7" (started at 184 lbs).
  • ChRiStA_1983
    ChRiStA_1983 Posts: 380 Member
    Hey there!

    I feel your pain...I'm 5'9 1/2", and I weigh 132 lbs. I'm STILL a size 8!!! But you know what? It's okay with me! I'm tall, and I've accepted that I'll NEVER be a 1 or a 2...Some people just don't have the stature to be that low...

    The number on the scale, or on the tag of an item of clothing doesn't define you. How you feel about yourself does! Be proud of your accomplishment, and don't compare yourself to anyone else!
  • LittleD311
    LittleD311 Posts: 618 Member
    Ok, so Ive been on mfp for a little over a month. I have lost 11 lbs, but I havent really noticed much of a change other than in my stomach. I have been eating around 1200 calories a day and exercising at least 6 days a week. I want to lose about 50 more lbs which would put me at 110lbs. I also want to be a size 2 or 4, but i feel like it's not possible. I definitely have a pear shaped body and Im wondering if my thighs will ever look nice again. PLEASE HELP!! If you have any success story like mine, please let me know!!

    just remember that your body is your body, and dont compare yourself to others! do what you want to do for YOU! When I was at my lowest weight of 120lbs, i was able to wear a size 2, and that was the first time in my life, I currently weight 139.0 lbs, and my size 4 jeans fit, not as loose as before, but they fit. People have different body frames, so what is a size 2 for someone, might be a size 6 to you. I have very wide hips, but still was able to fit in a 2! Good luck
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I think it depends on the cut of jeans. After my 3rd child I got down to 118 (alas, those were the days). I could wear a size 2 in certain jeans but had others that were sized bigger and were much tighter. My current goal is to get into my size 4 clothes. I can do them up, but am living proof that just because you can fit in a size 4 doesn't mean that you should. I still have a ways to go before I would dare wear them in public. I have 8's that are tight and 6's that are loose. Just find the right cut and brand for you.
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    I'm fitting into a size 4 now (though it's tight), I'm trying to lose inches and build muscle mass, not sure what size I'll end up being. But just wanted to encourage you to strength train!!!!

    Muscles will help you be the trimmest, healthiest you that you can achieve. Need a place to start? Check out the book, "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" by Lou Schuler. Get the body you want with 3 work outs a week and each workout is about 45 minutes. Don't forget to lift heavy! :)
  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    Meeeeeee! I am a size 2. But - I am only 5'1" and pretty small boned (although I have hilariously big feet). You know what works better than clothing sizes???? Measurements! The clothes sizes vary with each manufacturer and can't really tell you very much about your healthy size. That being said - best of luck to you on your amazing journey!
  • RunBakeLove
    RunBakeLove Posts: 101 Member
    I think it just depends on the body type. I'm 5'5" and currently 145 lbs, hoping to get down to 130 lbs. I have wide hips and upper thighs that don't look fatty, which makes me think they won't get much smaller. I'm a size 6, occasionally a 4...but I don't think I'll ever get down to a 2.

    But sizes vary widely and while it feels ahmazing when I can zip my size 4 khakis, I try to focus more on my fitness abilities and how I look without clothes rather than the sizes. It's much more reliable since sizes can vary from store to store! :)
  • rebysue
    rebysue Posts: 136
    I had spent my entire teen and adult life in a size 8+ (mostly plus :wink:) so I didn't think it was possible for me to get any smaller. I figured my bone structure was just too big to get much smaller but I did set a goal for a size 6. I lost 50 pounds and to my shock (and delight) I fit very comfortably into a size 4. I didn't think that was a size I would EVER see. I think I could get into a size 2 if I really put my mind to it but I am more than happy in a 4. Do your best and give it your all and you might be surprised at what you can accomplish!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I don't think my pelvic bone would allow me to get that small. :laugh:

    I've been that small, but that was many, many, many years ago. And I didn't have any muscle tone then, either. I might be able to whittle down to a size four, but I'm happy with being a six.
  • crackerjack345
    crackerjack345 Posts: 129 Member
    I'm sure it's possible, but does the size of your clothes really matter that much? You could be a size 2 and anorexic, or a healthy size 6. Maybe you should just wait until you get closer to your goal and see how you feel to worry about what size clothes you want to be wearing, or better yet, don't worry about it and be healthy.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I have a young relative in her 20's who is a size 0 and believe me she eats like a horse. If it is within the range for your height, it can be done and safely maintained. It just takes a lot of hard work and effort.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    One of the biggest things I've realized in the last year or so is that the number on the clothes doesn't matter once you get close to your goal. Your body is smaller, more toned, and there's less fat hanging over the tops of things (darn you, muffin top!). So whether you're in size 2 or size 4, it doesn't really matter because people can't really tell just by looking at you. You look great in whatever size you happened to be at. My boyfriend even told me that he doesn't care what the number is because he doesn't really "understand" women's clothing sizes to begin with! hahah... so when I said "I want to be a size 4" he responded "that's nice babe, I have no idea what that means but go for it"... lol... boys.

    So, the moral of my story, focus on things like how you look in the clothes, not what the size is. I'm pretty much a size 6. But I have a pair of size 4s from Tommy Hilfiger, size 8's from American Eagle... size 13!!!!! from a brand in Macys (Juniors run smaller).... you get my idea. But I look darn good in all of them :)
  • Grumpelina
    Grumpelina Posts: 56 Member
    I'm 5'10 and not of a petite frame. There's not a hope in hell I could ever be an American size 2 without being very very ill indeed.
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    Don't stress on what the tag says. It's inaccurate anyway! Not only do all designers run differently (some smaller, some larger), but designers in general are putting different numbers on the same measurements. For example, the measurements that use to be a size 4 are now a size 6. If I were you, I'd worry more about losing inches and pounds. Inches especially if you are doing weight training. Going down dress sizes is really nice, but don't stress on what the final number is. Just wear what fits and know that you are being healthier and losing weight!!! Great job so far, and good luck on the remainder of your journey!

    So very true!!! In my closet, I have sizes 2 through 6, and they all fit me now. It definitely depends on the brand. So most certainly, don't focus on the size on the tag!! Do what feels comfortable, be happy with your body, not the size of your jeans!
  • KayakAngel
    KayakAngel Posts: 397 Member
    Yep, I love what 00trayn just posted - that was my thought too. The goal should be healthy and toned. Once you have nice muscle definition, you will look fantastic in clothes, no matter the size. I was in great shape in college, weighed 115, and wore a size 6 because I had some nice curves. Curves are nice, curves are good, and if they prevent you from wearing a 2, so be it! :happy:
  • WashingtonGrown
    Yes and No. Not everyone has the body structure to be a size 2, and for that matter it's just a size NOT a state of mind. My sizes range from a 6-2 (28-26), I'm 5'3" and 137lbs which for some my height would be heavy but for me it's not. I can't compare myself to other 5'3" women, I'm fortunate enough to hold my weight well and be very proportioned. When I was under 130lbs I was smaller than the average 2. But I have no desire to be that small again.
  • bhb301
    bhb301 Posts: 338 Member
    I would look sick at a size 2. I have lost 19 lbs and am now a size 8, and feel great. I would look sick at a 4.