is alcohol not an option anymore?



  • It is true. The less mixers you have the less calories and sugar you will consume. Just drink lots of water and have a great birthday!!!
  • GREY GOOSE AND SUGAR FREE REDBULL..... No sugar in either and low in calories too. Smiles
  • LaurieBLouise
    LaurieBLouise Posts: 48 Member
    I'm glad you decided to not deprive yourself on your birthday! Alcohol is a big calorie pit for me too; I just moved to the city with my boyfriend and we love us some cocktails! I agree with everyone on here. Another low cal option is Bacardi Superior-- sugar free! I usually have that and diet coke with a slice of lime!

    Another tip: work out the day after your birthday too, EVEN if you find yourself hung over. Sweating out the toxins is probably one of the best things you can do for yourself, plus you'll avoid the ever-dreadful water weight women often gain after consumption of alcohol or salt.
  • vlynnvale
    vlynnvale Posts: 89 Member
    If I go out I always have vodka and diet tonic with a lime. It's delicious and light!
  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member
    For what it's worth, Vodka water with lime is what I do. It's your birthday. Go. have fun. One day of being exceptionally bad will not do anything serious to your long term weight loss (barring pregnancy anyway) so don't worry about it.

    That said this is the major problem with drinking and fat loss:
    In order to properly metabolize alcohol the liver has to put its normal function of metabolizing fat on hold. While the alcohol is being broken down fat continues to accumulate in the area around the liver, creating a layer of fat in the abdominal area. This is one reason why heavy drinkers have what is often referred to as a "beer belly." This is also why people who drink alcohol can have trouble shedding abdominal fat.
  • jmgj27
    jmgj27 Posts: 531 Member
    Everything in moderation! I gave up alcohol completely for the first 3 months of my diet. Now I have maybe a glass of wine or one beer a week and that's fine. It doesn't affect my weight loss. If I know I'm going to have a heavy night (I have a post-exam celebration planned at the end of June and my best friend's wedding in July so those are going to both be pretty drink-filled in all honesty!) then I just plan to keep myself hydrated and make sure I'm absolutely point the week afterwards. Oh and try and avoid the hangover food trap - that's harder than the booze calories I find! Plus I try to stick to gin and slimline tonic to minimise the cals and sugar as far as possible! But - as everyone else says - enjoy - life is far too short to cut out everything that makes it fun, you just have to be sensible about it - and it sounds like you are!
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Have some drinks and dance your *kitten* off...problem solved.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    My birthday is in 6 days!!! YES, I'm thinking of getting drinks with friends, but I know there is so much sugar in alcohol, what do I do?

    I don't really like the taste of beer, i prefer vodka but hmmm is it worth it?
    I'm starting to think I'm not gonna drink this year for my birthday bash if it compromises my progress, what are your thoughts on this?

    Grain Alcohol such as vodka is much higher in Sugar then most mainstream beers. Not so good in your situation.
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233
    Suggestion: dont drink like a 15 year old girl who sneaked into daddy's liquor cabinet. Drink appropriately: buy liquor that tastes good, and dont add calories with sweeteners. I.E. Vodka (your it needs to be mixed with sprite, buy better vodka), ice, shake or muddle, add lime or lemon if you want, enjoy.

    Doesnt completely undo the diet-damage caused by alcohol, but it doesnt exasperate it either. Plus, the bartender will stop laughing at you when you ask for "something fruity".
  • Angela_MA
    Angela_MA Posts: 260
    You can mix the vodka with low calorie options. I like raspberry vodka with crystal light lemonade or raspberry ice tea. for 1 oz of raspberry vodka and 8oz of crystal light it equals 70 calories a drink. You could also do a diet soda with rum, vodka...etc. Bacardi is the lowest calorie option per 1oz serving for rum, but captain morgan spice rum gives a little twist to diet coke!
    Just remember in moderation and if you do go over a bit, there is always tomorrow!! Have fun! And Happy birthday to you!! :)
  • RissaDean
    RissaDean Posts: 189 Member
    Gin and slim-line tonic : 57 Calories. Yum.

    You are my new hero.....I though gin & tonics were a thing of the past. Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker:
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,638 Member
    1 oz of Vodka has just 64 calories. so depending on your allotted Cals, you can have a few. as everyone else has said keep an eye on the mixers, drink plenty of water and make sure yo have a great B-day.

    according to this site Vodka breaks down like this:

    Calories 64
    Sodium 0 mg
    Total Fat 0 g
    Potassium 0 mg
    Saturated 0 g
    Total Carbs 0 g
    Polyunsaturated 0 g
    Dietary Fiber 0 g
    Monounsaturated 0 g
    Sugars 0 g
    Trans 0 g Protein 0 g
    Cholesterol 0 mg
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I was never a big drinker, but when I decided to get serious about losing the weight - I stopped drinking. I didn't want to use up the calories I get on stuff like alcohol (since it is empty, liquid calories). I think it is a personal choice. If you want to have a few drinks for your birthday - go ahead and do it. But, try and figure out BEFORE you go how many calories drinks you like have in them. Then stick with those.
  • sunnybigmc
    sunnybigmc Posts: 29
    If you like vodka then your good because it doesn't have sugar. and like everyone else said.. stay away from mixers. atleast the full flavor ones. get the light ones. and its ur birthday! I wouldn't worry about it. Party! :)
  • Brinklj
    Brinklj Posts: 10 Member
    I was wondering about this. I just started this journey a week ago. This weekend I've used my exercise calories to drink a few beers at the end of the day. I was wondering if this was okay as long as I wasn't going overboard? I've found that it's really hard for me to eat all of my calories (I get over 3k) so tonight I drank a bit to use some of them up.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    I was wondering about this. I just started this journey a week ago. This weekend I've used my exercise calories to drink a few beers at the end of the day. I was wondering if this was okay as long as I wasn't going overboard? I've found that it's really hard for me to eat all of my calories (I get over 3k) so tonight I drank a bit to use some of them up.

    I would definitely not drink alcohol to 'use calories up' - you are better off not consuming them at all. That said, you will not do yourself any harm by having a couple of beers as long as you are under your target calories.
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