Post-pregnancy weight loss - other new moms?

Hi everyone!

Any other new mamas out there who are trying to lose their pregnancy or baby weight? I'd love to make some new friends who are in the same boat!

I lost 118 pounds before my pregnancy. From 2012-2013, I went from 270 pounds to 152.

Then I got pregnant and gained A LOT of weight back. At the end of my pregnancy, I was up to 232.

My son was born in January 2015, and I'm working on losing the weight again. I'm currently back down to around 198. I'm working to get back to my lowest weight of 152 and then keep losing. My goal weight is actually around 130-140, but I hadn't quite reached it before getting pregnant.

I'm doing my best but struggling to find the time and energy to be as active as I once was... I am working on it though! :) I'm happy with the progress I've made so far but know I have a long way to go. My son is now my number one priority, but fitness and health are still important to me too.

Please feel free to reach out!


  • Nur5eshelley
    Nur5eshelley Posts: 10 Member
    My son is 7 weeks old. Prior to becoming pregnant I wasn't happy with my weight. I'm now determined to lose this weight once and for all. After his birth I ended up around 215, currently I'm 202. My first goal is to get to 170. Feel free to add me, we can motivate each other :)
  • StephTheBookworm
    StephTheBookworm Posts: 177 Member
    Good luck to you! It sounds like you are making great progress so far. Congrats on the little one too!! :)
  • I was about 215 when I got pregnant with my first baby. After I was about 280....yes...280. Then I lost about 15 lbs and a year later got pregnant with my son. I didn't gain much...but did gain after his birth. My starting weight is 279..... going to lose weight!!! I have always been heavy...but I'm not always going to be! Feel free to add me
  • StephTheBookworm
    StephTheBookworm Posts: 177 Member
    You will get there! My starting weight was close to yours. Keep on fighting!
  • squishy1224
    squishy1224 Posts: 47 Member
    Yes have a 3 month old and I'm trying to lose 50 pounds. Started at 183. I feel hungry a lot and I'm afraid to cut too many calories while breastfeeding so this could be challenging... but determined
  • mindykb
    mindykb Posts: 1 Member
    THE STRUGGLE is REAL! I am the mom of three. My youngest is 18 months and I still have 20 of the 45 I gained with her to lose. It seems like for the last year or so I have been in the "take 5lbs off, put 5lbs on" rut! I need to be consistent but it is so hard.
  • ds6099
    ds6099 Posts: 98 Member
    I'm a new mom of 6 month old twins. And a full time job. I could use motivation too! I gained 66 lbs when pregnant and lost only part of it. But I feel blessed!
  • StephTheBookworm
    StephTheBookworm Posts: 177 Member
    Thanks for all your comments! It's nice to know we aren't alone. Yes, I'm a working mom too so time is hard to come by at the moment. Keep on pushing though... I've found that my baby is a great motivator. I want to be healthy for him!
  • futuremrsmcginnis
    futuremrsmcginnis Posts: 6 Member
    I'm also in with you. I'm nursing and worried cutting calories or working out and not eating enough will lower my supply. I have a 1 month old I have 30 pounds to lose
  • MrsCaitlinBeltran
    MrsCaitlinBeltran Posts: 241 Member
    Wow! You've done amazing so far--great job! I didn't even begin to TRY to lose my baby weight until my son was about 15 months old-so just this past April I started on my journey. Before I was preggo, I clocked in somewhere around 196 and then at the end of my pregnancy I was 221 and then I hovered around 204-5 until I seriously began losing weight (I am now 167). For me, waiting until my son became more independent and wasn't breastfeeding, has definitely helped. It's kind of like I had a whole year to mentally prepare myself, lol. Plus, it doesn't hurt that my son loooooves to go to the gym now that he's older--definitely my little motivator! :)
  • PandaBWA
    PandaBWA Posts: 58 Member
    I was 180 before baby #1, 190 after, and now 180 again after baby #2. Working on getting it all off. I was lucky in not gaining a bunch with the pregnancies, but I need to get my butt in gear!
  • thrashersara88
    thrashersara88 Posts: 27 Member
    I lost 80 lbs with MFP before having my first baby. With the first I gained 50 lbs! I just had me second. Luckily I did gain any extra weight with my second. Now I'm trying to lose all of my extra weight from the first! Maybe more when I achieve this first goal!
  • thrashersara88
    thrashersara88 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm also in with you. I'm nursing and worried cutting calories or working out and not eating enough will lower my supply. I have a 1 month old I have 30 pounds to lose
    That's a tricky one! My baby is one month and I'm trying to find the right balance so I can continue BF. Good luck to ya!
  • BarryWatnick
    BarryWatnick Posts: 1 Member
    What a great thread! I'm in the same boat as well. Just started back with myfitnesspal yesterday because I'm now 6 weeks postpartum and wanting to make sure I'm making the right choices for losing weight while breastfeeding.

    I am at 202 and need to get down about 40 pounds.

    My baby is a huge motivation for working on my health!
  • YummyMummyXox
    YummyMummyXox Posts: 17 Member
    You basically described my problem lol! I lost 100lbs back in 2012/13 then I fell pregnant early last year and gained about 50-60lbs back. I've lost 17lbs of it so far. My daughter is 10 months now so I'm trying to be healthy and slim for her sake :)
  • StephTheBookworm
    StephTheBookworm Posts: 177 Member
    Thanks everyone for your replies! It's definitely harder to lose weight after having babies, but it is do-able! The 34 I've lost in the 7 months since giving birth have been SO hard and slow in coming off... but slow progress is still progress.

    Keep on working hard, ladies! We will all get there. :)
  • Isabelle_1929
    Isabelle_1929 Posts: 233 Member
    Thanks everyone for your replies! It's definitely harder to lose weight after having babies, but it is do-able! The 34 I've lost in the 7 months since giving birth have been SO hard and slow in coming off... but slow progress is still progress.

    Keep on working hard, ladies! We will all get there. :)

    It does not have to be.
  • torontomommy
    torontomommy Posts: 12 Member
    I was around 175-180 before I got pregnant with my 1st 4+ years ago. Gained 25lbs. Lost none of the weight. Got pregnant with my 1 year old and gained another 40lbs. I've finally gotten off my butt and have lost 10lbs so far. I'm glad to see other mommies are in the same boat trying to find the balance between babies and weightless.
  • StephTheBookworm
    StephTheBookworm Posts: 177 Member
    Isabelle, this post is to be supportive to other new moms. As someone who lost 118 pounds before having a baby, it IS much harder to lose after having a baby. I have MUCH less time and energy to work out now. I still make time for it, but it's difficult to do so with being a working mom to an infant. I AM losing weight and it IS possible to, but to say it's as easy as it was to do before babies would be a lie.

    To all the other moms, as I said before, keep on working at it! Our health and fitness is very important so keep on pushing and doing your best. :)
  • Isabelle_1929
    Isabelle_1929 Posts: 233 Member
    edited August 2015
    My comment was blunt, but meant to be supportive as well.

    I am not saying it applies to you; but I have known so many women who sincerely thought that somehow, the fat gained during pregnancy was a special kind of fat or something, as if it was not just caused by eating too much (I am NOT taking about the "normal" weight gain directly and exclusively caused by the pregnancy. But we know that's not 60 pounds + ....). We all know these women talking about their "baby fat", when really the kid is now 5 years-old ...

    And so what? Where's the harm of thinking that way, you may ask? The harm is that they would think that THEY cannot lose the fat, because, you know, it's "baby fat". And they think it's harder for them, and even when the little angels are in grade 5, they still think that because they are moms, they can't lose that weight.

    And it's sad, because we know it is not true. I am a HUGE advocate for putting the finger on the actual problem and calling a spade a spade. Why? Because when we fail to identify the root cause, we usually fail at finding a solution. For example: you say it's harder for you to lose weight now, because as a mom you have less time for working out. Ok. Then, the reason is not "being a mom". The reason is, in your case, "not exercising as much as you used to". Why? "Because I have less time". Why ? " Because I have a young baby". You see where I am going with this? Don't focus on the baby. He or she will always be there (if not in your home, in your heart :-). Focus on the "cause closest to your problem", and see how you can working it out.

    Anyway. My (long) two cents. Take care, and good luck.