Impossible to lost weight

butterfly1445 Posts: 81 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
When I started my weightloss program in February I weighed 127lbs. Since then I've been doing an average of 3-4 workouts a week with a mix of cardio and strength training. I've been struggling to keep my calorie intake under 1250-1300 a day without starving myself. I've removed soda from my diet (except a few sips here and there, maybe one can a week sometimes) and increased my fiber, protein and water intake.

I have gained 1 inch on my waist and hips and am now 133lbs. I don't understand why I'm gaining so much! I expected to gain a few lbs due to the strenght training, and my arms and legs are very toned now, but I just keep gaining both weight and inches! I'm only 24 years old, all my weight is in my middle.

Any ideas? I've changed up my routine and added new cardio exercises and lessened the weight I'm lifting so far, and I've been more strict with my diet. I'm hoping these changes will help, I'm open to any suggestions.

Thank you!

(Note: The title should be "Impossible to Lose Weight" little typo there!)


  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 801 Member
  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 801 Member
  • katheern
    katheern Posts: 213 Member
    As contradictory as it seems, you might not be eating enough. Since you are not super overweight or anything it is going to be much harder for you to lose weight than someone who is your height and like 300 lbs. Your body might be going into starvation mode. I would maybe try upping another 200 calories a day. Also make sure you weigh yourself at the same time everytime you weigh yourself. Usually in the morning after peeing is the best time.
  • butterfly1445
    butterfly1445 Posts: 81 Member
    What does "bump" mean?
  • LikeNoOneElse84
    LikeNoOneElse84 Posts: 475 Member
    What have you been eating? Just because you've been keeping your calories under 1300 it doesn't mean you're eating well. How are you with refined sugars?
  • katheern
    katheern Posts: 213 Member
    What have you been eating? Just because you've been keeping your calories under 1300 it doesn't mean you're eating well. How are you with refined sugars?

    Yeah, this is also really important, as is keeping sodium low.
  • it could be what your eating also. Try to stick to things that have more protein. You could also just be building more muscle. there is nothing wrong with gaining muscle.
  • VickiMitkins
    VickiMitkins Posts: 249 Member
    Bump keeps the topic in the recent posts list. Just a way of keeping it active until you get your question answered. Also puts the thread in the your topics list of the person that posted. I'm not sure how tall you are, but at any height you don't have much weight to lose. You are instead adding muscle weight. With regard to the inch on the waist and hips, that can be water gain associated with too much salt one day or ToM. Salt is a killer and will cause all kinds of fluctuation. Also, be sure to measure your food. You may be eating more than you think. At 1250 calories you should lose weight. I'm no expert, but I don't think starvation mode is the issue here either; although you could probably add 100 calories a day without a problem given your exercize. Its a lot easier to eat 1350 calories than 1200.
  • butterfly1445
    butterfly1445 Posts: 81 Member
    I am 5ft even, the 1200 calorie count was recommended based on my activity level, height and age. I don't think I updated it when I started being more active. If I feel very hungry I'll eat even if I go over my calories. Eating healthy is difficult with my schedule and budget, but I've slowly been cutting out the fattier foods, opting more towards lean cuisine and healthy choice when I can't cook myself.
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