Arlington TX 40+ Hot Momma wannabe

Looking for friends hopefully in the same geographic area (though not required) to help motivate each other with truth and courage. My new life started 18 months ago when, at 236 lbs, I decided enough was enough! I lost 35 lbs in 2014 then took a step back to see how well I could maintain. After 6 months the scale had only moved 5 lbs. But in the last 6 weeks it's crept up another 3 lbs and I don't want to get out of control. So here I am...

My ultimate goal is to be 175 lbs... so another 35 lbs to go. I enjoy zombies, running, playing volleyball or softball and spending time with my family. If this sounds interesting to you, I'd love to be buddies! :D


  • megginanderson
    megginanderson Posts: 276 Member
    I LOVE Zombies!! LOL
  • jonestownpadude
    jonestownpadude Posts: 2 Member
    edited August 2015
    looking for friends as well. Please add me if you like, (although I'm not in your area) . I am 41 - male. lost a lot of weight a few years ago and it's slowly come back on. I want to put a stop to it. Looking to lose at least 20 pounds to start, but 40 would be good too! I love running as well - losing some weight will make it better. Thanks!