Day 2 of 30DS

Did a little better today than I did yesterday! Holy crap, that is some kick *kitten* workout for just 20 minutes.

I'm going to take a nice hot epsom salt bath to see if that will sooth my aching muscles!


  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    I love it! I just finished day 2 too!
  • wendix
    wendix Posts: 74 Member
    i've just finished level 3! when i started i couldnt do a single pressup even in the easy position. now i can do walking pressups, moving pressups, normal pressups LIKE A MAN! hahahaha. no seriously though, im so much stronger its unreal
  • BJC78
    BJC78 Posts: 324 Member
    I did day 2 today also...damn it sure does luck my *kitten*! I also just took a hot bath hoping for some relief as well lol :) every muscle of my body is dying except for my abs.... I don't understand ...maybe im doing the abs exercises wrong???
  • TNGirlyGirl
    TNGirlyGirl Posts: 337 Member
    I've started out slowly -- doing it every other day this first week while I let my muscles get used to working out again. I've done it 3 times now, and plan on shredding on Friday, then Sunday and from then on everyday. I'm loving it -- even though I can't make it all the way through Level One yet!!!
  • Hsanders3961
    Hsanders3961 Posts: 245 Member
    I am on D2 as well. I love the 30DS! I did it a few months ago and it is the one workout DVD that I can actually look forward to doing and not completely dread working out. It is a GREAT workout!
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    I felt so sore after day one! It's take me like 3 days to recover. Gonna try day 2 tomorrow
  • Jessica5000
    Are you guys planning on doing the week 1 workout for only 1 Week and then moving to week 2 for the second week. I've been doing week 1 for 3 weeks 5x a wk and find it's still challenging. Just wondering if maybe I'm not pushing myself enough. Any thoughts?
  • BJC78
    BJC78 Posts: 324 Member
    Are you guys planning on doing the week 1 workout for only 1 Week and then moving to week 2 for the second week. I've been doing week 1 for 3 weeks 5x a wk and find it's still challenging. Just wondering if maybe I'm not pushing myself enough. Any thoughts?

    Im planning on doing a new level every week or every 10 days. Im dying though.
  • Hsanders3961
    Hsanders3961 Posts: 245 Member
    Are you guys planning on doing the week 1 workout for only 1 Week and then moving to week 2 for the second week. I've been doing week 1 for 3 weeks 5x a wk and find it's still challenging. Just wondering if maybe I'm not pushing myself enough. Any thoughts?

    When I did it before I did each level for 10 days. Level 2 was still pretty difficult though when I moved up to Level 3, so I kicked back down to level 2 for a while. Then gave up after another day of Level 3. L3 is tough, but this time I WILL GET THROUGH IT! :)
  • sweetie1975
    sweetie1975 Posts: 154 Member
    I felt so sore after day one! It's take me like 3 days to recover. Gonna try day 2 tomorrow

    I did my best today to push through the get the best results I can get out of this. It's hard but I'm hoping all this work will pay off.
  • sweetie1975
    sweetie1975 Posts: 154 Member
    Are you guys planning on doing the week 1 workout for only 1 Week and then moving to week 2 for the second week. I've been doing week 1 for 3 weeks 5x a wk and find it's still challenging. Just wondering if maybe I'm not pushing myself enough. Any thoughts?

    It's hard for me to say at this point so I'll have to see how it goes. If I find I need to say at level 1 for a little while longer before I feel comfortable moving to level 2, then so be it and the same with moving to level 3. My ultimate goal is to do this as consistently as I can for 30 days so I can see what kind of progress I've made with inches and weight. I haven't exercised hard in years so this is a challenge for me in and of itself so any improvement in my exercise level is a big whoo hoo for me
  • nomoremuffintop42
    nomoremuffintop42 Posts: 129 Member
    i am on day two was alittle sore this morning not to bad.....this is my second time with the shred maybe my body is in better shape than the first time.....because the first time i did it in febuary i was dying couldn't even do a push up i can do about 11 or so now ofcourse they are girl ones because i have NO upper body strength but it's something:)
  • jonbobfrog
    jonbobfrog Posts: 294
    I'm on day 2 as well, and I feel crippled! For only 20 minutes, that workout's a b*tch. I'm planning on doing level 1 for 10 days, level 2 for 10 days, and level 3 for 10 days. I'm going to try my absolute hardest to do it in 30 days and not miss a day, but ohmygod am I sore. Good luck to all of you!
  • laneyh42
    laneyh42 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm doing it every other day for mow. Have done it three times so far and am very sore. Especially my glutes! Anyone feel it in their backside as well?