People make fun of me for eating healthy??

BeckyReba Posts: 43 Member
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
Hey, so i was just wondering if there is anyone else out there facing the problems of friends and family not being supportive of healthy eating. Every time i choose to eat in while my family goes to mcdonalds, or switch fries for a vegetable in a restaurant, my family cracks sarcastic, somewhat mean jokes about it, like i am trying to be superior to them or something. my friends at college always do the same thing, acting like it is wrong to make healthy choices. In addition to just trying to be healthy, i am hypoglycemic, and i need to stay on a specialized diet or i pass out. my friends and family know that, and they STILL make jokes! if anyone else has this problem, with people basically being jerks, how do you handle it? i would really like for it to stop--eating healthy can be difficult even with support, and doing it with constant criticism is even harder!! :P

thanks guys! btw, this site is remarkable :):)


  • LikeNoOneElse84
    LikeNoOneElse84 Posts: 475 Member
    Its funny that you mention this. I go through the very same thing. And the funny thing is that, the ones who are saying this are the ones that are unhealthy, overweight or both. I laugh with them and remind them of my 30lb weight loss and my new found energy and they tend to get quiet real quick.
  • haeden
    haeden Posts: 183 Member
    I understand what ur saying.i myself have never had to go through that but ive seen it happen.i would just ask them to respect your decisions and leave it at that.You are making an amazing choice and if they cant be happy for you then shame on them!
  • kkauz42
    kkauz42 Posts: 537 Member
    I have had a couple people do that cause I am kind of anal about qty of food etc. But honestly, I don't care! I like this site because I can see every day what I put into my body and how much!
  • Trinasan
    Trinasan Posts: 44 Member
    My friends were embarrassed that I asked a waitress if I could order something off the seniors menu - for portion control. They've been bugging me for days!!!
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    Honestly, they are probably convicted of their poor diets and feeling a bit jealous as well. People can get mean when they are convicted by something. I guess have a little pity on them- they might feel like they are being left behind while you move ahead. Just keep saying, "I enjoy being healthy." Don't be mean back or anything, or that will make them feel even more bitter. And good luck to ya- you are doing a good thing :)
  • canadiangirl84
    canadiangirl84 Posts: 15 Member
    Stay positive. Kindly remind them of your reason for doing what you are doing and know that in the end there will always be haters no matter what you do.

    Stick to your plan and be content with the fact that you are loving your body and creating a healthier life!

    If it really gets to the point where you can't handle the comments, I suggest you sit down and calmly explain how their comments are making you feel and if it is possible that they can show the same respect for your lifestyle choices that you show for theirs.

    Be a positive light and your positivity will affect and hopefully inspire others!
  • It's just RESENTMENT. I'm dealing with it too. They feel guilty for not eating better so it's sort of a mob mentality to poke fun of the healthy one so they feel better. People actually accuse me of "going too far" with being healthy. Okay, a huge portion of baked fish, spinach salad, and some sweet potatoes for dinner. Too far???? Nope! It's freaking REAL food. lol Sorry, mine doesn't have a shelf life of 10 years. Women, especially treat me differently and even try to sabotage me. Are you sure you don't want some cake balls? Grrrr....

    Oh, and you can always bring the docs into the battle. "My doc says I'm doing a great job." or whatever. That usually makes me quiet. ;)
  • BeckyKSmith
    BeckyKSmith Posts: 212 Member
    I don't say a WORD to them about it. They don't need to know. When you go to eat with them, have a everything in moderation and they won't notice. Make sure you complement what they are making for dinner. If they give you a hard time, say, "I just don't feel that great". Then they don't question it. When you start wasting away, they will start asking YOU for tips.

    It sucks, but that is what WE are here for! To support you and know you are not alone
  • oxavecamourxo
    oxavecamourxo Posts: 270 Member
    I stopped eating meat a few months ago & my family and friends make fun of me all the time for it. I'm learning to just keep quiet about what I eat because I'm sick of hearing their crap. lol
  • etjaneausten
    etjaneausten Posts: 36 Member
    My exhusband was a negative person like this. That explains the 'EX'.
    You can't choose your family, but you can choose your friends, and how much time you will spend with people who are not supportive of you. If you cannot laugh about it with them, loose them.
  • Musicmedicine
    Musicmedicine Posts: 6 Member
    Wow... what state do you live in?? that's crazy that people treat you like that
  • 1234lbsgone
    1234lbsgone Posts: 296 Member
    Happens to me all the time. I just blow it off. I don't ever talk about it either unless asked in a respectful manner. Even still, I don't go into detail, EVER. I change the subject and I don't show how annoyed I am. Sometimes though, I come back with a sarcastic remark just because I'm a b!tch like that.:devil:
  • smlamb33
    smlamb33 Posts: 342 Member
    Yes, my family was like that at first and would sometimes even get upset with me because I chose not to eat certain foods. After about 5 months, they have started to accept the fact the I am now the "Calorie Nazi", LOL! That's the nickname I've given myself because I have OCD and have become so strict about every calorie that I consume. Now they laugh about me calling myself that. Give your family and friends some more time and maybe let them know that it's so hard to change your lifestyle when they aren't being supportive. Heck, you can even give yourself a cool nickname like me and maybe that will get them to ease off of you a little bit. Good Luck!
  • _Tristan_
    _Tristan_ Posts: 221 Member
    Yep, the best one I've heard was: "People that eat healthy... still die." I started laughing really hard because I thought it was actually pretty funny. Anyway, I get to hear all kinds of "insults" from my friends and I don't take them as insults because I just point out the fact that I'll have a healthier existence than they will because I'm taking care of myself. It's a lot easier for me because I'm A LOT (just looked at your age, I feel old) older and I can point out beer belly's and muffin tops to poke fun at them but stick to it and eventually (in a million years) you'll be as old as me and pointing out the fact that you feel better because you took care of your health.
    (Now someone come help me find my cane)
  • dawgla
    dawgla Posts: 2 Member
    Sweateth, not. I went through the same thing when I quit smoking two and a half years ago. The people I was hanging out with were smokers, and they were the least supportive of my quitting. In a previous smoking cessation course (from a previous quit), the instructor said that this would happen, yet I couldn't believe it at the time. Well, I was wrong. Apparently, misery loves company and those same folks were, apparently, disturbed that I had made a healthy choice, and figuratively, had left them behind. Keep up the good work...fight the good fight...keep the confidence that you're doing the right thing for YOURSELF (didn't mean to yell, just wanted to emphasize), and that their health decisions are their decisions, not yours.:smile:
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    like the others said if you notice the people that are saying it are probably just jealous that you have the willpower to do the right thing, it also makes them feel guilty because they know you're eating the way they should be eating and if you can do it they have no excuse. Just point out how much better you feel by eating right and tune them out. I would also recommend turning on shows like Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution where people's dietary ignorance are played out on camera and it is sooo very obvious how backward, uneducated and ridiculous they are acting that maybe your family and friends will see a mirror in that tv and stop with the comments!
  • 1234lbsgone
    1234lbsgone Posts: 296 Member
    I stopped eating meat a few months ago & my family and friends make fun of me all the time for it. I'm learning to just keep quiet about what I eat because I'm sick of hearing their crap. lol

    I'm so sorry. I totally get this too and it got worse when I went Vegan. If one more person asks me where I get my protien I swear I might just snap.
  • icerose137
    icerose137 Posts: 318 Member
    Have a frank discussion with everyone involved. And tell them if they can't handle your food choices you won't eat with them anymore and follow through with it. Even if it's as simple as sitting at another table. Put your foot down and tell them you absolutely will not take any more of this and that it's not fair to you. If they don't like your food choices it's their problem not yours and tell them to stuff it. Either they'll wake up and realize they're way over line, or they'll get upset and not talk to you for a while which might be a blessing in disguise. If it doesn't work follow through and do not eat with them at all. At least you'll be able to eat a meal in peace.

    I have no patience for destructive and sabotaging people.
  • icsracer
    icsracer Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you for posting this. I am going through the same thing. My wife and her family make terrible choices when it comes to food. None of them are overweight, but her father passed away recently at age 54. I want to be around for my grand children and enjoy life. That is why I make the choices I do. It is nice to read the responses to this. It helps to keep me motivated.
  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    Yep, the best one I've heard was: "People that eat healthy... still die." I started laughing really hard because I thought it was actually pretty funny. Anyway, I get to hear all kinds of "insults" from my friends and I don't take them as insults because I just point out the fact that I'll have a healthier existence than they will because I'm taking care of myself. It's a lot easier for me because I'm A LOT (just looked at your age, I feel old) older and I can point out beer belly's and muffin tops to poke fun at them but stick to it and eventually (in a million years) you'll be as old as me and pointing out the fact that you feel better because you took care of your health.
    (Now someone come help me find my cane)
    I'd like to help but I've fallen and I can't get up.
    Sheesh you youngsters!
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