
I need help with choosing foods that are high in Iron to add to my new healthy lifestyle...I'm anemic so I need all the help I can get...also I have a nut allergy lol so that's out. TIA


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
  • maxit
    maxit Posts: 880 Member
    Chickpeas, lentils, blackbeans, dark leafy greens, plus citrus (Vit C helps with iron absorption). Then there are iron-fortified cereals if you eat cereal -
  • tsclairepa
    tsclairepa Posts: 15 Member

    Lol I love steak...I had that 2x this week
  • jhmomofmany
    jhmomofmany Posts: 571 Member
    Calcium interferes with iron absorption, so consider that when meal planning. If you are anemic an iron supplement may help.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Make sure you get your vitamin C. Don't take iron amounts in veggies as gospel because we can't absorb all the iron that is in them. Cook in cast iron when you can.

    Breakfast cereals are an often-overlooked source of iron. Check the labels.
  • Blueseraphchaos
    Blueseraphchaos Posts: 843 Member
    beef and steak both have a lot of iron, as do other foods mentioned here. i had a massive iron depletion for awhile, but everything is normal now...honestly, i don't eat a lot of red meat or meat at all, really.... but google does help with things like that. like, i believe cooked spinach has more readily available iron than uncooked? (going off the top of my head....) cooked kale, too?
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Cereal !!
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    What does your doc suggest? Have you discussed iron supplements? Could you get a referral yo a nutritionist?
  • HikeCyclist
    HikeCyclist Posts: 153 Member
    edited August 2015
    Try a simple Google search for foods high in iron and other minerals and vitamins that will assist in the rate of absorption???
  • mgoddard1527
    mgoddard1527 Posts: 20 Member
    edited August 2015
    I would say cereal too. I usually don't meet my iron micro most days but the other night I had a bowl of frosted mini wheats....holy cow, I was shocked when I saw my iron that night. Off the chart!
  • 89GermanG
    89GermanG Posts: 73 Member
  • cupcakesplz
    cupcakesplz Posts: 237 Member
    I eat mushrooms to help my iron. I also have protien shakes to up my iron levels.
  • whiteblossom14
    whiteblossom14 Posts: 240 Member
    Liver is brilliant. If I'm a bit run down I eat just liver and onions. It gives me boost x
  • BethMilledge
    BethMilledge Posts: 367 Member
    Feel free to add me.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Liver, dark chocolate, spinach and fortified foods (like bread or cereals) are my usual sources.

    Iron in meat is easier to absorb than iron in veggies. If you're eating iron-y veggies, eating some iron-y meat will help you digest the veggie iron. White meat typically doesn't have a lot of iron when compared to red meat.

    White beans, lentils, chickpeas, sardines, tofu, beef, and tomatoes are also on my iron list.
  • tsclairepa
    tsclairepa Posts: 15 Member
    Calcium interferes with iron absorption, so consider that when meal planning. If you are anemic an iron supplement may help.
    I know...I've been getting infusions because my body doesn't absorb iron very well.
  • tsclairepa
    tsclairepa Posts: 15 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    What does your doc suggest? Have you discussed iron supplements? Could you get a referral yo a nutritionist?

    Yes I've been receiving iron infusions but I'm trying to eat better so hopefully I won't have to keep getting these.
  • tsclairepa
    tsclairepa Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you all for the suggestions :)
  • pstegman888
    pstegman888 Posts: 286 Member
    Blackstrap molasses...get the unsulfered kind in the health food aisle of your grocery store, or at a health food store, and just swallow a spoonful of it. 42 cals in 1 Tbs, supplies 20% of RDA of iron + calcium and potassium. Quite tasty as well! Makes a nice healthy sweet treat.