Trying to reach my goals, but is this too much?

Hi! I am trying to increase my strength and stamina, as well as lose a bit of body fat before I leave the country this December to begin Divemaster (someone who leads dives) and scuba instructor training. In order to excel at this goal I will need to increase my strength and my endurance. There is a fitness test as part of the training as well as the expectation to be able to lift and haul equipment and perform in water life saving procedures.

I have always worked out, although somewhat sporadically in the past year. Is this schedule too intense? I don't want to wear myself out, but I really need to increase my fitness over the next three months.

Day 1- New Rules of Lifting for Women, 45 minutes of elliptical at a medium to hard rate.

Day 2- 30 minutes of elliptical, Killer Abs 30 minute video (HIIT and circuit training Jillian Michaels

Day 3 - NROLFW, 5 km walk with hills

Day 4- 45 minutes of elliptical on medium to hard rate, fifteen minutes of ab work

Day 5 - NROLFW, Elliptical or 5 km walk with hills

Day 6- Swim or power snorkel (power snorkeling is 1km in 15 minutes or less) plus 30 min elliptical

Day 7- REST! Only gentle stretching, walks with no hills, lots of relaxation.

According to my husband and some friends I am over doing it with this schedule. Any opinions on this?

Or what I could change up to make sure I don't burn out?

Also, I am doing this on a slight deficit, although on the days I lift I eat close to TDEE or over. I'd rather increase fitness than emphasize weight loss until I have completed my current goals.


  • erimethia_fekre
    erimethia_fekre Posts: 317 Member
    I would go through the week and make that judgment for yourself. Just make sure you're getting enough fat and protein in.
  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    ^ agreed

    Need to try it before saying if it works or not

    I'd probably have day 4 as the rest day though
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    It doesn't look that difficult at all to me. I mean, it's not easy peasy, but it's pretty much just NROL and various forms of cardio. Knock yourself out
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    I agree with lseed87, maybe have your rest day midweek.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    You all realize that unless you're advising her to have two rest days that it makes absolutely no difference whatsoever which day her rest day is, right? Well it might on week 1, but from week 2 until week 1,542,000 there's no difference at all.
  • aDivingBelle
    aDivingBelle Posts: 49 Member
    Thanks guys. I'm going to keep it up. I'm sore and just a little tired by the end of the week, but not dying. I'm supposed to make two rest days from lifting in a row right now. So I don't know if I can change that.

    I'm going to play with it and see if the resting from lifting can be broken up better.