Um, hi :)

My name is Meg. I'm 30, married, housewife, college grad, no kids, no pets. I'm currently 400 lbs and my goal is 200 lbs. I looked into surgery but my insurance won't cover it. I want to loose weight to live longer, live healthier, and to maybe help myself get pregnant down the road. I'm into movies, writing, most all fantasy and sci-fi books. I really need some encouragement and some people in the same wide boat as me.


  • greatful4grace
    greatful4grace Posts: 32 Member
    welcome meg !! set your goal in small segments, such as 10lbs. not the whole 200, so you can see your successes.otherwise you can become easily discouraged. just remember don t deprive yourself, but don t eat huge portion, anything in moderation. but start making healthier choices in general. Make a lifelong eating plan you can live w/rather than crash diets, once your off them, it comes right back. You are courageous to start this journey. as far as exceed use check w/ your Dr. maybe 5 or 10 min walks just to get moving. a few times a day . whatever you can do gets your metabolism going. I. d be glad to encourage you along the journey. I ll send a friend request...
  • mmmdrytinder
    mmmdrytinder Posts: 4 Member
    You can do it. The mental struggle is by far the hardest part, but if you want this, I'm sure you can do it. I have lost 112 lbs so far, and after the initial hump to get over, it gets easier. Not EASY, but easier. Remind yourself that you're doing this to LIVE, naysayers be damned. Go get 'em.
  • BiggyFuzz
    BiggyFuzz Posts: 511 Member
    If you're ready to do it.... I'm ready as well
  • HarlieJenne
    HarlieJenne Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in to help☺️
  • Wii_Player
    Wii_Player Posts: 1,372 Member
    Hey Meg, good for you for taking the first step. You will get there one day and one pound at a time. I am here for support :)