Hair & menstrual loss, cold and pale yellow after weight loss

Hi! As the title says I've been experience hair loss, coldness, I look pale yellow and period loss.

I am at a bmi of 19.5 it's not underweight, but all the symptoms of underweight won't go away. I've had not had my period for 1 year and my hair loss is becoming pretty bad. Any advise?
I'm now eating about 2000-2200 calories. Going on a lean bulk. For my height and weight it's a lot. 5'2" and 105 lbs, it's pretty Alot. My body fat % is also low for females. My hospital scan using the inbody media machine had me at 9.2%, but the tanita machine had me at 15-16%. Hence I averaged it to be 13%. Too low for females?

Any good advice will be much appreciated :)


  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    This is a medical issue. See a doctor. Soon.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Have you seen your doctor?
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    If you haven't been to a doctor, go. IMO, something's wrong if you haven't had your period in a year, excluding being pregnant, menopausal, and medical issues like PCOS. Why haven't you been when you're having so many problems that you shouldn't be having?
  • BethAnnRichmond
    BethAnnRichmond Posts: 20 Member
    Hi! As the title says I've been experience hair loss, coldness, I look pale yellow and period loss.

    I am at a bmi of 19.5 it's not underweight, but all the symptoms of underweight won't go away. I've had not had my period for 1 year and my hair loss is becoming pretty bad. Any advise?
    I'm now eating about 2000-2200 calories. Going on a lean bulk. For my height and weight it's a lot. 5'2" and 105 lbs, it's pretty Alot. My body fat % is also low for females. My hospital scan using the inbody media machine had me at 9.2%, but the tanita machine had me at 15-16%. Hence I averaged it to be 13%. Too low for females?

    Any good advice will be much appreciated :)

    I'm echoing what others have mentioned....time for a doctor visit.
  • maggierenee88
    maggierenee88 Posts: 352 Member
    Let me guess you have been eating around a 1000 calories for the last few years? Just a guess
  • Shouliveshappy
    Shouliveshappy Posts: 161 Member
    Yip I've visited the doctor. She said it's normal especially for the menstrual cycle.she mentioned it will take about 3 months when the weight stabilises for period to kick has been 2 months since my weight stabilise. Maybe being on the lower range of a normal weight doesn't work for me. Besides, none of my family members are skinny.

    If I were to visit a gynea, they would probably give me hormone pills to induce the menstrual cycle, but it will not be natural still.i want my body to react naturally to a normal female cycle.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    edited August 2015
    So then you need to eat more.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Did she provide you with a dietitians referral?
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Yip I've visited the doctor. She said it's normal especially for the menstrual cycle.she mentioned it will take about 3 months when the weight stabilises for period to kick has been 2 months since my weight stabilise. Maybe being on the lower range of a normal weight doesn't work for me. Besides, none of my family members are skinny.

    If I were to visit a gynea, they would probably give me hormone pills to induce the menstrual cycle, but it will not be natural still.i want my body to react naturally to a normal female cycle.

    Don't you go to a GYN yearly anyway? Talk to him/her about Prometrium, a bio-identical progesterone which helped regulate my periods with no side effects except regular cycles and better sleep.

  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    You look pale yellow??? Eek.

    See a different doctor who will actually take that seriously. ASAP.
  • pstegman888
    pstegman888 Posts: 286 Member
    See a doctor and get a complete blood panel including thyroid and liver function.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    You have to see a doctor, nobody can help you online
    Seeing pale and yellow can indeed indicate a liver isssue

    And this can indeed happen after a longer period of under eating and or malnutrition and wont go away just like that.
    I am not saying that this is the case, you need a doctor

  • jftypes
    jftypes Posts: 10 Member
    Yellow is from bile = liver or gallbadder problems. Hair loss and being cold could be hypothyroidism. See a new doctor stat, be truthful during the consult and get a CBC and chem panel.
  • ramepithecus
    ramepithecus Posts: 40 Member
    It's been a while since I've been near this range, but I would lose my period at anything below about 18% bf. I echo the advice to see a doctor, 'yellow' is serious.
  • Shouliveshappy
    Shouliveshappy Posts: 161 Member
    edited August 2015
    It's been a while since I've been near this range, but I would lose my period at anything below about 18% bf. I echo the advice to see a doctor, 'yellow' is serious.

    How did you get your body fat measured? Tanita machine? How did you increase your body fat? Just by putting on more weight? How was your energy level then? and period?
  • Shouliveshappy
    Shouliveshappy Posts: 161 Member
    I lost about 30 kg over 1.5 years. So it wasn't sudden weight loss. When I was losing. I believe I was eating about 1400 - 1600. Before I started again I believe I was eating about 1800 cals.

    Now I'm bulking so averaging 2100-2200 cals. I don't track v accurately cauae I eat out often. But I'll just key in similar food items from other restaurants.

    I did a full body check up including blood tests just 2 months ago. No issues with thyroid and slightly off readings with liver. But doctor didn't have any concerns... I believe it's a hormonal imbalance... I can tell from my vascularity in my arms,too lean?

    Usually for macros. What will be a good fat intake for ladies? I'm averaging about 60g minimally to 80g. should I increase it?
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,930 Member
    You really should be followed by a doctor till these symptoms alleviate. A DXA scan can more definitively assess your body composition as compared to bio-impedance scales.
  • Shouliveshappy
    Shouliveshappy Posts: 161 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    You really should be followed by a doctor till these symptoms alleviate. A DXA scan can more definitively assess your body composition as compared to bio-impedance scales.

    The measurement of bodyfat was done at an established hospital I fasted 8hrs before, so i believe it will be the most accurate. I measured at 9.2% bodyfat. which kinda scares me.. I am planning to go to a gynea very soon.

    Any ladies with similar symptoms? Did increasing your weight help with the menstrual cycle and hair loss?
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    You really should be followed by a doctor till these symptoms alleviate. A DXA scan can more definitively assess your body composition as compared to bio-impedance scales.

    The measurement of bodyfat was done at an established hospital I fasted 8hrs before, so i believe it will be the most accurate. I measured at 9.2% bodyfat. which kinda scares me.. I am planning to go to a gynea very soon.

    Any ladies with similar symptoms? Did increasing your weight help with the menstrual cycle and hair loss?

    It helped my sister. She had orthorexia and finally sorted herself out, and regained her period and her hair is back to normal.
  • Pawsforme
    Pawsforme Posts: 645 Member
    edited August 2015
    I can tell you from personal experience that it is very possible to become amenorrheic (cessation of periods) even when you are within a normal BMI range, or even on the high side of normal.

    As a very wise OB/GYN told me -- your body has no idea what the BMI chart says it's supposed to be. Forget the chart and listen to your body.

    You need to have a period at least every three months. Otherwise there can be all sorts of complications. Your doctor can put you on a medication that will cause that to happen.

    I was diagnosed as borderline anorexic, and yes -- I stopped having periods for three years (had to take medication) and lost a lot of hair. Getting my weight back up cured all of that and I was able to get pregnant (a very much wanted pregnancy).

    Yellow tinted skin (including the whites of the eyes) is generally a sign of jaundice, which indicates a liver issue.

    You need to see a doctor ASAP.