Need motivation! Trying to defeat depression

emmagrace0818 Posts: 211 Member
edited August 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Depression had pretty much taken over me the last couple years and I had gained so much.. I want to lose it all! I have never lost this much and I'm afraid I'm going to get so impatient and frustrated I'll just give up. I'm so ready to get my old self back!


  • yoyowoman123
    yoyowoman123 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi x yes I also suffer with depression x have done for years and anxiety. I put a lot of weight on with depression years ago and now its been a battle for over twenty years to get it off x it is hard and I think everyone as those days where they want to give up ! But I will never give up this time. Ive been a yo yo dieter for too long x im worried about my health x
  • Zephhy09
    Zephhy09 Posts: 3 Member
    Good luck and never give up
  • 123arb
    123arb Posts: 35 Member
    Always look on the bright side! Best of luck to you! You can do it!!
  • mirandagirl2
    mirandagirl2 Posts: 160 Member
    Welcome! Best of luck to you in your journey ☺ Feel free to add me I am happy to help support you
  • lfd161
    lfd161 Posts: 1 Member
    edited August 2015
    Emma I feel your pain. I have been in a funk for a while now and one day I had it. First I stopped with the sweets and ice cream. I replaced them with fruit. After a few days the withdrawals eased up and I started portion control. It wasn't (isn't) easy. I would always have seconds and thirds. I started taking my dog for walks. One day out of no where I realized that I had snapped out of having the blues. I'm am not a professional in anyway but I truly feel that my diet and lack of excise was making my depression worse. The foods I ate to make myself feel better were actually making things a lot worse.take things one day at a time and if you mess up today start over of luck to you
  • Finniemarie9710
    Finniemarie9710 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm in the same boat. Feel free to add me, always willing to help a friend(: keep your head up.
  • mlharkless08
    mlharkless08 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey! I also battle with depression. We all have our stories. If you want to add me you can. We can fight this together!
  • denniscrocker72
    denniscrocker72 Posts: 12 Member
    Good luck! You can do it!
  • bella98902
    bella98902 Posts: 32 Member
  • belowthefore
    belowthefore Posts: 8 Member
    Getting over that first hurdle is HARD! Once you do things will be a lot easier. This app has helped me a lot. Good luck, you'll be fine
  • emmagrace0818
    emmagrace0818 Posts: 211 Member
    edited August 2015
    Thanks so much, everyone! I can be good support to others as well
  • kaysday
    kaysday Posts: 256 Member
    I also had that problem. I just started eating right and working out only one month ago and I feel 100% better than I have in a long time. You can do it. I second guessed things before I started as well. I don't regret one minute of my journey. Good luck!
  • LaurenStepney
    LaurenStepney Posts: 7 Member
    I've battled with depression and been on both sides of the scale between starving and binge eating. Currently trying to drop 55lbs feel free to add me everyone
  • Bryanna1992
    Bryanna1992 Posts: 21 Member
    I also suffer from depression and anxiety which is what led to my weight gain as well. Just remember, you will lose it slowly. You didn't gain it all in one day, you wont lose it in one day either. Just keep fighting, and never give up. Feel free to add me if you want! :)
  • kmf91604
    kmf91604 Posts: 12 Member
    edited August 2015
    I'm battling it more than ever. A vicious cycle. I can't get motivated to work out because of my depression and i'm depressed even more that I'm not working out. Mind you my depression rubs deep so not working out just adds to it. I'm scared about what runs through my head. lqerrfuqzdr0.jpg
  • MrCBallSr
    MrCBallSr Posts: 4 Member
    I never battled depression myself but I'm sure it's hard, keep your head up and never give up.
  • NDR008
    NDR008 Posts: 1 Member
    Knowing that you have depression is just like everyone other condition - being aware of it is a step towards overcoming it or at the very least beginning to deal with it.
    With friends, physical activities and professional support you will overcome it!
  • ShashayLee
    ShashayLee Posts: 178 Member
    I've been battling depression for 30 years. Over those years i gained quite a bit of weight, used food as comfort or punishment. I'm having to learn to forgive myself, to love myself. some days it was hard to get out of bed. I've found that the healthier i ate, the more i worked out the more positive i feel. I'm down 41 pounds with 80 to go. I know it will not be easy but i want to do this for me :)
    Keep going, do the best you can, forgive yourself if you fall off & carry on with eating healthy & working out
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    Have you resolved your depression? if not, get help.

    As for being impatient. Don't. Just stay focused on the big goal and don't ever give up. Even after you arrive at your goal, you will still have to watch your weight. Its never really going to be over.

    If you make losing weight enjoyable and easy, there's is no reason for to give up. The way i did/do it is to only exercise when i want to and how i want to. I don't really exercise much. Its more about eating healthy food and managing a deficit for me. Its also a lot about making my healthy food enjoyable to eat.
  • EricC2lose
    EricC2lose Posts: 23 Member
    Read stubbornly refuse to make yourself miserable about anything, yes anything by albert ellis. And look for a psychologist well versed in cognitive behavior therapy.