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Hello everyone! I thought I'd give logging food a try and already I notice that I'm an over indulger... ish lol
A little about me, I'm a Food Service Specialist 2nd Class in the Coast Guard, my side jobs in the service when on boats again is EMT, Battle Dressing Stations, 50 Cal. Specialist, Damage Controllman, Helo Tiedown Crew just to name the bigger ones.
I've loved cooking since I was a wee little kindergartener (lol even if it were mac n' cheese) cooked in family restaurant, IN-N-OUT, and been going at it in the Coast Guard for 8 years :)
I've been in charge of loading out cutters full of food/drinks, thousands of dollars worth. Designing weekly cycle menus, recipes, and organizing all of food stores in small spaces. The biggest crew I've cooked for was 200, the smallest was 14.
I'm big in the ketogenic diet, and I still lift heavy and go to town on my workouts. Beforehand I really wasn't logging anything and winging it, boy that was a mistake, now that i've been logging for a few days in myfitnesspal after doing loseit app for a month I can say I already like the transition and differences.
I love food! I'm a foodie kind of guy, it would be awesome to meet like minded people out here that are also awesome! Cuz I know your awesome for already doing your best :-)
Hope to talk some more, and make some dieting friends on here!
Semper Paratus
-Fair winds and following seas to you


  • lejoie
    lejoie Posts: 51 Member
    I hear you! I LOVE food! It's been such a journey developing a good relationship with it :) if you want a friend, gimme a holler!
  • EthanSanders23
    EthanSanders23 Posts: 23 Member
    Holler! lol