Men & Women- between ages 40-55 (give or take a few yrs)

for_ever_young66 Posts: 2,878 Member
edited August 2015 in Motivation and Support
I'm a bit of a late bloomer when it comes to fitness. I really didn't get started until I was about 42 and have been consistently hitting the gym or doing some strength and conditioning or cardio exercise ever since. A high blood pressure scare made me change my diet and adopt a more healthy lifestyle.

I would like to hear from those within this age category. What does your regiment consist of and how do you go about rest/recovery since the muscles are more likely to remain sore once we reach a certain age. Also, feel free to add me. I love my 30 something friends but feel that I can probably relate better to people close to my own age.



  • BethAnnRichmond
    BethAnnRichmond Posts: 20 Member
    Hey, Jason! Sorry to hear about the health scare but glad you did, and are still, making healthier changes!

    I started fours years ago when I was 48 (quick math: I'm 52 now. lol). My clothes just didn't fit right, feeling like a huge slug. I was bloated & feeling like I was full up to my ribs but I was always hungry. So I'd eat more. And the vicious cycle continued. As I was laying on my bed, watching late night tv and eating ice cream (why can't I lose weight? lol), an Insanity infomercial came on. I saw that people of all ages, sizes, backgrounds were getting awesome results. I suddenly had that Army mentality once again and said enough was enough - it's time to quit making excuses and do something about it. So I bought it. One week later, and one work out later, I'd thought I'd puke/die. And that was just the warm up.

    But I stuck to it. Lost 20 pounds, cleaned up my diet, had energy, slept great. Since then, I've dabbled here and there with others, lost my mojo. Last November, I busted up my foot/ankle and after about 9 months, although I'm still not 100% better, feel strong enough to start working out again. Three months ago, after gaining back those "lost" 20 pounds, I once again cleaned up my diet, which helped me button my pants. One month ago, I was finally able to walk 2-3 blocks before my foot/ankle started throbbing. I've been told that it is completely healed but physically therapy won't be easy. Yeah, no kidding. I stretch twice a day and am up to a total of 12 blocks at a quick pace. I'm also back to doing my workouts but at a snails pace.

    Getting older is no joke. I'd say that most of it is mental - how bad do you want it? Bad. Real bad. So, I keep away from the crap food about 90% of the time, get about 6-7 hours of sound sleep a night, drink about a gallon of water a day, read personal development every day, allow only positive vibes to enter my life. I don't make radical changes but subtle ones. That way, I don't feel deprived and seeing the results makes me get up each day and do it again. B)
  • for_ever_young66
    for_ever_young66 Posts: 2,878 Member
    edited August 2015
    BethAnn- thanks for responding and I really enjoyed reading your background. It's interesting how all of us can have different epiphanies that can lead us to making lifestyle changes. Congrats on your commitment and you're right. Getting older is no joke and I'm dealing with a nagging lower back pain as I type this message. However, I'm not going to let that deter me from reaching my goals or throw some kind of pity party for myself (that was the old Jason).

    I love it how you were able to stick to it despite all of those obstacles that were thrown at you. I'm so glad that you show the persistence to hang in there and not let the the crap life throws at you slow you down. I salute you.
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hi Jason .... I am 44 regimen consists of carb cycling ..M W F low carbs .....Tu TH Sat ...high carbs and sunday rest/don't worry about carb day ......Cardio on high carb days and strength training on low carb days ...back in 09/2010 I lost 78lbs then life and tragedy hit and I gave up on myself needless to say I gained it all back and then some and even deleted my account ....took some time off to get myself together ....came back this year in Jan. was doing great then I lost 4 people in a 3 month span ....I lost myself for a little day I said to myself these people that I lost do not want me to give up on myself so I have been going strong since the beginning of this month ....Wishing you much success :) Feel free to add me

  • for_ever_young66
    for_ever_young66 Posts: 2,878 Member
    Way to hang in there, Megan. FR coming shortly.
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    Thanks Jason :)
  • juliebowling1
    juliebowling1 Posts: 36 Member
    Getting older is NOT for sissies, that's for sure. I've gone back and forth over my life from being very overweight and sedentary to good weight but exercising like a crazy person til I literally had toenails fall off and stress fractures in my feet. Seemed like I couldn't find a way to keep a healthy weight without it being a full time job so I just gave it all up. Now I'm trying to get back on track with a more balanced, realistic way of making exercise a priority and healthy eating the norm. I've joined the YMCA and try to burn off a few more calories each week than the week before. I'm counting calories and trying to eat a lot more veggies and less breads. I love to hear other people's stories because it's the best motivation !
  • for_ever_young66
    for_ever_young66 Posts: 2,878 Member
    Julie- oh how I love your first sentence. "Getting older is NOT for sissies...................." I can't think of a more truthful statement. It's a struggle trying to maintain at this age. When you think about it, you sometimes find yourself in a catch 22. If you're too sedentary, you face health risks such as obesity and heart disease. If you move too much, you run the risk of muscle sprains or fractures. Do you go to the Y in Cinco Ranch? I go to that one on my lunch break sometimes, I might have seen you there.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hey Jason. I'll fess up that I'm 60 (and glad to have made it this far!). I've jogged most of my life. Around 5 years ago the weight started creeping on. I could usually lose the weight. I did, but each time was harder and I gained it back more quickly.

    This time around I'm taking things slower. I'm determined not to derail over the holidays. Since one part of my body or another is often sore, I'm now mixing up workout DVD's with jogging. I'm not into lifting more than hand weights at this point.

    My lower back has been one of my issues but the more I work out and make it stronger, the better it does. Over the next decade I'm determined to keep working out. A friend of mine in her 70's has a workout DVD for walking. So, the manufacturers must recognize a potential market for work out enthusiasts as we age.

    Feel free to add me!
  • jbirdy76
    jbirdy76 Posts: 161 Member
    I am in the give or take by 8 months. I will be 40 then. I have been active most my life, but gained 60 pounds over a 13 year dysfunctional relationship and 4 pregnancies. The last 3 years I have been in a cycle of losing and regaining the same 30 pounds. This last year or so I noticed I could not lift like I used to. If i do a tough arm day I literally can not straighten my arms for the next 4 not cool. Recently I have been walking everyday and doing Pilates that seems to work better. It is so crazy how your body changes and I can no longer do what I could just a couple years ago.
  • CrazyMermaid1
    CrazyMermaid1 Posts: 347 Member
    I'm 55 and didn't start taking care of me until about 5 years ago. I've lost 55 lb from my high. I've got 15 lb to go.
  • fitnesswithbonzo
    fitnesswithbonzo Posts: 6 Member
    Hi jason. I m 47, and just started myself trying to lose some pounds. I too had high blood pressure. I ve been logging in and keeping track of what I eat, and also doing yoga. This combination has helped me to lower my blood pressure. The yoga is fast paced and it s a great workout. Have u tried it? I love it! Yoga helps to get us in shape and also helps our bodies relieve the daily mounds of stress. Sometimes we just grow into that stress jacket and we dont even know we re stressed.
  • MistyBlue9
    MistyBlue9 Posts: 109 Member
    Hi Jason, i'm 43 and really struggling to lose weight but keeping at it. My only exercise at the moment is walking thanks to the dodgy knees. I log daily though so thanks to this app I haven't put on more weight! Add me if you want :)
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    edited August 2015
    I just turned 40.

    My exercise routine varies a bit, but generally I:
    --do social dancing (mostly salsa, bachata and other Latin) once or twice a week for 2-4 hours each time
    --swim 3-5 miles/week
    --lift heavy 3 times/week
    --walk: generally my 7-day step total is above 100,000 steps

    I have been consistent about the above for the past three or four years. I occasionally do other things--jogging, kayaking, dance fitness, hiking, etc. I tend to alternate high and low-impact exercises instead of taking too many rest days.

    I was a fairly serious athlete in my youth and was a professional dancer when I was younger. A brain aneurysm, a torn ACL and pituitary failure forced me to be sedentary for several years, but now I am pretty much back to what is a normal level of activity for me.

    My blood pressure is very, very low.
  • for_ever_young66
    for_ever_young66 Posts: 2,878 Member
    Thanks everyone for sharing your stories. Walking, dancing, aerobics, kayaking, etc. Doesn't matter just as long as we keep the body moving.
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    Even though today is rest day for me...I had ants in my pants :p I moved a big computer desk (by myself) into my daughter's room and rearranged ....Its incredible how much energy you have when you workout ....I LOVE IT :D I hope everyone is having a great Sunday and has an awesome week :)
  • for_ever_young66
    for_ever_young66 Posts: 2,878 Member
    Ms Smarty pants. That's what I'm talking about
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    ;):) @ Jason :D
  • HankD50
    HankD50 Posts: 49 Member
    45 here! Just getting better!
  • lvhoney777
    lvhoney777 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Jason. I'm 52 and just started trying to get healthy again about 6 weeks ago. I haven't been very active for a long time now. Even though I'm just basically walking I feel so much better already! I have been logging my food and it really keeps me in check. I now find myself wondering, "do I really want that?" and think before I eat. I've been toying with the carb cycling but I haven't decided yet. Hope you're doing well!
  • saavedra26
    saavedra26 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm about to turn 44 in a few days and have never really exercised in my whole life except when I joined the army which during that time I lost 100 pounds. 3 years in I hurt my back and was medically discharged. Ever since then I gained back the weight and fluctuated between 265 and 275 and always blaming my bad back for not working out. Then Ten months ago I was Blessed with a grandson and I started thinking very seriously about my health and wanting to be there to play and teach him things that only a grandpa can. My family has a history of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer and me weighing in at 300 pounds have been very fortunate not to have had any of these problems as of yet. 3 months ago it hit me very hard that only I could make a change for the I have. Some of my family are runners and I thought that shouldn't be too hard on my back so I bought a Good pair of running shoes and started running/walking. After a month I lost 10 pounds but had a little set back with my back that had nothing to do with running but I'm better and after 6 weeks of getting back at it I have lost 21 pounds and It feels great! My goal is to lose that 100 pounds that I lost in the army and to be a role model for my grandson and I'm on my way to accomplishing that goal. Thanks for taking time to read I know it was kinda long Lol...Feel free to add me anyone...the more friends the better. Good luck in your weight loss journey.