huge protein and calorie intake diet help

I'm looking for huge protien and calorie food ideas.. been underweight for my whole life and been trying to get at least 2800 a day goal according to this app. More the better though but it is harder than it I thought. Tracking all my foods for about a week now I realize I was nowhere near what I needed to eat before trying to bulk up.. I just ate everything in front of me.
Any ideas on what foods will help ?
I know about fish and steaks and added that to my diet. That does help but still fills me up faster than I would like. Maybe lighter foods ? Liquid calories? I'm staying away from fast food and junk foods though. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Foods high in fat will give you high calories for low volume. Often fat is paired with protein so this is double-good for you (think bacon). Drink full fat (3%) milk. Eat nuts or hiker's mix for snacks. I find shakes and smoothies fill me up really fast but you can give them a try. Booster Juice has a great selection. Ask for an extra scoop of protein powder or mix your own.
  • AsISmile
    AsISmile Posts: 1,004 Member
    Calorie dense foods:

    Also, full fat everything and try to drink your calories.
  • nfperrini
    nfperrini Posts: 1 Member
    Bro.. the key is OIL. It's by FAR the highest calories for the smallest ammount. Peanut, olive, regular veggie oil... They're all about the same. Per tablespoon is usually 120 calories. Cook everything with it. ;D. Or drink it straight line me hah
  • terar21
    terar21 Posts: 523 Member
    Protein is awesome. But if you're trying to gain, I wouldn't be focusing on getting massive amounts of protein. Focus on getting those extra calories from carbs and fats.

    Like the poster above said, cooking in oil is a good example of increasing calories without having to eat a ton of food. I love brussel sprouts but they aren't exactly bulk calorie friendly. So I put extra olive oil on them with honey. Instant calories.

    Nuts, butters, full fat dairy (extra cheese on a sandwich).
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    If you ate salad the way I do, it's like 2,000 calories in one meal. Get some lettuce, add shredded cheese, ham, bacon, and crushed chips (in place of croutons, but they're fattening too) and drown the whole thing in ranch dressing. Yum. Lots of salt too.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    What you're looking for is low-volume, high-calorie food. A lot of good examples have already been mentioned (oils, full fat dairy, nuts), but add things like avocado and fattier cuts of meat as well. Think of the advice you usually hear when someone is trying to lose weight -- eat things that have a small number of calories but have high volume so you feel full -- and do the opposite. Low-volume, high-calorie food isn't unhealthy or "junk food;" it's just used for a different purpose.
  • dragondetails
    dragondetails Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks everyone this helps. And drinking oil sounds tempting but I think I will pass.. Maybe add another smoothie to my day somehow... It's sad but I've tried working out hard and eating everything under the sun n didn't gain anything but that was a few years ago. This time I'm going to use this app and get over 2500 a day min if not 3500.. Maybe less high cardio also ..

    This app is really crazy cool.
  • RBelton
    RBelton Posts: 2 Member
    Hello mate.
    I am on a similar goal. I've weighed the same for about 3 years or so (74kgs) I'm 6ft tall and naturally an ectomorph body type. Like most in their 20's I want to pack on some muscle and overall size. I've never had an issue with having a 'ripped' look as I have a high metabolism so weight training defintaley gives you definition it's just getting that bulk as well so you can get bigger! Apart from weight training you absolutely have to smash in the food. For the last week and a half I've decided to take this fairly seriously instead of half arsed.
    Just to set the picture I can eat any food drink anything and not gain weight. The only way I can gain is if I eat 4k cal per day every day. I've gained 2.5k this week and just hit 12 stone!
    My short term goal is to gain another stone!

    I won't go on and on about training because you can look that up online. The main thing is eating. I struggle to consume food all day long but you've got to do it.

    I wake up at 630 before work and by 7 I'm ready for my first meal! I will come back to my meal plan shortly.

    You need to be eating food every 2 hours. If your like me eating cheat meals will not work. I can eat mcdonalds all day long and my body just rejects it and I lose weight! - crazy huh!

    What you need to do is eat good food!
    I mass buy chicken breasts for as these are really good value and great chicken!
    I also buy a lot of microwave rice. This isn't the best but I work all day and it's quick and easy so works for me. I do mix this up with mash potatoe now and again too.
    With the chicken to keep that interesting I buy chicken flavour bags which are amazing.

  • RBelton
    RBelton Posts: 2 Member
    Meal plan

    Meal 1 @ 630/7am

    Meal 2 @ 800/830am
    2-4 slices of toast (wholemeal seeded is best) caked and I mean caked in peanut butter
    Wright gainer shake (Mutant mass triple chocolate)

    Already you've hit around 1500cals ! Long way to go yet though.

    Meal 3 @ 10/1030am
    200g chicken breast with 300g rice

    Meal 4 @ 12/1pm
    200g chicken breast with 300g rice or mash

    Meal 5 @ 3/330pm
    You guessed it... 200g chicken breast with 300g rice or mash

    430 pm I have another mutant mass shake 1 hour before the gym!

    Meal 6 @ 7/730 pm
    Spag bol or tuna pasta bake or turkey curry or turkey stir fry or bangers mash and veg or steak mash and veg. Fish.. all good things...get some vegtables in you as you wana stay healthy

    Snack before bed
    930/10 pm
    Porridge and if you can manage it another shake!

    Right now you've hit about 5k cals. Don't try to do this at once or you will fail. You need to increase it each week steadily.
    At the mo I am struggling believe me. Some meals I force down sometimes I have a bad day where I have to skip one but this is happening less and less. I'm fairly new to it but it does appear to be working!

    I'll update you in a months time.
    You may think this sounds expensive but it's actually not too bad! You can also change things up if you don't like certain foods or if you love eggs for example. I don't tend to drink milk anymore as it makes me get flem however if you can bang that in your mutant mass shakes and boom you'll have alllll kinds of gains!!

    Best advice though build it up slowly. Don't even bother wasting money on shakes until you can force 4 meals and snacks down!

    Good luck!
  • Lissa_Kaye
    Lissa_Kaye Posts: 214 Member
    I love making egg and avocado sandwiches, or chicken and avocado sandwiches. I'll hard boil a few eggs and mash them with half an avocado, I add the olive oil mayo, but you could do full fat, and tons of sriracha. I'll do the same with a chicken breast diced and pan fried and about a half an avocado with mayo and sriracha. Or sometimes i'll do mayo and wasabi. This is also really good with salmon as well. Play with the amounts. It usually makes 2 sanwiches.
  • dragondetails
    dragondetails Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the help. I will give those ideas a shot.. I love the avacado idea and the chicken one.. I've been cooking cod mostly and its been helping but I work from a truck so cooking or a fridge is out of the option..
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Stir coconut oil in to your smoothies, loads of calories and health benefits also.
  • treadmill0100
    treadmill0100 Posts: 2 Member
    fish , milk , eggs , cheese and almonds
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Thanks everyone this helps. And drinking oil sounds tempting but I think I will pass.. Maybe add another smoothie to my day somehow... It's sad but I've tried working out hard and eating everything under the sun n didn't gain anything but that was a few years ago. This time I'm going to use this app and get over 2500 a day min if not 3500.. Maybe less high cardio also ..

    This app is really crazy cool.

    If you add a tablespoon of olive oil to a protein shake made with full fat milk, you'll never taste it, but you've added 100 calories. Melt butter on your steak and fish. And try a cup of coffee or tea with heavy cream. (50 cal/ tbsp). And yes, less cardio and more heavy weights. Good luck.