
I have been on MFP for about a month. Over the first several weeks I have lost about 6lbs. This evening, I weighed in at my TOPS meeting (the only time I weigh) and I stayed the same. Not a tenth of a pound or anything!! I feel like I am staying on track and being extremely truthful with my food diary (to the point of being obsessive). I have focused, so far, on calories only not necessary carbs, fats, protein, etc.. I have gone over on those other items but many times I am at or below the allowance. Can someone review my diary and let me know what you think. Thanks!


  • rachaelps
    rachaelps Posts: 38 Member
    More cardio perhaps? Good luck! Stay positive.
  • makeachange22
    try less processed foods, and more vegetables and fruits also drink as much water as your body allows in one day . everything else seems alright, just keep working on it , it'll come :)
  • Hananiah
    Hananiah Posts: 128 Member
    Sometimes we reach a plateau. They stink, but the way to get your body out of them is to change up your exercise. Drink plenty of water. Make sure you are getting plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. If you have any questions feel free to message me or add me as a friend if you like.

  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    Hang in there. Everyone hits a small plateau here and there. Give it another week or so, and if things still aren't moving, then you should look at your net calories a little more closely. At about 6 weeks, I had to UP my calories a little bit to start losing again. It is different for everyone though...
  • icerose137
    icerose137 Posts: 318 Member
    Whereas you only have a small amount of weight to lose it is going to come off slowly on average. Bump up your excercise regime by 10% every 3 weeks, add in strength training, drink lots of water and hang in there. We all only wish it was as simple as calories in vs calories out but it's not because our bodies are complex machines built for survival and it doesn't like to let go of fat without a serious battle.
  • beth736
    beth736 Posts: 12 Member
    do you exercise? i have been at that same problem till recently then i started doing jillian micheals 30 day shred now im loosing. iv been learning that working your mucles helps burn calories more than doing cardio but cardio is still good but it was getting to the point that cardio wasnt enough maybe that will work for you. im not one to exercise every day either im lazy about it but i have notice that when i do get off my butt i loose weight. hope this helps
  • mrsdaytons
    mrsdaytons Posts: 24 Member
    I think u should take a look at your sugar intake. Refined sugars, like in those yogurts, barbeque sauces and granola bars turn to fat and cause weight gain. Stick to natural sugars. Try plain greek yogurt with fresh berries mixed in instead. I not sure if u r exercising, but if not, Start. Cardio and weight training are a must. Stay away from processed foods because a lot contain large amounts of soduim, which will do your diet no good and cause water retention, as well. Hope this info helps. Please let me know how it works out for u.
  • kimark1
    kimark1 Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks for the support. I can understand that I may be not eating as many fruits and veggies as I should, but sometimes I crave something salty/sweet and the processed foods( I've swtiched to what I thought were better options than what I was eating before) seemed to satisfy that craving. I usually eat a veggie with dinner and have some type of fruit during the day. I also agree that I need to add more exercise. Thanks again for your responses!
  • wjkirby
    wjkirby Posts: 120
    Do you exercise any? Walking is easy and will help get the weight loss started. I try to walk an hour on the days I walk and I usually do around 4 miles. That may be too much to start with but maybe try at least a half hour walk.
  • doodledaze
    doodledaze Posts: 33 Member
    If it's just one week . . . it's probably just an odd fluctuation and hopefully you'll see an extra big loss next week. I think your menu looks pretty balanced and your water looks good. You might experiment with eating more of your calories from activitiy and avoid going under 1200 except on rare occasions. I certainly don't think you need to eat less!
  • kimark1
    kimark1 Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks for the info!!