Stopped loosing

I have stayed the same over two weeks now at 1,707 calories. Therefore I am dropping my daily goal to 1,578. Should this work guys? Can anyone give me any hints? I've only been doing this for 45 days and lost 8lb so far. I weigh 162 lbs, 5ft 6in and I am 22. Fairly inactive due to working at a desk all day! Thank you for any help.


  • vmccourt
    vmccourt Posts: 2 Member
    I had a difficult time losing weight even though I was sticking to my goals. I found my answer is removing all grains from my plan, including gluten free grains, pasta, rice, and potatoes. I substituted the calorie loss with additional protein and good fats. I have started to lose consistently now. Good luck!
  • momoharuno
    momoharuno Posts: 141 Member
    As long as you are following CICO (calories in vs calories out) you will lose weight, if you are not losing weight then you are eating too many calories and need to reevaluate, there is no magic food or secret just log honestly, get a food scale for accuracy, and do your best! :)
  • rebeccaEsmith
    rebeccaEsmith Posts: 1,136 Member
    You may need to change your food and exercise resume around, change things up and shock your body!!
  • beefcake_4000
    beefcake_4000 Posts: 19 Member
    i checked out your diary and to be frank youre not getting nearly enough of the nutritions that you need, and yoou eat to much grain based foods. try to get your carbs through veggies instead of consuming so much oats 50 grams is alot tbh per serving is alot to be honest.

    you also have set your daily cal intake way to high im curently around 300 ibs and 1600 calories is what i consume i would try to lower it to around 13 1400 at the most then you should see some real progress.

    good luck i hope youll find what works for you :)
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    Maybe you just need to tighten.
  • beefcake_4000
    beefcake_4000 Posts: 19 Member
    oh yeah dont trust the mfp daily recommendation its set way to high just stay between 1300 1400 calories per day and youll be golden

  • Wytcher9
    Wytcher9 Posts: 40 Member
    Important to not go too low calorie because your body reacts by not losing weight. You can exercise at work - plenty of blogs/YouTube info on whole body exercises. I like to stand by window at work and lifting one leg, just bend at knee. Sort of like a half squat. It helps get blood flowing after sitting all day. I also park farther away to increase daily steps. Stay strong. You got this.
  • CamillaEdwards
    CamillaEdwards Posts: 37 Member
    i checked out your diary and to be frank youre not getting nearly enough of the nutritions that you need, and yoou eat to much grain based foods. try to get your carbs through veggies instead of consuming so much oats 50 grams is alot tbh per serving is alot to be honest.

    you also have set your daily cal intake way to high im curently around 300 ibs and 1600 calories is what i consume i would try to lower it to around 13 1400 at the most then you should see some real progress.

    good luck i hope youll find what works for you :)

    Thanks for the advice. To be honest I thought I was eating well. I've always thought oats were a good breakfast? I wouldn't want veggies for breaky! I have a friend who has told me to eat as many calories as possible. As I was loosing on 1700 before I have only lowered it to 1500 as don't want to lower it too much. Do you think if I lower it I will 'plateau' again very quickly? Thanks again.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    OP, it doesn't matter what you eat, it matters that you are eating the right amount of calories. Two things to think about:
    1. Weight loss isn't linear. Even if you are perfect, some weeks you simply won't see the scale move. It might even go up a little. You can gain and lose water weight every day that can mask your progress too. Just look at the trend over time.
    2. Double check your logging. If you aren't using a food scale, you might be eating more calories than you think.

    Since you already lost 8 lbs, obviously you are doing something right. It usually isn't necessary to change anything unless your stall lasts more like 4 weeks. Be patient and good luck!
  • Rebecca8030
    Rebecca8030 Posts: 83 Member
    Try not doing too more grains for a week or 2 and see if that helps
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    There's a lot of bad info on this thread

    There's no need to give up any foods. ( unless you have a medical condition)

    Eat the foods you love in moderation. Use portion control.

    For weight loss, all you need is a calorie deficit. There's no need to switch up food groups or routines.
    It comes down to the numbers. Tighten up your logging. Weigh everything with a food scale to be accurate
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    First off, eight pounds in six and a half weeks is excellent! There will always be weeks where you don't lose/gain, so try not to let it get to you. Two weeks without a loss is normal.

    I would suggest that you start using a food scale to weigh everything. A lot of your entries come in as even amounts.

    Also, unless for medical reasons, you don't have to cut foods out. Eat what you want, focusing on nutrition but working treats in when you can.
  • Screech008
    Screech008 Posts: 7 Member
    I disagree with those who think that steady loss is just a matter of CICO. There are other things in play... I've lost 100 lbs. and can tell you from experience that stress (cortisol) can also impact your loss...even when you are accurately documenting and not going over your suggested daily intake. I agree with Rebecca, though, sometimes a shock to the system is just what you need to jump start the loss. One suggestion I've found that works is dividing your intake across the day (say you eat 1500 calories a day - eat 100 calories an hour for the 15 hours you're awake. Do this for a couple of days and see if that helps. It always works for me.
  • CamillaEdwards
    CamillaEdwards Posts: 37 Member
    Thank you everyone :)