Newbie with Fitness Pal

Hello everyone, I am a newbie at this, but I can tell already that I am going to have fun and hopefully we can motivate each other. It is so easy to put on the weight but so difficult to let it go and keep it off. Good luck to everyone.


  • caterpillar2Butterfly
    Welcome to mfp you will love it here...
  • monihuggs
    monihuggs Posts: 3 Member
    Welcome aboard and good luck to you.
  • ritaadkins2002
    ritaadkins2002 Posts: 371 Member
    welcome we all are glad to have you aboard; yes u will love this and everybody are so nice. nice having you on fitness pal. rita
  • Adenham70
    Adenham70 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi AnniClassy, ur going to luv this place! I'm so addicted to it now I wouldn't know what to do without it lol. I've been here for about a week n already on track with my weight loss. I thought it was going to take me forever to get use to it but nope!! Good Luck to u to