Looking for support

Hello, I am just starting on this journey and have about 90lbs to lose. Am looking to lose this over the next 12 months. Please do connect with me if you have a similar goal, would love to do this with a wider group of friends, thank you


  • muppetgirl07
    muppetgirl07 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there. I have lost 15 lbs. with 25 more to go. I am doing a low carb diet, or maybe I shouldn't say diet, low carb living. I actually love the things I can eat, such a large variety of foods. It's a long and hard journey but it can be done!!! The first step is always the hardest so good luck to you and remember, the weight didn't get there over night so it won't go away overnight, but it will go away.
  • bellybunny
    bellybunny Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm just starting out too- with around 56 lb to lose. I've failed many times ony own so I finally realised I need help from others on the journey. Just done a 7 minute workout in my garden and feel more positive already.
  • 41malmes
    41malmes Posts: 4 Member
    Hello thank you for responding. Like you tried many times but this time I feel ready to really get this weight off. Would be great to connect and keep each other on track
  • 41malmes
    41malmes Posts: 4 Member
    Well done on the 15lbs loss and your right it does take time. This time round I am in the long haul
  • dimsdales_pookie
    dimsdales_pookie Posts: 6 Member
    Feel free to add me also. I am trying to lose another 31 pounds to lose. I am doing low carb and micro meals which seam to work really well. If I can just get the exercise time down I would be really happy. Good luck!
  • k_wills
    k_wills Posts: 82 Member
    Hi...I want to lose 80lb in a year before my 50th in July next year...I've lost 12b since mid June so hopefully I'm on track..I exercise 3-4 days a week and am eating 1500 calories most days ;0)
    lets do it everyone!
  • Blind_Pilot
    Blind_Pilot Posts: 64 Member
    Hi!! I have 46lbs to lose, lost it once but managed to find it all again!! sending a friend request!!
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    Hi ....I have over 100lbs to lose .....Looking to lose it by this time next year Even if I lose half of it next year I will be over the moon ...I have lost 10lbs so far ....I carb cycle and workout 6 days a week ....Feel free to add me ...wishing you the best :smile:
  • Sharonimo99
    Sharonimo99 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi 41malmes. I have 100 lbs to lose. Have lost 5 lbs since starting tracking on MFP two weeks ago. Happy to connect with you.