Losing baby weight

Hi, I'm 21 years old and I just had my first baby 5 months ago and I am really trying to lose this baby weight .. I need motivating friends to help me out


  • ATdreamer
    ATdreamer Posts: 8 Member
    Had my 1st 10 months ago! Working on losing mine also! Add me :)
  • Jebiza
    Jebiza Posts: 1 Member
    I'm on a mission to lose 60lbs. I had my second kid 11months ago. Before I had my first kid I weighed 160, now I'm 220. We could do this!!
  • veggielove3
    veggielove3 Posts: 10 Member
    I had my third almost 4 years ago and am now trying to lose 30 pounds.... I think i put off the weight loss a little too long :blush:
  • BabyPhat90713
    BabyPhat90713 Posts: 120 Member
    My baby is almost 2. I'm still trying to get that off. Before I wasn't really putting forth the effort. I am now. Good luck on your journey. We can definitely do this! Mind over matter :smiley: