
I had my 3rd child about 8months ago before this I was very active could walk for over a hour no issues at all then about 2-3 weeks before I found out I was pregnant I found out I had tachycardia I never have even heard of it until then. I thought it would pass after I had the baby but I still have it my heart races at random times I can't even walk around the block without my heart beating out of my chest. They put me on meds at the start but then they realised it lowered my blood pressure to much so I had to be out off it. I am now on anxiety tablets but even that haven't stopped it. I wake up in the the middle of the night sometimes where I gasp for air or like my heart skipped a beat from shock then my heart founds for a few minutes then slows down. I have no other heart known issues.....I want to be able to be fit again and walk like I used to but I'm so scared I'll just pass out one day from a high heart rate....does anyone else have this issue if so how do they work out with this condition...no doctors will help me they just say it's a high heart rate we can't do anything about it...how can I get past this...I thought it would go all together but a year later still have the issue. I'm desperate for answers and advice please. I'm only 29 so I'm still young


  • dawniemate
    dawniemate Posts: 395 Member
    Seek medical advice
  • charlieandcarol
    charlieandcarol Posts: 302 Member
    Sounds like you need to go see a decent cardiologist.....
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
  • afatpersonwholikesfood
    Sounds like OP has already been to doctors, and they've given her anxiety meds and told her to go away. OP, have you seen an actual cardiologist? Have the doctors told you that exercise is unsafe for you? Another thing I would consider is making an appointment with a psychiatrist. Anxiety and fears over heart trouble go hand in hand, and too many people get ineffective and incomplete treatment for psychiatric issues from their general practitioner.
  • RBracken34
    RBracken34 Posts: 90 Member
    Check with a doc specifically about PPCM, which is a heart condition adsociated with pregnancy.
  • nicediva007
    nicediva007 Posts: 35 Member
    I would also suggest seeing a cardiologist. My mother had tachycardia, but she was older and needed a defibrillator to keep her heart in chexk. Her condition was seriously compromised however as she had had open heart surgery some years before and had congestive heart failure.

    I know you're wanting to be more active but take care of yourself. I hope you get the answers you seek.
  • skittlsv2
    skittlsv2 Posts: 85 Member
    I have SVT. I had a heart ablation surgery to burn 3 circuits in the electrical part of my heart. My highest rate was 286 and it was no fun. I've had this all my life but didn't know what it was until I saw a rthyum specialist cardiologist. I had surgery 8 years ago and haven't had the big run but still have little runs at times. Best decision I did was see my doctor. The meds are horrible and so many side effects. Push for other options for tachycardia. Ask your doctor about heart ablation surgery or perhaps pacemaker depending on your problem. Good luck and stay positive.
  • WeddedBliss1992
    WeddedBliss1992 Posts: 414 Member
    my mom has SVT also. she was prescribed a diet with ZERO caffeine and tons of water. she might end up with a pacemaker but so far, that has solved her issues.
  • c613477
    c613477 Posts: 296 Member
    OP find a reputable cardiologist. I would look for a research hospital, even if you have to travel some. There are a few rare heart conditions that emerge with pregnancy. I know I have been seriously misdiagnosed before and found much better care in a couple teaching and research hospitals. Don't give up figuring out what is going on.
  • lucysposaro
    lucysposaro Posts: 132 Member
    Thanks everyone I also forgot to mention iv had many ecg done all normal also have warn a heart monitor for 24 hours and have had a ecg while my heart was racing out of control all tests come back normal just very high
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    You need to discuss this with a cardiologist. If you don't like yours, get a second opinion from another doctor. I have yet to hear of anyone who was tachy and the doctors said, "Oh, well," unless it was a person who had, like, transient panic attacks, but even those people got anxiety meds.

    If you get your health advice online, you get what you pay for.
  • lucysposaro
    lucysposaro Posts: 132 Member
    These tests were done by all different doctors not online advice etc some tests were even in a hospital
  • williej29
    williej29 Posts: 1 Member
    I know how you feel. I have heart issues as well. I've had it for three years and my heart beats scare me sometimes. I've seen a lot of doctors and I have more to see. Nothing has worked for me yet.... But I have changed my lifestyle for the better in many ways.
  • faurotann
    faurotann Posts: 405 Member
    I have had SVT for 20 years. It started in my second pregnancy and I too thought it would go away. It didn't. Supra ventricular tachycardia. About 8 years ago I had mitral valve repair open heart surgery. The valve repair was not for the SVT but I told the surgeon about it prior. He put me on a monitor for a couple weeks but said it was just rapid heart beat. The surgery didn't fix the SVT but it did fix the other problem I was having with the heart valve. The SVT continued and got so bad my heart would race for days. VERRRY uncomfortable. After a couple trips to the ER they said I could have the ablation (mentioned above) or take pills. I take diltiazem slow release 120 mg twice a day. My heart rhythm specialist doubled the dosage after a while because it wasn't working. The racing heart is very uncomfortable but not dangerous. I was hoping it would at least give me some calorie burn with that racing heart but no such luck. I t feels like you're running up a flight of stairs for hours on end
  • Nanogg55
    Nanogg55 Posts: 275 Member
    I just had an attack of SVT on Friday. My HR was 225 for almost an hour and I ended up in the ER. I have been having some very minor A-Fib issues over the last 2 years but it seemed to be clearing up; nothing for the last couple of months. The thing on Friday came out of the blue. My cardiologist is treating it as an aberration for now although he did put me on Metoprolol. The thing that actually stopped my episode of VST on Friday was shown to me by the paramedic; it's called a vagal maneuver. He pushed his fist in my diaphragm and had me push back with my stomach muscles; in effect I was "bearing down". It was amazing; as soon as we did this my HR dropped back down to 60 BPM. OMG what a huge relief!! Here's a link about it but definitely talk to your cardiologist about it if you are having frequent attacks. It may help at least temporarily. https://acls.com/free-resources/tachycardia/vagal-maneuvers
  • Nanogg55
    Nanogg55 Posts: 275 Member
    I should clarify-talk with your doctor about the vagal maneuver before attempting it. It doesn't necessarily work for everyone. :neutral:
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    may need specialist cardio-electrophysiologist.
  • skittlsv2
    skittlsv2 Posts: 85 Member
    I did every trick in the book for years. I did the ice water head dive, held my breath while curling up and massaged my carotid arteries. When your heart is beating at 286 for hours you will do anything to get it to revert back to normal rthyum. I've had it all my life. I'm 53. Only the heart ablation stopped my SVT 286 heart rate. The meds were not for me as too many side effects caused problems. You seriously need to see a specialist cardiologist. They specialized in rthyums. I had 3 bad circuits. My cardiologist said he didn't even have to hunt them down because when he went in they jumped started tachy right away. Told me he didn't know how I had dealt with it for so long. I still have drop beats and little runs but haven't had the big run since my surgery. I wore many holter monitors and Echo and ekg's which were wild to see the look on the technicians face as they ran out of the hospital room. I've had adenacarb push through my vein that felt like my body was going to explode while I was literally unable to blink or speak as it felt like it blew out my feet. Very strange and scary stuff. The bottom line is you really need a specialist to help you. I urge you to keep pushing for definitive answers as to your exact problem. It is possible you may have other issues as well. I hope you find a very good cardiologist very soon. I understand how you feel. I went over 40 years not knowing what my problem was. I was told for years it was Mitral Valve Prolapse but it was really SVT.