Petite/shorties...If you don't mind me asking...



  • Nickyc00
    Nickyc00 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi all I'm Nicky in Essex, I'm 5ft1 & a half (u know every bit counts when you are a short *kitten*). I lost bout 22ibs over last 2.5 years.. I weight 126ibs now and I can't seem to lose weight. Im an A cup so please God no more weight to lose there please !!! By abs and tum area are my focal areas. I'm into trying to burn calories and I generally log most days. Unless I get really fed up and go on a bender and rebel. My goal weight is 112ibs .. Any tips gratefully received
  • zursebex27
    zursebex27 Posts: 3 Member
    I am 5' even and at 160 lbs right now. I feel so blah at this weight and aim to get back down towards 120 or so. I want to lose my fat and gain my figure back so ready to gain muscle too, which may affect that 120 goal. I just want to feel physically attractive again.
  • zursebex27
    zursebex27 Posts: 3 Member
    I forgot to add....I am well endowed too and the girls got even bigger with my weight gain. I will gladly keep them tho!
  • kkzmom11
    kkzmom11 Posts: 220 Member
    4'11", currently 173 lbs. want to get down to 135-140 since getting to 119 is utterly impossible unless i just stop eating and am constantly exercising. the biggest issue i have with my body currently (boobs are okay), is my belly. I have looked "pregnant" my whole adult life and I just don't want to anymore. I don't want a flat belly, but a much less noticeable belly would be fantastic.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    5ft 2" / gw and cw133lbs which I reached over a year ago :smiley: (started off at 154lbs and felt fat at that weight plus size 14 were no longer fitting me)
    I'm now a UK size 10 :smile:
  • 1919jd
    1919jd Posts: 3 Member
    wow thanks for all the replies! I signed up to MFP then haven't had my laptop since :(

    Its nice to see how people can feel comfortable at totally different weights at around the same height.

    if i'm reading NHS BMI chart properly the ideal weight for me would be 105-140lb.

    I have pictures of me as a teen around 112lbs and I really don't like how I look so probably gonna aim for 140, just need to kick my bum in to gear!!

    GL to everyone else in reaching your goals :smiley:
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    I'm 5'1.5" and around 120-122. I'm a medium to large frame with big shoulders, so I'm not one of those gals who can get to 105 lbs. without looking emaciated. I can't seem to get below 120, but have made a lot of progress getting more defined. I'm working back into upper body work due to a shoulder injury and hope to get more tone in my arms.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    I'm 5'2 :)

    Starting Weight: 157lbs
    Current Weight: 128lbs
    Goal Weight: 112lbs (Maybe - depends on how I feel!)
  • Damien_Scott
    Damien_Scott Posts: 108 Member
    You can't depend on those stupid things they use to judge obesity at doctor's offices. I had a guy that I worked with take his son to the doctor. They did the test for him and it said he was morbidly obese. This man goes to the gym nearly morning after work and Is one of the most fit looking people in their late 30s I've ever seen. I think he didn't have much more than 5% body fat.

    Those things don't take a lot of factors into consideration. Muscles, Monster Jubblies, Bodacious Badonkadonks, etc. If you're near your proper weight for someone your age and height then you're fine.
  • Ashtoretet
    Ashtoretet Posts: 378 Member
    I'm 5'4 am fat and know that I look it.

    Starting Weight: 208
    Current Weight: 167
    Healthy bmi: 145
    Goal Weight: 110
  • lil_lizt
    lil_lizt Posts: 275 Member
    I'm 5', started at 167lbs and currently fluctuating between 140lbs and 142lbs where I've been for the past 2 months. My goal weight was 120lbs but I'm not too sure now. Although my weight hasn't gone down, my measurements are decreasing through exercise so I'm now focussing on that rather than weight.
  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,978 Member
    edited September 2015
    5'3" with a medium frame and currently 127 lbs. and working on recomp. I'm happy at this size but am probably going to start a bulk in a couple months. I don't care about the scale number at all and would probably look a bit sickly if I were under 125. I had a breast reduction in 2009 because I was just so out of proportion. I still have a large chest for my size but it's much more flattering and comfortable.
  • carmenfalcon97
    carmenfalcon97 Posts: 19 Member
    Started at 157 after I had my baby
    Mini goal 125
    130lbs current weight 9months after baby
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    I think I've shrunk again, so I'm not sure how tall I am. I'll go with 5'1". I also have large breasts and they likely always will be proportionally large, that's just the way my body works.

    I started at 210, and I'm currently 150. I have a medium frame. My goal weight is around 112-115.
  • meglet2202
    meglet2202 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm 5'1", SW 170, CW 138, GW 125. I have a large frame (going by wrist size) and at 138, while still overweight, I'm starting to lose in parts of me I don't want to, and I don't want to lose too much, so I think 125 will be fine with me. I'm 48. If I were younger, I might pick a smaller size.
  • neldabg
    neldabg Posts: 1,452 Member
    edited September 2015
    I'm 5"2-ish.
    Starting Weight: 168-175 range
    Current Weight: 144.2 (21.4 % body fat!!! :D)
    Goal Weight: 115-125, whichever gets me a 70 cm waist across the bellybutton.
    I do want my 70 cm waist, and I'd feel better (mentally) once I have a healthy BMI, so I still want to lose weight. That being said, I am quite content right now, and I don't mind the wait until I reach my goal. Old clothes fit again, and I have so much more energy to do things. It's good to know that it's only a matter of time before I'm at my goal.
  • littleandysmom
    littleandysmom Posts: 173 Member
    I'm 5"2' and my current weight is 129. I'd like to get down to 115 but not sure if it is realistic at my age....I'm 49.
  • Karen_can_do_this
    Karen_can_do_this Posts: 1,150 Member
    Hi I'm Karen. These are my stats

    Height 5'1
    SW 180lbs (82kgs)
    CW 154lbs (70kgs)
    GW 110lbs (50kgs)

    I am a new years resolution lol. I have been losing very very slowly. But honestly I gained it slowly so I'm losing it slowly. It makes sense to my body.
    In may I started lifting weights at the gym. In the scary big boys section. I'm still lifting and love it!!!
    I've gone from a very tight 16 down to a 12
  • Karen_can_do_this
    Karen_can_do_this Posts: 1,150 Member
    Oh and I've got small boobs :|
    So I was obese according to the stupid bmi chat. But now I'm only overweight lmfao
  • Slinky_BraveHeartBunsOfSteel
    Height: 5ft 1.5"
    Age: 39
    Medium-large frame
    SW: 191
    CW: 152 -ish
    GW: 130-135

    I've been 120 before (many,many years ago!) and it didn't suit me. My face looked gaunt. I'll be happy with 135... :)