I accidently did a no-no

now that i have your attention. I think i put myself into "starvation mode". I dont get as hungry as i should. It's been like that for a couple days. I basically just had breakfast today at like 11am and only ate like 550ish calories and i know that not enough but i just cant eat. I just feel sick thinking about eating and nothing looks appetizing. i know its unhealthy that's why I'm asking if i should just go eat something at 10:30pm or wait til morning and force myself to eat a full meals?

Thanks for the responses. :)


  • jvkh127
    jvkh127 Posts: 261 Member
    Eat something light. 550 calories is not enough for a man or even a woman for that matter. wait a little while before you go to bed.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Starvation mode generally takes longer than a day or two to happen. It is usually caused by a long stretch of not eating enough calories. If it's just been a few days of eating under - you're fine.

    I don't force myself to eat. If I'm not overly hungry - I may have a protein shake or something small, but forcing yourself to eat isn't a good thing either.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Starvation mode generally takes longer than a day or two to happen. It is usually caused by a long stretch of not eating enough calories. If it's just been a few days of eating under - you're fine.

    I don't force myself to eat. If I'm not overly hungry - I may have a protein shake or something small, but forcing yourself to eat isn't a good thing either.
  • mariakol
    mariakol Posts: 2
    I actually did the exact same thing today! It is only 9:30 here, but I am also wondering if I should just wait until morning.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Sorry for the double post - my computer is acting stupid.
  • BrianA180
    BrianA180 Posts: 12
    Eat something light. 550 calories is not enough for a man or even a woman for that matter. wait a little while before you go to bed.

    I know its extremely unhealthy, how about protein bars, would they do the trick?
  • Moonbeamlissie
    Moonbeamlissie Posts: 504 Member
    I think you should put something in your belly.... who says it has to be food? Go drink some milk or some juice. I am not sure that you put yourself in starvation mode though.... of course though I am one that doesn't fully believe in it anyway.
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    first off, good job for knowing it's not good/healthy. I guess it's not the best to eat so late or right before bed, but I would recommend eating something easy on the tummy to give your body something.

    As for the full meals- that's not the best thing to do either- 5 small meals throughout the day are recommended! Much luck!
  • katiemarie02
    katiemarie02 Posts: 12 Member
    I would say eat something. You're still entitled to a lot more points/calories available for your day. There's a post out now about a guy who discovered his daily entitlement was too low. He wasn't losing until he increased his daily caloric intake. Check it out "how I did it" is the title.
  • BrianA180
    BrianA180 Posts: 12
    Sorry let me change that.
    By couple i mean 5/6 days
  • Moonbeamlissie
    Moonbeamlissie Posts: 504 Member
    Eat something light. 550 calories is not enough for a man or even a woman for that matter. wait a little while before you go to bed.

    I know its extremely unhealthy, how about protein bars, would they do the trick?

    I think so! drink a glass of milk with it!
  • BrianA180
    BrianA180 Posts: 12
    I would drink milk, but i cant. I was able to a year ago but started again recently and lets say it doesn't like to stay for as long as i would like it too.
  • BrianA180
    BrianA180 Posts: 12
    I would drink milk, but i cant. I was able to a year ago but started again recently and lets say it doesn't like to stay for as long as i would like it too.
  • jvkh127
    jvkh127 Posts: 261 Member
    Eat something!! 5-6 days is too long to be living on 550 calories/day. It's not healthy. Your going to cause more damage than good. Don't gorge and eat heavy just start adding a couple hundred calories more til you get a normal appetite back. If your appetite doesn't return go see your doctor and get check out.
  • RRaffield
    RRaffield Posts: 3
    I totally wish I had your problem! I can't seem to stop snacking...no but seriously, my husband is the same way in that he can go all day without eating much at all if he's working hard, and I'll tell him he has to eat something!! A light snack/meal with complex carbs is good for you right before bed, or so I've read in several fitness/shape magazines (sweet potatoes are sooo great for you..do you like those?). It's supposedly good for your sleep, especially if your blood sugar is low.
  • laj3918
    laj3918 Posts: 28
    it is amazing how many folks i've counseled in my 20+ years of doing this... in your same position.

    1st - eat something - just to keep your metabolism stimulated.
    2nd - don't force yourself to eat full meals
    3rd - small meals throughout the day are best
    4th - less than 1,000 or even under 1,200 calories/day is dangerous
    5th - here's the amazing part: how many people were stuck in weight loss and/or fitness goals until i had them eat MORE. It's seem counterproductive... but yes, you need to consume calories in order to burn calories.

    it is simple math: calories in - calories out...nothing more complicated than that - but food is FUEL for your body's ENGINE...

    you're a guy - go mechanical ... if you want a top performing machine/body, then you can't put substandard fuel in it's tank.

    hope it helps - or even makes sense.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I eat before bed ALL the time - every single night. If I don't, I will wake up starving in the middle of the night and it results in bad food choices. I've lost almost 60lbs, so I don't believe that it matters WHEN you eat - I think it matters WHAT you eat.

    Have a protein bar if that sounds good.

    5-6 days probably won't put you into starvation mode - but everyone is different. I would work harder at trying to increase your calories through the day. Add higher calorie foods in - like almonds, peanut butter, etc.
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    Are you taking a multivitamin? First things first, take one! They will make sure you get the nutrition you've been missing out on!

    Maybe try to different set up so that you are getting all your calories in? Divide your day's worth of calories up into 3 different meals and a few snacks during the day?

    IF you aren't hungry for a full meal, then get your calories in with a piece of fruit, cheese, or another low calorie snack, preferrably in some nutrition zone you are getting the least of!

    I know that I went into a starvation mode when I was losing weight the first time around, like 6 years ago, and I ended up having heart problems and was fainting left and right! You most certainly don't want that to happen to you, it's scary!

    I hope everything works out though and good luck!
  • Tomhusker
    Tomhusker Posts: 346 Member
    I am under my calorie goal by a bunch a few times a week. But I get right up against the goal on other days. I have gone a week of not coming within 100 calories of the goal and have had no problems. Don't sweat it, eat when you are hungry.
  • BrianA180
    BrianA180 Posts: 12
    I love almonds and peanut butter but can only eat that on weekends due to i work with someone with peanut allergies and i don't want to kill my bosses wife, not good for work. I just don't eat anything with peanuts so theirs no chance of anything happening.

    I understood your analogy but i really don't know anything about cars, I'm a computer geek :P

    I almost fainted today while i was jogging but i was close to my house so i just threw myself on the couch and sat there breathing for 30 minutes.

    I'm going to get protein bars or pouder tomorrow. I am going to probably just try eating more meals throughout the day. or pre plan my meals.

    @tomhusker if i was coming within 500 of my recommended calorie intake i wouldn't be complaining but I'm over 1100 calories off + i lost roughly 500 calories from my workouts. I just don't have an appetite.