Feeling frustrated with myself!

I keep going over my calories and filling my daily calories with junky food! I find that most of my days, my highest amount of calories come from snacks! I've lost about 30 pounds since June and I've made exercise a priority and a habit which is great! I'm just having a hard time sticking to my calories and sticking to healthy food choice!! So I'm thinking maybe I just focus on eating 3 square meals a day and no snacks to get back on track? Thoughts, suggestions anything?! Thanks


  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Well done on 30 pounds thats fantastic.
    Maybe open your diary so people cna look and suggest.
    Maybe your calorie level is too restrictive and you cna increase it by a little. Consistency and sustainability are importnat.
    Maybe find some alternative snacks that give you the best bits you like, sych as crunch, spicy flavour, chcolatey etc.
    Weigh your food. You must be doing a lot right so dont fret and just adjust.
    Eat at a pattern and time to suit you and your hunger.
  • YummyMummyXox
    YummyMummyXox Posts: 17 Member
    I'm exactly the same, I'm a serial snacker! Lol. Feel free to add me for support :)
  • Kachnatko
    Kachnatko Posts: 7 Member
    I feel like will power never works. If you take snack away eventually you cave in and rebel. Start with replacing the snacks with alminds or few prunes, yogurt, jerky... if you dont buy snacks you are less likely to eat them :)
  • sashayoung72
    sashayoung72 Posts: 441 Member
    you have to buy better choices, I will snack no matter what, so I have good choices available or I will dig around and try to find anything "snacky"!!!!
  • Tellz29
    Tellz29 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm new to this blog. I have had food issues for as long as I can remember. I have an eating disorder and my weight fluctuates quite badly. I went through a period where I didn't eat much but exercised excessively (I was also on stumulants) and now I'm back to binge eating. It's a disorder if it impairs your life even to a degree. This app it very cool as I need to track my eating patterns to see when I am prone to binge eating and how to plan around that. I am in therapy and see a psychologist, psychiatrist and a dietician. I was told that weightloss shouldn't be the priority but rather the eating behaviours need to change first. It's very black and white. If you don't restrict you binge, and when you binge you are kind of like "screw it, I messed up anyway so what difference does it make?" - then you just keep binging. I guess what I am saying that snacking might not help but at least it's not bingeing . It really is hard to recover from it. Good luck to you all!
  • RoadtotheRAN
    RoadtotheRAN Posts: 55 Member
    I definately recommend the weighing of the food. Sometimes when we have been at this for a while we think that we know approximately what something weighs, when in reality it weighs alot more than we think. Try and get back to basics food wise, protein, carbs, fats..ie- chicken / meat + vegetables (carbs) and good fats ie- coconut oil, avocado, nuts as it could also be the the body just needing a change in what you are eating.
  • oh_happy_day
    oh_happy_day Posts: 1,137 Member
    My snacks are often more calories than my meals. I'm okay with it - I like to eat every few hours and I've always been that way. I still keep within my calories. I pre-log each day so I know what I can eat. I portion out all my snacks (weighed and put in containers).
  • sealensfit
    sealensfit Posts: 51 Member
    I snack all day long - like I seriously never stop eating... but I make sure everything fits my macros for the most part. I'm not being super strict right now, just in maintenance, but I meal prep on Sundays or Mondays and weigh everything out (and add it to my diary) to make sure it fits. I bring all my meals and snacks with me so I'm not tempted by junk throughout the day. I work 10.5 hour shifts at work, then go straight to school for another 4 hours after... it is definitely possible to snack and have it fit! Just choose healthier options, and make sure you're not eating because you're bored.