Plateau after only 1 month

I have been doing this for 1 month and in the first two weeks I lost 7lbs. Last week I gained 1lb and this week I stayed the same.

Is this something this something that tends to happen at this point? Will I start to lose again next week?

I'm feeling really discouraged.


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Weight loss is not linear. If you think about it you lost 6 pounds in a month which is very good and quite typical.

    With your diary set to private it is hard to give any more advice other than you need patience. You did not put on 28 in a month or two and it will not take a month or two to come off:)
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    edited August 2015
    You lost 7 pounds in one month! That's awesome. That is 1.75 pounds a week on average.

    Yes you will have weeks where you don't lose and even some when you will gain weight. Don't worry too much about that. It will happen. Sometimes you won't seem to lose for a while. I just had a solid month of a significant gain and then holding pretty steady. All of it came off in about a week followed by another pound loss the next week. Too much salt, hormones and heavy exercise combined to create a big water retention issue. Water isn't a huge deal. It's not fat. Still a little frustrating but I just stuck to the program.

    Just keep going. You are doing great.
  • ankdworak
    ankdworak Posts: 336 Member
    You're doing great! Feel free to add me for support. ankdworak
  • annagrnwd
    annagrnwd Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks, some really useful advice!
  • acmanna
    acmanna Posts: 200 Member
    It is normal. Make sure that you are living and eating a calorie deficit. I'm up 6 pounds from Wednesday but I know I haven't eaten that much! Just part of life
  • annagrnwd
    annagrnwd Posts: 5 Member
    So I should expect to be up sometimes for multiple weeks in a row, but then lose for a couple of weeks too?
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    yes, you should look for the overall trend. If you hiot a stall for 6 weeks with no weight loss then its because you are at maintenance and need to re establish a deficit. Use soe thing like trendweight to chart your joruney.
  • Baneessa
    Baneessa Posts: 1 Member
    I know these are all from two years ago and not sure if everyone is still participating but this post has been very insightful and uplifting after feeling the same way this week. Thank you.