Looking for help and support

i need to lose some weight and get healthy, my body is starting to rebel against me so I keep trying to get started with eating better and exercising and something always gets in the way. I started last week doing good for 4 days then good old Mother Nature called so wasn't feeling well the rest of the week. So I decided I wanted to start the 21 day fix today, did some research the past few days so I can get right into it today, now a bit frustrated with the nutrition part cause I spent too much time this morning with this. I might just track my nutrition here and try the workouts on there. I really seem to have no willpower, soon as I get a craving, I'm done. Help.... Think I just need some people to keep my accountable or motivated.


  • tomnev1
    tomnev1 Posts: 184 Member
    21 day fix? Sorry but there's no shortcuts or 21 day fix, etc. That's why you have no will power.

    If you want to feel really bad here's the truth you must face. Losing weight long is a long term commitment. It's hard to change your lifestyle. It's also hard being fat and unfit. Choose your hard!

    By "mother nature" I assume you mean your period. Rather than dismiss my opinion as a man, think of it this way. Most women have periods. Most women who lose weight have periods.

    There is one one person you are accountable to - and they are not at the other end of a computer.

    "If it is to be, then it is up to me."
  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    The 21 day fix can help you get started on the right track, but Tomnev1 is right, there is no quick fix.

    One of the problems you may be having is being too restrictive. I got off track recently because I got bored with eating the same things. I needed to shake things up a bit. I didn't do it right because I gave into it too much. However, truth be told nothing is a "bad food" just some things are less nutritious and have high calories.

    Instead of thinking "I can't eat that" think "I can eat a little of that". This will help you a lot to get yourself going.

    Also clean out the junk from your house. If you get a craving and its not there to eat, well then you can't give in.

    FYI< my worst enemy is the candy machine at work. So I know how it feels and its hard, but at least the candy machine items are portioned and I am not eating and entire box of ......
  • trinanicole40
    trinanicole40 Posts: 1 Member
    I feel your pain. It's hard to get started but even harder to stay the course. If you're ready don't complicate things with gimmicks. I've tried every gimmick and lose weight quick scheme known to man, it may work but it never lasts. MFP is a good program, I foolishly stopped using it and not only did I gain the weight back I lost I found some more. If you have a craving give in to it..ONCE not all day and not for days on end. I don't want to assume how much weight you need to lose but if it's a lot like me start slow. You got this! Good luck!
  • TriCardinal
    TriCardinal Posts: 48 Member
    Start with just tracking your food- some research I've read (don't have the citation) says that being aware of what you eat can help you lose weight just being seeing your soft spots- works the same way with spending too much and then tracking your money. This helped me to get started and then I was able to focus on a few changes at a time
  • twpushie
    twpushie Posts: 8 Member
    Ok so thanks for the comments guys, I do not usually find quick fixes like 21 day fix, I was just thinking of something with structure. I find myself to be a bit of a sook so when I am not feeling well everything goes to *kitten*, I'm trying to change that. I am going to try to just cut down on my food, by tracking on here a bit I have noticed that some things I eat regularly have a lot of fat in them. Like bacon. I have to lose about 40 lbs. I'm 177 right now. I think I need to take in about 1500 cal and on a good day I cut down I actually take in about 2000. This is prob why I am not losing, when I eat less I crave more. I think I'm just in a rut of eating the same foods and find it hard to make different choices.
  • twpushie
    twpushie Posts: 8 Member
    I have noticed that with tracking, I'm aware of the bacon now. Makes me sad but I'm not eating that every day now.