Change of portion size can cause stomach acid problems?


I've change my portion size and mealtimes. Before the summer I would eat three large meals a day, plus snack in between (and gained 10kg in one year). So now it's time to take it off again; for the last eight weeks I've been eating two smaller meals a day and fewer snacks. I'm going to start jogging soon too.

I've frequently been uncomfortably hungry during this time, but I can ignore it most times. However, in the last two to three weeks, I've noticed that I seem to be refluxing acid. I've got that acid feeling in my stomach a lot of the time (which feel a bit like hunger pangs, but with an 'edge' to them and it doesn't go away like hunger does). I am burping a lot more than I used to. Also, when I have a cup of tea, my oesophagus hurts (a burning sensation) from my chest down to my stomach.

My (uninformed) feeling is that my body is simply still producing the same amount of acid as before the change, to cope with the amount I was eating, and now I have excess acid due to suddenly cutting down on portions. I am hoping that in another couple of weeks the amount of acid being produce will adjust naturally to my new diet.

I'd just like to get someone else's opinion on this though, since it could be dangerous to allow excess acid and reflux to go on for too long. Also, should I be taking something to neutralise the acid? Will swigging some milk jelp, or should I be taking something stronger?



  • jenmckane86
    jenmckane86 Posts: 50 Member
    It's likely what you are eating instead of how much you are eating. Spinach and dairy do this to me. In fact, I can't even digest spinach unless it's ground up in a smoothie or something. Take a look at what you are eating on the days that this happens. Then start eliminating/ substituting to narrow down what the culprit might be. If you can't narrow it down to anything, then your feeling might be right...
  • minimoi86
    minimoi86 Posts: 7 Member
    It's funny you mention this because I've been having the same issues. I have a long history of stomach issues (Crohn's disease, acid reflux ect) and I CANNOT eat small meals. When I do I get the worst feeling in my stomach and tons of acid. I need 3 bigger meals during the day and a snack at night.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    edited August 2015
    Are you changing what you eat as well as the amount? I have constant acid reflux, but lowering the amount I ate every day didn't make it worse for me. If you've changed what you eat as well as how much, you may be getting some foods that are higher in acid. Or, it could be you already ate those foods, but those aren't the ones you're cutting back on so you don't have other things to buffer it. Example: I like orange juice, but if I drink just that, I get acid reflux. However, if I eat first, I can have a little and be ok.

    If it's really bugging you and not going away, try going on Zantac for a week or so. Milk might help too, but can't verify that personally as I can't drink it. But I do know that if I take a Zantac before eating meals that I know give me acid reflux, it stops it from happening. Once it happens, take some Tums because by the time the Zantac hits your system, the attack is usually over. If it persists for a couple of months, talk to the doctor. You REALLY don't want it continuing too long because the fumes caused by acid reflux will mess up your lungs if left untreated for a long period of time.
  • YamiElisa
    YamiElisa Posts: 25 Member
    I have medication every day for reflux and it's definitely not a fun thing to have, I know. The burping might be due to the acid coming up, I get hiccups from it.

    Perhaps you should slowly reduce your portion sizes? That might also help with the uncomfortably hungry feeling as you adjust more slowly? Also, have you changed the foods you're eating? If you're eating anything new, something might not agree with you.

    Perhaps also try work in some foods which will help with reducing stomach acid like oatmeal or bananas as snacks?

    You can get some good over the counter remedies for reflux and heart burn in the short term.

    Hope you find a good solution for your reflux!
  • anti
    anti Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks for the replies and suggestions.

    Just to clarify, I've not had previous stomach problems. Also, I'm eating the same kind of food as before, just adjusting the portions (although I am trying to cut down on the junk and opt for more vegetables). Since this began I also have cut out spicy food/sauces.
  • andympanda
    andympanda Posts: 763 Member
    Since I have cut back I have a lot less stomach acid issues. I even had to through out some antacid because they were sitting around for so long they expired.
  • applebreeeeze
    applebreeeeze Posts: 21 Member
    When I first started cutting back on calories and portion sizes a few months back, I also started getting acid reflux. Felt like extreme hunger, like you described. For me it was worst in the afternoon, so I started taking an antacid every day when I finished eating lunch. (As a preventive measure, well before my stomach started going crazy.) It's helped a ton. I don't need it every day anymore, but still carry them just in case.
  • anti
    anti Posts: 20 Member
    OK, thanks. I'll definitely look into taking antacids for a few weeks while I wait for it to settle down.
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    minimoi86 wrote: »
    It's funny you mention this because I've been having the same issues. I have a long history of stomach issues (Crohn's disease, acid reflux ect) and I CANNOT eat small meals. When I do I get the worst feeling in my stomach and tons of acid. I need 3 bigger meals during the day and a snack at night.

    I also have a history of severe stomach problems, and I have messed around with meal timing/portions/macros/veganism, etc. I have found I do best on 4 meals a day, of fairly equal size.

  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    ask your doctor if you should start the "bland diet" to help give your system a rest. Its possible you are eating more tomatoes/citrus/black coffee etc that is irritating to your stomach.