Rewards for weightloss goals???

I'm about to hit my 20 lb loss and be at the weight I was 2 years ago:) and don't really have any ideas for rewards. Any good ones out there? Something not food related :) thanks!!


  • lollypop30
    lollypop30 Posts: 10
    how about a nice spa day? or a trip to the hairdressers/beauty parlour? x
  • beckusjane
    beckusjane Posts: 112
    Manicure/ pedicure. I have also been saving to reward myself with a HRM when I reach my 30# goal.
  • dcerna62
    dcerna62 Posts: 45 Member
    A new outfit, mani/pedi, laser tag, a new workout dvd....A few ideas
  • JujiBean
    JujiBean Posts: 187
    How about:

    a sexy new workout outfit

    A to-die-for new handbag

    A sexy new haircut

    A makeover at the makeup counter at the local department store. (These are usually free)

    Bathing suit / bikini

    One night away at a hotel / inn with your significant other

    Ohhhhh, the possibilites!