For the love of popcorn.....



  • rhyolite_
    rhyolite_ Posts: 188 Member
    Google calories in movie theater popcorn.
    1,200 calories with enough saturated fat for 3 days.
    You would have to save calories for more than just 1 day.

    This is not true and makes absolutely no sense. SOME movie theater popcorn varieties can have those numbers. If I remember correctly, the numbers you're referencing come from a lab study on Regal Cinemas popcorn sizes large and medium. The study claims that both the medium and the large have 1,200 cals. That doesn't make any sense, since a large tub of Regal popcorn is 3-4 times the size of a medium. So either the numbers reported are inaccurate (either in their reporting or their findings), or Regal has changed the bag/tub size of their popcorn since the findings were reported in 2011. Either way, this is one movie chain and one study. Small popcorns and even child-size popcorns are available. Are you telling me that a child-size popcorn will have 1,200 cals and enough sat fat for 3 days?

    Regardless, OP, I love movie popcorn. And I do in fact manage to save up for one in a day. I usually get a small or medium and eat very little the rest of the day to do so. I've managed to lose about 30 pounds so far while going to the movies about once a week. So clearly, the calorie count is not astronomically higher than what I figured.
  • andrikosDE
    andrikosDE Posts: 383 Member
    edited August 2015
    I always get disappointed when I eat "non-homemade" popcorn because it's either soggy or just not crunchy enough.

    When I make my own popcorn, after it's popped, I toss it with the spices of my choice (usually just super finely ground sea salt so I use less) and put it in the convection oven at ~110C (240F) for at least 10 minutes to dry up and become super crunchy. Those 10 minutes give me enough time to turn on the projector and choose a movie.
    As Alton Brown used to say in Good Eats: "Your patience will be rewarded" ;)

    When I get extra kinky, I grind me some ultrafine aged parmesan and toss it with the popcorn and then it goes in the oven (no extra salt needed). Oh man.... now I want popcorn!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Google calories in movie theater popcorn.
    1,200 calories with enough saturated fat for 3 days.
    You would have to save calories for more than just 1 day.

    i'd still take it- that ish is delicious!
  • AlisonH729
    AlisonH729 Posts: 558 Member
    edited August 2015
    I saw Giada make this pizza popcorn on her show this weekend. I'm not sure how I feel about it. She put butter, garlic & sundried tomatoes in the food processor, then melted it on the stovetop & poured it over her popcorn. Then she topped it with parmesan & a sprinkle of oregano. I don't like raw garlic much, so it would have to simmer a little bit. It sounds good, but also like a lot of work when just melted butter is yummy enough.
  • CarolinaCricket
    CarolinaCricket Posts: 127 Member
    I *love* movie popcorn. I rarely go to the movies but when I do the popcorn is a must but only a small.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    AlisonH729 wrote: »
    It sounds good, but also like a lot of work when just melted butter is yummy enough.

    I like air-popped corn with butter, garlic salt & freshly ground black pepper. Sometimes I stir curry powder into the butter and skip the S&P. Or melt the butter in the microwave with minced fresh garlic—it's enough cooking to mellow the garlic.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    I love movie popcorn. i'll eat lighter during the day. I drink a lot of fluids to flush the excess sodium.
    I enjoy it and try not to worry about it too much.
  • smalpeg
    smalpeg Posts: 5 Member
    corn popped at home in 1TBLS coconut oil,sprinkle with sea salt aand a bit of old bay seasoning,,yum yum
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    AlisonH729 wrote: »
    I saw Giada make this pizza popcorn on her show this weekend. I'm not sure how I feel about it. She put butter, garlic & sundried tomatoes in the food processor, then melted it on the stovetop & poured it over her popcorn. Then she topped it with parmesan & a sprinkle of oregano. I don't like raw garlic much, so it would have to simmer a little bit. It sounds good, but also like a lot of work when just melted butter is yummy enough.

    that's exactly my thoughts on it.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    rhyolite_ wrote: »
    Google calories in movie theater popcorn.
    1,200 calories with enough saturated fat for 3 days.
    You would have to save calories for more than just 1 day.

    This is not true and makes absolutely no sense. SOME movie theater popcorn varieties can have those numbers. If I remember correctly, the numbers you're referencing come from a lab study on Regal Cinemas popcorn sizes large and medium. The study claims that both the medium and the large have 1,200 cals. That doesn't make any sense, since a large tub of Regal popcorn is 3-4 times the size of a medium. So either the numbers reported are inaccurate (either in their reporting or their findings), or Regal has changed the bag/tub size of their popcorn since the findings were reported in 2011. Either way, this is one movie chain and one study. Small popcorns and even child-size popcorns are available. Are you telling me that a child-size popcorn will have 1,200 cals and enough sat fat for 3 days?

    Regardless, OP, I love movie popcorn. And I do in fact manage to save up for one in a day. I usually get a small or medium and eat very little the rest of the day to do so. I've managed to lose about 30 pounds so far while going to the movies about once a week. So clearly, the calorie count is not astronomically higher than what I figured.

    The study was about a large popcorn at a typical movie theater. They're usually higher in calories because the poppers use oil to pop the popcorn, and the study included getting the added butter.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    I used to love the typical movie theater popcorn, until I figured out it is very easy to just make my own, add my own flavourings and make it taste a thousand times better. It is one the few things I just bring from home when going to the movies, now I feel the theater popcorn either tastes kind of stale or does not have enough flavour compared to homemade. And it is about 5 minutes to prepare some fresh popcorn before leaving the house, so I just bring my own.
  • br3adman
    br3adman Posts: 284 Member
    Molly mcbutter sprinkle and air popped corn add a little salt. You will thank me later once u try it
  • rhyolite_
    rhyolite_ Posts: 188 Member
    edited August 2015
    mccindy72 wrote: »
    rhyolite_ wrote: »
    Google calories in movie theater popcorn.
    1,200 calories with enough saturated fat for 3 days.
    You would have to save calories for more than just 1 day.

    This is not true and makes absolutely no sense. SOME movie theater popcorn varieties can have those numbers. If I remember correctly, the numbers you're referencing come from a lab study on Regal Cinemas popcorn sizes large and medium. The study claims that both the medium and the large have 1,200 cals. That doesn't make any sense, since a large tub of Regal popcorn is 3-4 times the size of a medium. So either the numbers reported are inaccurate (either in their reporting or their findings), or Regal has changed the bag/tub size of their popcorn since the findings were reported in 2011. Either way, this is one movie chain and one study. Small popcorns and even child-size popcorns are available. Are you telling me that a child-size popcorn will have 1,200 cals and enough sat fat for 3 days?

    Regardless, OP, I love movie popcorn. And I do in fact manage to save up for one in a day. I usually get a small or medium and eat very little the rest of the day to do so. I've managed to lose about 30 pounds so far while going to the movies about once a week. So clearly, the calorie count is not astronomically higher than what I figured.

    The study was about a large popcorn at a typical movie theater. They're usually higher in calories because the poppers use oil to pop the popcorn, and the study included getting the added butter.

    I just looked for the study again, and the study I was/am referencing is the CSPI study from 2009, which does claim that Regal medium and large unbuttered popcorns each hold 1,200 cals and enough sat fat for 3 days.

    I don't think their claim that a medium and large hold the same amount can be true. I'm a type 1 diabetic and have to take very different dosages depending on which I order (I don't take the free refill either). If the carbs aren't the same, I don't see how the calories could be the same.

    Regardless, I budget in a medium about 4-6 times a month and have been losing just fine. So I don't believe that it's possible I'm massively underestimating the calories. My deficit is already very small since I've only got a bit left to go.
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    Nope. I was a nachos person. Now that calories just aren't worth it for me. I prefer to get some food before the movie and just drink water during. Popcorn makes me hungry, no matter how much I eat. And movie theater popcorn makes me feel bad the next day.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    I was until I started working a theatre! That's when I found out the butter oil is basically flavored soybean oil, which explained a few things I had trouble with after watching a movie.

    I make it for myself at home now. I do use oil to pop, but don't have to use that much and a teaspoon of melted butter doesn't add a lot of calories. My issue is I crave salt! XD
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited August 2015
    Am I the only one that is a sucker for movie theater popcorn? I find myself eating veggies all day just to save calories for my popcorn at the movies!!!

    Nope - so over it. I used to work in a movie theater in high school.

    I make light popcorn in a Presto microwave bowl. A little butter flavored oil...and I use some different seasonings. Oil helps the seasonings stick.

    If you want to try your own lower cal version..........Flavocol is supposed to be the #1 movie theater popcorn seasoning salt....I've seen it on Amazon (but not tried it).
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    rutzsa wrote: »
    You can also just put popcorn in a paper bag to pop in microwave.

    I've never been able to get this to work.........always left a ton of seeds in the bag. Plus, toppings don't really stick to air-popped corn.
  • Kissenia2000
    Kissenia2000 Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks for the tips everyone!
  • Kissenia2000
    Kissenia2000 Posts: 27 Member
    editorgrrl wrote: »
    AlisonH729 wrote: »
    It sounds good, but also like a lot of work when just melted butter is yummy enough.

    I like air-popped corn with butter, garlic salt & freshly ground black pepper. Sometimes I stir curry powder into the butter and skip the S&P. Or melt the butter in the microwave with minced fresh garlic—it's enough cooking to mellow the garlic.

  • jadowns
    jadowns Posts: 167 Member
    edited August 2015
    Dude, popcorn is a WHOLE FOOD &&& super low in calories. Make it for yourself at home to avoid a scary amount of oil and highly refined butter though. Not as yummy, I know.. But add some healthy organic butter, salt and nutritional yeast and you've got yourself an easy fix.